openpgp-ca-lib 0.13.1

OpenPGP CA is a tool for managing and certifying OpenPGP keys

OpenPGP CA functionality as a library

Example usage:

# use openpgp_ca_lib::Uninit;
# use tempfile;
// all state of an OpenPGP CA instance is persisted in one SQLite database
let db_filename = "/tmp/openpgp-ca.sqlite";
# // for Doc-tests we need a random database filename
# let file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
# let db_filename = file.path().to_str().unwrap();

// Set up a new, uninitialized OpenPGP CA database
// (implicitly creates the database file).
let ca_uninit = Uninit::new(Some(db_filename)).expect("Failed to set up CA");

// Initialize the CA, create the CA key (with domain name and descriptive name)
let ca = ca_uninit
.init_softkey("", Some("Example Org OpenPGP CA Key"))

// Create a new user, certified by the CA, and a trust signature by the user
// key on the CA key.
// The new private key for the user is printed to stdout and needs to be manually
// processed from there.
ca.user_new(Some(&"Alice"), &[""], None, false, false)