pub enum Error {
Show 14 variants UnsupportedSftpProtocol { version: u32, }, SftpServerHelloMsgTooLong { len: u32, }, SftpServerFailure(ExitStatus), BackgroundTaskFailure(&'static &'static str), UnsupportedExtension(&'static &'static str), IOError(Error), FormatError(Error), AwaitableError(Error), BufferTooLong(TryFromIntError), InvalidResponseId { response_id: u32, }, RecursiveErrors(Box<(Error, Error)>), SftpError(SftpErrorKindSftpErrMsg), InvalidResponse(&'static &'static str), HandleTooLong,

Variants (Non-exhaustive)

This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.



version: u32

The minimal sftp protocol version the server supported.

Server speaks sftp protocol other than protocol 3.



len: u32

Server returned a hello message that is too long.


This error is meant to be a dummy error created by user of this crate to indicate that the sftp-server run on remote server failed.

openssh-sftp-client would never return this error.

BackgroundTaskFailure(&'static &'static str)

This error is meant to be a dummy error created by user of this crate to indicate that the sftp-server run on remote server failed.

openssh-sftp-client would never return this error.

UnsupportedExtension(&'static &'static str)

This error is meant to be a dummy error created by user of this crate to indicate that the extension is not supported.

openssh-sftp-client would never return this error.


IO Error (Excluding io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock): {0}.


Failed to serialize/deserialize the message: {0}.


Error when waiting for response


Sftp protocol can only send and receive at most u32::MAX data in one request.



response_id: u32

The response id is invalid.

The user can choose to log this error and continue operation.

RecursiveErrors(Box<(Error, Error)>)

(OriginalError, RecursiveError)


Sftp server error

InvalidResponse(&'static &'static str)

Invalid response from the sftp-server


Handle returned by server is longer than the limit 256 bytes specified in sftp v3.

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

The lower-level source of this error, if any. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (backtrace)

Returns a stack backtrace, if available, of where this error occurred. Read more

👎 Deprecated since 1.42.0:

use the Display impl or to_string()

👎 Deprecated since 1.33.0:

replaced by Error::source, which can support downcasting

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.