openpgp-card-sequoia 0.2.1

Wrapper of openpgp-card for use with Sequoia PGP
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Heiko Schaefer <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0

# Using openpgp-card with Sequoia PGP

This crate is a higher level wrapper for the
[openpgp-card]( crate.

It offers convenient access to
[OpenPGP card](
functionality using [Sequoia PGP](

Note: The API of this crate is not finalized yet, please expect occasional breaking changes.

## Example code

The program `examples/` performs a number of functions on an OpenPGP card.
To run it, you need to set an environment variable to the identifier of 
the OpenPGP card you want to use.

NOTE: data on this card will be deleted in the process of running this 

$ export TEST_CARD_IDENT="0123:4567ABCD"
$ cargo run --example test

You can see more debugging output by increasing the log-level, like this:

$ RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --example test

# Funding

This project has been funded in part through [NGI Assure](, a fund established by [NLnet]( with financial support from the European Commission's [Next Generation Internet]( program.

[<img src="" alt="NGI Assure Logo" width="100px" />](

Learn more at the [NLnet project page](