openpgp-ca-lib 0.10.1

OpenPGP CA is a tool for managing and certifying OpenPGP keys
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Heiko Schaefer <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

name = "openpgp-ca-lib"
version = "0.10.1"
description = "OpenPGP CA is a tool for managing and certifying OpenPGP keys"
authors = ["Heiko Schaefer <>"]
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later"
categories = ["cryptography", "email"]
keywords = ["OpenPGP", "Sequoia", "PGP"]
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"

name = "openpgp_ca_lib"
path = "src/"

diesel = { version = "1.4", features = ["sqlite"] }
diesel_migrations = "1.4"

anyhow = "1.0"
chrono = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }

tokio = { version = "0.2.22", features = ["fs", "io-std", "io-util", "rt-threaded", "sync", "signal", "macros"] }

chbs = "0.0.8"
publicsuffix = "1.5"

sha2 = "0.9"

openpgp-keylist = "0.2"

sequoia-openpgp = "1.1"
sequoia-net = "0.23"

# for tests
tempfile = "3.1"
csv = "1.1"
rexpect = "0.4"