pub type openmpt_stream_seek_func = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(stream: *mut c_void, offset: i64, whence: c_int) -> c_int>;
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\brief Seek stream position

Seek to stream position offset at whence. \param stream Stream to operate on. \param offset Offset to seek to. \param whence OPENMPT_STREAM_SEEK_SET, OPENMPT_STREAM_SEEK_CUR, OPENMPT_STREAM_SEEK_END. See C89 documentation. \return Returns 0 on success. \retval 0 Success. \retval -1 Failure. Position does not get updated. \remarks libopenmpt will not try to seek beyond the file size, thus it is not important whether you allow for virtual positioning after the file end, or return an error in that case. The position equal to the file size needs to be seekable to.