openssh-mux-client 0.1.2

Data format used to communicate with openssh mux server.


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Rust library to communicate with openssh-mux-server using ssh_mux_format.

The entire crate is built upon official document on ssh multiplex protocol.

Currently, I have written a few test cases to make sure the

  • health check
  • session opening
  • remote port forwarding

are working as intended, while features

  • local port forwarding
  • dynamic forwarding
  • graceful shutdown of the ssh multiplex server
  • terminating the ssh multiplex server

are implemented but not tested.

There are also two features that I didn't implement:

  • forward stdio (stdin + stdout) to remote port (not that useful)
  • closure of port forwarding (according to the [document], it is not implemented yet by ssh)

While it is extremely likely there are bugs in my code, I think it is ready for testing.


To run tests, make sure you have bash, ssh and docker installed on your computer and run:
