opentelemetry 0.8.0

A metrics collection and distributed tracing framework
# Changelog

## [v0.8.0]

## Added

- Add custom span processors to `Provider::Builder` #166

### Changed

-  Separate `Carrier` into `Injector` and `Extractor` #164
-  Change the default sampler to be `ParentOrElse(AlwaysOn)` #163
-  Move the `Sampler` interface to the SDK #169

## [v0.7.0]

### Added
- New `ParentOrElse` sampler for fallback logic if parent is not sampled. #128
- Attributes can now have array values #146
- Added `record_exception` and `record_exception_with_stacktrace` methods to `Span` #152

### Changed
- Update sampler types #128
  - `Always` is now `AlwaysOn`. `Never` is now `AlwaysOff`. `Probability` now ignores parent 
    sampled state.
- `base64` and `binary_propagator` have been moved to `experimental` module. #134
- `Correlation-Context` header has been updated to `otcorrelations` #145
- `B3Propagator` has been updated to more closely follow the spec  #148

## [v0.6.0]

### Added
- Add `http` and `tonic` features to impl `Carrier` for common types.

### Changed
- Removed `span_id` from sampling parameters when implementing custom samplers.

### Fixed
- Make `Context` `Send + Sync` in #127

## [v0.5.0]

### Added
- Derive `Clone` for `B3Propagator`, `SamplingResult`, and `SpanBuilder`
- Ability to configure the span id / trace id generator
- impl `From<T>` for common `Key` and `Value` types
- Add global `tracer` method
- Add `Resource` API
- Add `Context` API
- Add `Correlations` API
- Add `HttpTextCompositePropagator` for composing `HttpTextPropagator`s
- Add `GlobalPropagator` for globally configuring a propagator
- Add `TraceContextExt` to provide methods for working with trace data in a context
- Expose `EvictedQueue` constructor

### Changed
- Ensure that impls of `Span` are `Send` and `Sync` when used in `global`
- Changed `Key` and `Value` method signatures to remove `Cow` references
- Tracer's `start` now uses the implicit current context instead of an explicit span context.
  `start_with_context` may be used to specify a context if desired.
- `with_span` now accepts a span for naming consistency and managing the active state of a more
  complex span (likely produced by a builder), and the previous functionality that accepts a
  `&str` has been renamed to `in_span`, both of which now yield a context to the provided closure.
- Tracer's `get_active_span` now accepts a closure
- The `Instrument` trait has been renamed to `FutureExt` to avoid clashing with metric instruments,
  and instead accepts contexts via `with_context`.
- Span's `get_context` method has been renamed to `span_context` to avoid ambiguity.
- `HttpTextPropagators` inject the current context instead of an explicit span context. The context
  can be specified with `inject_context`.
- `SpanData`'s `context` has been renamed to `span_context`

### Fixed
- Update the probability sampler to match the spec
- Rename `Traceparent` header to `traceparent`

### Removed
- `TracerGenerics` methods have been folded in to the `Tracer` trait so it is longer needed
- Tracer's `mark_span_as_inactive` has been removed
- Exporters no longer require an `as_any` method
- Span's `mark_as_active`, `mark_as_inactive`, and `as_any` have been removed

## [v0.4.0]

### Added
- New async batch span processor
- New stdout exporter
- Add `trace_id` to `SpanBuilder`

### Changed
- Add `attributes` to `Event`s.
- Update `Span`'s `add_event` and `add_event_with_timestamp` to accept attributes.
- Record log fields in jaeger exporter
- Properly export span kind in jaeger exporter
- Add support for `Link`s
- Add `status_message` to `Span` and `SpanData`
- Rename `SpanStatus` to `StatusCode`
- Update `EvictedQueue` internals from LIFO to FIFO
- Switch span attributes to `EvictedHashMap`

### Fixed
- Call `shutdown` correctly when span processors and exporters are dropped

## [v0.3.0]

### Added
- New Base64 propagator
- New SpanBuilder api
- Zipkin Exporter crate 

### Changed
- Switch to `SpanId` and `TraceId` from `u64` and `u128`
- Remove `&mut self` requirements for `Span` API

### Fixed
- circular Tracer debug impl

## [v0.2.0]

### Added
- Make trace and metrics features optional
- ExportResult as specified in the specification
- Add Futures compatibility API
- Added serde serialise support to SpanData
- Separate OpenTelemetry Jaeger crate

### Changed
- Rename HttpTraceContextPropagator to TraceContextPropagator
- Rename HttpB3Propagator to B3Propagator
- Switch to Apache 2 license
- Resolve agent addresses to allow non-static IP
- Remove tracer name prefix from span name

### Removed
- Remove add_link from spans

## [v0.1.5]

### Added
- trace-context propagator

### Changed
- Prometheus API cleanup

## [v0.1.4]

### Added
- Parent option for default sampler

### Fixed
-  SDK tracer default span id

## [v0.1.3]

### Changed
- Ensure spans are always send and sync
- Allow static lifetimes for span names
- Improve KeyValue ergonomics

## [v0.1.2]

### Added
- Implement global provider

## [v0.1.1]

### Added
- Documentation and API cleanup
- Tracking of active spans via thread local span stack

## [v0.1.0]

Initial debug alpha