Module openraft::docs::internal::architecture

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§Openraft Architecture

The Openraft architecture is designed to provide a modular and extensible framework for implementing the Raft consensus algorithm. Each component serves a specific purpose and communicates with other components through channels or APIs. Users can customize the network, log storage, and state machine layers to fit their specific needs and requirements.

The major components inside Openraft include:

  • Raft: This is the control handle for the application and user. It provides APIs to send RaftMsg to RaftCore to manipulate Openraft.

  • RaftCore: This is the main component running in a tokio::task, which handles all client requests (such as client_write) and Raft protocol requests (such as append_entries). It is primarily an event loop that receives messages from the RaftMsg channel and the internal notification channel Notify.

    In v0.8, RaftLogStorage runs in the same task as RaftCore, while RaftStateMachine runs in a standalone task.

  • ReplicationHandle: This is the control handle for replication tasks, e.g., sending replication commands to ReplicationCore.

  • ReplicationCore: This is another event loop running in separate tasks to replicate logs or snapshots. It communicates with RaftCore through channels.

  • RaftNetwork: This is a user-provided component that implements the network transport layer, e.g., sending logs to a remote node or sending a VoteRequest to a remote node.

  • RaftLogStorage: This is a user-provided component that implements the log storage layer, e.g., appending a log to the log storage or reading a log from the log storage.

  • RaftStateMachine: This is a user-provided component that implements the state machine and snapshot, e.g., applying a log to the state machine or building a snapshot from the state machine.

    In v0.8, RaftLogStorage and RaftStateMachine are both wrappers of RaftStorage.

        !          User                   !
        !          o                      !
        !          |                      !
        !          |                      !
        !          | "client_write(impl AppData) -> impl AppDataResponse"
        !          | "is_leader()"        !
        !          | "change_membership()"!
        !          v                      !
        !          Raft                   !                      .-----> Raft o---.
        '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'                      |                |       
                   |                                             |                |       
                   | enum RaftMes                                |                |       
                   |                                             |                |       
           .~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.             |         .~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~.
           !       v                               !             |         !      v            !
.----------------o RaftCore ---------------------------.         |         !      RaftCore     !
|          !          o                            !   |         |         !                   !
|          !          |                            !   |         |         '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
|          !       .--+--------.                   !   |         |                                                  
|          !       v           v                   !   |         |                                                       
|          ! ReplicationHandle ReplicationHandle   !   |         |                                                       
|          !  |                |                   !   |         |    
|          '~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'   |         |                                                       
|             |                |                       |         |    
|  .~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~.  .~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.   |         | RPC:                      
|  !          v          !  !  v                   !   |         |   "vote()"                
|  ! ReplicationCore     !  !  ReplicationCore     !   |         |   "append_entries()"      
|  ! o                   !  !  o  o                !   |         |   "install_snapshot()"    
|  '~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'  !  |  |                !   |         |    
|    |                      !  |  v                !   |         |    
|    |                      !  |  RaftNetwork--------------------'    
|    |                      '~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'   |
|    |                         |                       | "apply()"
|    `------------+------------'                       | "build_snapshot()"
|                 | "get_log()"            .-----------' "install_snapshot()"
| "append_log()"  |                        | 
| "..."           |             .~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~. 
`--------.        |             !          v          ! 
         |        |             !   RaftStateMachine  ! 
         |        |             !          o          ! 
         |        |             !          |          ! 
         |        |             '~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~' 
         v        v                        |            
         RaftLogStorage                    |            
           o                               |            
           |                               |            
           v                               v            
       local-disk                     local-disk        
 -----------------------------------------------                     -----------------------------------------------
 Node 1                                                              Node 2


! "tokio task" !

o--> function call
---> async communication: via channel or RPC