opentelemetry-application-insights 0.7.0

OpenTelemetry exporter for Azure Application Insights
Documentation 0.7.0 Documentation 0.7.0 Workflow Status


An Azure Application Insights exporter implementation for OpenTelemetry Rust.

Disclaimer: This is not an official Microsoft product.


Configure a OpenTelemetry pipeline using the Application Insights exporter and start creating spans (this example requires the reqwest-client-blocking feature):

use opentelemetry::trace::Tracer as _;

fn main() {
    let instrumentation_key = std::env::var("INSTRUMENTATION_KEY").unwrap();
    let (tracer, _uninstall) = opentelemetry_application_insights::new_pipeline(instrumentation_key)

    tracer.in_span("main", |_cx| {});


The functions build and install automatically configure an asynchronous batch exporter if you enable either the async-std or tokio feature for the opentelemetry crate. Otherwise spans will be exported synchronously.

In order to support different async runtimes, the exporter requires you to specify an HTTP client that works with your chosen runtime. This crate comes with support for:

  • surf for async-std: enable the surf-client and opentelemetry/async-std features and configure the exporter with with_client(surf::Client::new()).
  • reqwest for tokio: enable the reqwest-client and opentelemetry/tokio features and configure the exporter with with_client(reqwest::Client::new()).
  • reqwest for synchronous exports: enable the reqwest-blocking-client feature and configure the exporter with with_client(reqwest::blocking::Client::new()).

Alternatively you can bring any other HTTP client by implementing the HttpClient trait.

Attribute mapping

OpenTelemetry and Application Insights are using different terminology. This crate tries it's best to map OpenTelemetry fields to their correct Application Insights pendant.


The OpenTelemetry SpanKind determines the Application Insights telemetry type:

OpenTelemetry SpanKind Application Insights telemetry type

The Span's status determines the Success field of a Dependency or Request. Success is false if the status Error; otherwise true.

The following of the Span's attributes map to special fields in Application Insights (the mapping tries to follow the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions for trace and resource).

Note: for INTERNAL Spans the Dependency Type is always "InProc".

OpenTelemetry attribute key Application Insights field
service.version Context: Application version Context: Authenticated user id
service.namespace + Context: Cloud role Context: Cloud role instance + telemetry.sdk.version Context: Internal SDK version
http.url Dependency Data
db.statement Dependency Data Dependency Target + net.peer.port Dependency Target
net.peer.ip + net.peer.port Dependency Target Dependency Target
http.status_code Dependency Result code
db.system Dependency Type
messaging.system Dependency Type
rpc.system Dependency Type
"HTTP" if any http. attribute exists Dependency Type
"DB" if any db. attribute exists Dependency Type
http.url Request Url
http.scheme + + Request Url
http.client_ip Request Source
net.peer.ip Request Source
http.status_code Request Response code

All other attributes are directly converted to custom properties.

For Requests the attributes http.method and http.route override the Name.


Events are converted into Exception telemetry if the event name equals "exception" (see OpenTelemetry semantic conventions for exceptions) with the following mapping:

OpenTelemetry attribute key Application Insights field
exception.type Exception type
exception.message Exception message
exception.stacktrace Exception call stack

All other events are converted into Trace telemetry.

All other attributes are directly converted to custom properties.

Application Insights integration


Huge thanks goes to Denis Molokanov for the amazing appinsights crate. Check it out if you want a more direct integration with Application Insights.


The only official documentation I could find is this one. Follow the links to see the data model and endpoint description.

Can I send telemetry to the Application Insights portal?

We recommend you use our SDKs and use the SDK API. There are variants of the SDK for various platforms. These SDKs handle buffering, compression, throttling, retries, and so on. However, the ingestion schema and endpoint protocol are public.
