Module operator::content[][src]


A filesystem directory containing content.

A ContentEngine that serves files from a ContentDirectory.

A piece of rendered content along with its media type.

Values used during rendering, including the data passed to handlebars templates and executables.

Data passed to handlebars templates and executables.

Render data that comes from requests.

A canonicalized absolute URI path.

Indicates that a handlebars template could not be registered.

An anonymous handlebars template that is not from the content directory.


A hierarchial tree mapping out content in the registry. Does not actually contain content items, just their routes.

Indicates that there was a problem loading content from the filesystem.

A renderable item from the content directory.

Indicates that it was not possible to produce rendered output, either because rendering was attempted and failed or because no acceptable media types are available.

Indicates that something went wrong after starting to stream content.


Type Definitions

Alternative representations of the same resource.