[][src]Function openthread_sys::otCoapMessageAppendBlock1Option

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otCoapMessageAppendBlock1Option(
    aMessage: *mut otMessage,
    aNum: u32,
    aMore: bool,
    aSize: otCoapBlockSize
) -> otError

This function appends a Block1 option

@param[inout] aMessage A pointer to the CoAP message. @param[in] aNum Current block number. @param[in] aMore Boolean to indicate more blocks are to be sent. @param[in] aSize Block Size Exponent.

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully appended the option. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS The option type is not equal or greater than the last option type. @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS The option length exceeds the buffer size.