openvino-finder 0.3.1

A helper crate for finding OpenVINO installations on a system.


A utility for locating OpenVINO™ libraries on a host system. It will attempt to find the OpenVINO shared libraries in:

  • the OPENVINO_INSTALL_DIR environment variable (pointed at the top-level OpenVINO installation, e.g. /opt/intel/openvino)
  • the INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR environment variable (same as above; this is set by OpenVINO setup scripts)
  • the environment's library path (e.g., LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Linux; this is also set by the OpenVINO setup scripts)
  • OpenVINO's default installation paths for the OS (a best effort attempt)


This crate is currently experimental--its API surface is subject to change.


let path = openvino_finder::find("inference_engine_c_api").unwrap();