openvino-sys 0.4.2

Low-level bindings for OpenVINO (use the `openvino` crate for easier-to-use bindings).
//! This crate provides low-level, unsafe, Rust bindings to OpenVINO™ using its [C API]. If you are
//! looking to use OpenVINO™ from Rust, you likely should look at the ergonomic, safe bindings in
//! [openvino], which depends on this crate. See the repository [README] for more information,
//! including build instructions.
//! [C API]:
//! [openvino-sys]:
//! [openvino]:
//! [README]:
//! An example interaction with raw [openvino-sys]:
//! ```
//! # use std::ffi::CStr;
//! openvino_sys::library::load().expect("to have an OpenVINO library available");
//! let version = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(openvino_sys::ie_c_api_version().api_version) };
//! assert!(version.to_string_lossy().starts_with("2"));
//! ```

#![allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals)]
#![allow(unused, dead_code)]

mod linking;

mod generated;
pub use generated::*;

/// Contains extra utilities for finding and loading the OpenVINO shared libraries.
pub mod library {
    use std::path::PathBuf;

    // Include the definition of `load` here. This allows hiding all of the "extra" linking-related
    // functions in the same place, without polluting the top-level namespace (which should only
    // contain foreign functions and types).
    pub use super::generated::load;

    /// Return the location of the shared library `openvino-sys` will link to. If compiled with
    /// runtime linking, this will attempt to discover the location of a `openvino_c` shared library
    /// on the system. Otherwise (with dynamic linking or compilation from source), this relies on a
    /// static path discovered at build time.
    /// Knowing the location of the OpenVINO libraries is critical to avoid errors, unfortunately.
    /// OpenVINO loads target-specific libraries on demand for performing inference. To do so, it
    /// relies on a `plugins.xml` file that maps targets (e.g. CPU) to the target-specific
    /// implementation library. At runtime, users must pass the path to this file so that OpenVINO
    /// can inspect it and load the required libraries to satisfy the user's specified targets. By
    /// default, the `plugins.xml` file is found in the same directory as the libraries, e.g.
    /// `find().unwrap().parent()`.
    pub fn find() -> Option<PathBuf> {
        if cfg!(feature = "runtime-linking") {
        } else {