Module opentelemetry::sdk::export::metrics[][src]

This is supported on crate feature metrics only.
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Metrics Export


pub use stdout::stdout;


Stdout Metrics Exporter


A container for the exported data for a single metric instrument and attribute set, as prepared by an Accumulator for the Processor.

Buckets represent histogram buckets boundaries and counts.

A container for the common elements for exported metric data that are shared by the Accumulator->Processor and Processor->Exporter steps.

A container for the exported data for a single metric instrument and attribute set, as prepared by the Processor for the Exporter. This includes the effective start and end time for the aggregation.


Indicates the kind of data exported by an exporter. These bits may be OR-d together when multiple exporters are in use.

Strategies for selecting which export kind is used for an instrument.


Aggregator implements a specific aggregation behavior, i.e., a behavior to track a sequence of updates to an instrument. Sum-only instruments commonly use a simple Sum aggregator, but for the distribution instruments (ValueRecorder, ValueObserver) there are a number of possible aggregators with different cost and accuracy tradeoffs.

AggregatorSelector supports selecting the kind of Aggregator to use at runtime for a specific metric instrument.

CheckpointSet allows a controller to access a complete checkpoint of aggregated metrics from the Processor. This is passed to the Exporter which may then use try_for_each to iterate over the collection of aggregated metrics.

The interface used by a Controller to coordinate the Processor with Accumulator(s) and Exporter(s). The start_collection and finish_collection methods start and finish a collection interval. Controllers call the Accumulator(s) during collection to process Accumulations.

Count returns the number of values that were aggregated.

ExportKindSelector is a sub-interface of Exporter used to indicate whether the Processor should compute Delta or Cumulative Aggregations.

Exporter handles presentation of the checkpoint of aggregate metrics. This is the final stage of a metrics export pipeline, where metric data are formatted for a specific system.

Histogram returns the count of events in pre-determined buckets.

LastValue returns the latest value that was aggregated.

A locked processor.

Max returns the maximum value over the set of values that were aggregated.

Min returns the minimum value over the set of values that were aggregated.

MinMaxSumCount supports the Min, Max, Sum, and Count interfaces.

Points return the raw set of values that were aggregated.

Processor is responsible for deciding which kind of aggregation to use (via aggregation_selector), gathering exported results from the SDK during collection, and deciding over which dimensions to group the exported data.

An optional interface implemented by some Aggregators. An Aggregator must support subtract() in order to be configured for a Precomputed-Sum instrument (SumObserver, UpDownSumObserver) using a DeltaExporter.

Sum returns an aggregated sum.


Allows Accumulator implementations to construct new Accumulations to send to Processors. The Descriptor, Attributes, Resource, and Aggregator represent aggregate metric events received over a single collection period.

Allows Processor implementations to construct export records. The Descriptor, Attributes, and Aggregator represent aggregate metric events received over a single collection period.