[][src]Module opentelemetry::api::trace

OpenTelemetry Tracing API.

The tracing API consist of a few main traits:

  • The Tracer trait which describes all tracing operations.
  • The Span trait with is a mutable object storing information about the current operation execution.
  • The SpanContext struct is the portion of a Span which must be serialized and propagated along side of a distributed context


The OpenTelemetry library achieves in-process context propagation of Spans by way of the Tracer.

The Tracer is responsible for tracking the currently active Span, and exposes methods for creating and activating new Spans. The Tracer is configured with Propagators which support transferring span context across process boundaries.

Tracers are generally expected to be used as singletons. Implementations SHOULD provide a single global default Tracer.

Some applications may require multiple Tracer instances, e.g. to create Spans on behalf of other applications. Implementations MAY provide a global registry of Tracers for such applications.


A Span represents a single operation within a trace. Spans can be nested to form a trace tree. Each trace contains a root span, which typically describes the end-to-end latency and, optionally, one or more sub-spans for its sub-operations.

Spans encapsulate:

  • The operation name
  • An immutable SpanContext that uniquely identifies the Span
  • A parent span in the form of a SpanContext, or None
  • A start timestamp
  • An end timestamp
  • An ordered mapping of Attributes
  • A list of Links to other Spans
  • A list of timestamped Events
  • A Status.

The Span's start and end timestamps reflect the elapsed real time of the operation. A Span's start time SHOULD be set to the current time on span creation. After the Span is created, it SHOULD be possible to change the its name, set its Attributes, and add Links and Events. These MUST NOT be changed after the Span's end time has been set.

Spans are not meant to be used to propagate information within a process. To prevent misuse, implementations SHOULD NOT provide access to a Span's attributes besides its SpanContext.

Vendors may implement the Span interface to effect vendor-specific logic. However, alternative implementations MUST NOT allow callers to create Spans directly. All Spans MUST be created via a Tracer.


A SpanContext represents the portion of a Span which must be serialized and propagated along side of a distributed context. SpanContexts are immutable. SpanContext.

The OpenTelemetry SpanContext representation conforms to the w3c TraceContext specification. It contains two identifiers - a TraceId and a SpanId - along with a set of common TraceFlags and system-specific TraceState values.

TraceId A valid trace identifier is a non-zero u128

SpanId A valid span identifier is a non-zero u64 byte.

TraceFlags contain details about the trace. Unlike Tracestate values, TraceFlags are present in all traces. Currently, the only TraceFlags is a boolean sampled flag.

Tracestate carries system-specific configuration data, represented as a list of key-value pairs. TraceState allows multiple tracing systems to participate in the same trace.

IsValid is a boolean flag which returns true if the SpanContext has a non-zero TraceID and a non-zero SpanID.

IsRemote is a boolean flag which returns true if the SpanContext was propagated from a remote parent.

Please review the W3C specification for details on the Tracestate field.



No-op OpenTelemetry Trace Implementation


OpenTelemetry Propagator interface


OpenTelemetry Tracer Provider Interface


OpenTelemetry Sampler Interface


OpenTelemetry Span interface


OpenTelemetry SpanContext interface


OpenTelemetry Tracer interface