openmls 0.4.1

This is a WIP Rust implementation of the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol based on draft 12+.
//! # Pre shared keys.
//! ```text
//! enum {
//!     reserved(0),
//!     external(1),
//!     reinit(2),
//!     branch(3),
//!     (255)
//!   } PSKType;
//!   struct {
//!     PSKType psktype;
//!     select (PreSharedKeyID.psktype) {
//!       case external:
//!         opaque psk_id<0..255>;
//!       case reinit:
//!         opaque psk_group_id<0..255>;
//!         uint64 psk_epoch;
//!       case branch:
//!         opaque psk_group_id<0..255>;
//!         uint64 psk_epoch;
//!     }
//!     opaque psk_nonce<0..255>;
//!   } PreSharedKeyID;
//!   struct {
//!       PreSharedKeyID psks<0..2^16-1>;
//!   } PreSharedKeys;
//! ```

use super::*;
use crate::group::{GroupEpoch, GroupId};
use openmls_traits::{key_store::OpenMlsKeyStore, random::OpenMlsRand, OpenMlsCryptoProvider};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use tls_codec::{Serialize as TlsSerializeTrait, TlsByteVecU8, TlsVecU16};

/// Type of PSK.
/// ```text
/// enum {
///   reserved(0),
///   external(1),
///   reinit(2),
///   branch(3),
///   (255)
/// } PSKType;
/// ```
pub enum PskType {
    External = 1,
    Reinit = 2,
    Branch = 3,

impl TryFrom<u8> for PskType {
    type Error = &'static str;
    fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match value {
            1 => Ok(PskType::External),
            2 => Ok(PskType::Reinit),
            3 => Ok(PskType::Branch),
            _ => Err("Unknown PSK type."),

impl From<&Psk> for PskType {
    fn from(psk: &Psk) -> Self {
        match psk {
            Psk::External(_) => PskType::External,
            Psk::Reinit(_) => PskType::Reinit,
            Psk::Branch(_) => PskType::Branch,

/// External PSK.
    Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, TlsDeserialize, TlsSerialize, TlsSize,
pub struct ExternalPsk {
    psk_id: TlsByteVecU8,

impl ExternalPsk {
    /// Create a new `ExternalPsk` from a PSK ID
    pub fn new(psk_id: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        Self {
            psk_id: psk_id.into(),
    /// Return the PSK ID
    pub fn psk_id(&self) -> &[u8] {

/// Contains the secret part of the PSK as well as the
/// public part that is used as a marker for injection into the key schedule.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct PskBundle {
    secret: Secret,

impl PskBundle {
    /// Create a new bundle
    #[cfg(any(feature = "test-utils", test))]
    pub(crate) fn new(secret: Secret) -> Result<Self, CryptoError> {
        Ok(Self { secret })

    /// Return the secret
    pub(crate) fn secret(&self) -> &Secret {
/// ReInit PSK.
    Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, TlsDeserialize, TlsSerialize, TlsSize,
pub struct ReinitPsk {
    pub(crate) psk_group_id: GroupId,
    pub(crate) psk_epoch: GroupEpoch,

impl ReinitPsk {
    /// Return the `GroupId`
    pub fn psk_group_id(&self) -> &GroupId {
    /// Return the `GroupEpoch`
    pub fn psk_epoch(&self) -> GroupEpoch {

/// Branch PSK
    Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, TlsDeserialize, TlsSerialize, TlsSize,
pub struct BranchPsk {
    pub(crate) psk_group_id: GroupId,
    pub(crate) psk_epoch: GroupEpoch,

impl BranchPsk {
    /// Return the `GroupId`
    pub fn psk_group_id(&self) -> &GroupId {
    /// Return the `GroupEpoch`
    pub fn psk_epoch(&self) -> GroupEpoch {

/// PSK enum that can contain the different PSK types
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Psk {

/// A `PreSharedKeyID` is used to uniquely identify the PSKs that get injected
/// in the key schedule.
/// ```text
/// struct {
///   PSKType psktype;
///   select (PreSharedKeyID.psktype) {
///     case external:
///       opaque psk_id<0..255>;
///     case reinit:
///       opaque psk_group_id<0..255>;
///       uint64 psk_epoch;
///     case branch:
///       opaque psk_group_id<0..255>;
///       uint64 psk_epoch;
///   }
///   opaque psk_nonce<0..255>;
/// } PreSharedKeyID;
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PreSharedKeyId {
    pub(crate) psk_type: PskType,
    pub(crate) psk: Psk,
    pub(crate) psk_nonce: TlsByteVecU8,

impl PreSharedKeyId {
    /// Create a new `PreSharedKeyID`
    pub fn new(
        ciphersuite: Ciphersuite,
        rand: &impl OpenMlsRand,
        psk: Psk,
    ) -> Result<Self, CryptoError> {
        Ok(Self {
            psk_type: PskType::from(&psk),
            psk_nonce: rand
                .map_err(|_| CryptoError::InsufficientRandomness)?
    /// Return the type of the PSK
    pub fn psktype(&self) -> &PskType {
    /// Return the PSK
    pub fn psk(&self) -> &Psk {
    /// Return the PSK nonce
    pub fn psk_nonce(&self) -> &[u8] {

/// `PreSharedKeys` is a vector of `PreSharedKeyID`s.
/// struct {
///     PreSharedKeyID psks<0..2^16-1>;
/// } PreSharedKeys;
#[derive(TlsDeserialize, TlsSerialize, TlsSize)]
pub struct PreSharedKeys {
    pub(crate) psks: TlsVecU16<PreSharedKeyId>,

impl PreSharedKeys {
    /// Return the `PreSharedKeyID`s
    pub fn psks(&self) -> &[PreSharedKeyId] {

/// `PskLabel` is used in the final concatentation of PSKs before they are
/// injected in the key schedule. struct {
///     PreSharedKeyID id;
///     uint16 index;
///     uint16 count;
/// } PSKLabel;
#[derive(TlsSerialize, TlsSize)]
pub(crate) struct PskLabel<'a> {
    pub(crate) id: &'a PreSharedKeyId,
    pub(crate) index: u16,
    pub(crate) count: u16,

impl<'a> PskLabel<'a> {
    /// Create a new `PskLabel`
    fn new(id: &'a PreSharedKeyId, index: u16, count: u16) -> Self {
        Self { id, index, count }

/// This contains the `psk-secret` calculated from the PSKs contained in a
/// Commit or a PreSharedKey proposal.
pub struct PskSecret {
    secret: Secret,

impl PskSecret {
    /// Create a new `PskSecret` from PSK IDs and PSKs
    /// ```text
    /// psk_extracted_[i] = KDF.Extract(0, psk_[i])
    /// psk_input_[i] = ExpandWithLabel(psk_extracted_[i], "derived psk", PSKLabel, KDF.Nh)
    /// psk_secret_[0] = 0
    /// psk_secret_[i] = KDF.Extract(psk_input[i-1], psk_secret_[i-1])
    /// psk_secret     = psk_secret[n]
    /// ```
    pub fn new(
        ciphersuite: Ciphersuite,
        backend: &impl OpenMlsCryptoProvider,
        psk_ids: &[PreSharedKeyId],
    ) -> Result<Self, PskError> {
        // Check that we don't have too many PSKs
        let num_psks = psk_ids.len();
        if num_psks > u16::MAX as usize {
            return Err(PskError::TooManyKeys);
        let num_psks = num_psks as u16;

        // Fetch the PskBundles from the key store and make sure we have all of them
        let mut psk_bundles: Vec<PskBundle> = Vec::new();
        for psk_id in psk_ids {
            if let Some(psk_bundle) = backend.key_store().read(
            ) {
            } else {
                return Err(PskError::KeyNotFound);

        let mls_version = ProtocolVersion::default();
        let mut psk_secret = Secret::zero(ciphersuite, mls_version);
        for ((index, psk_bundle), psk_id) in psk_bundles.iter().enumerate().zip(psk_ids) {
            let zero_secret = Secret::zero(ciphersuite, mls_version);
            let psk_extracted = zero_secret
                .hkdf_extract(backend, psk_bundle.secret())
            let psk_label = PskLabel::new(psk_id, index as u16, num_psks)

            let psk_input = psk_extracted
                    "derived psk",
            psk_secret = psk_input
                .hkdf_extract(backend, &psk_secret)
        Ok(Self { secret: psk_secret })

    /// Return the inner secret
    pub(crate) fn secret(&self) -> &Secret {

    #[cfg(any(feature = "test-utils", test))]
    pub(crate) fn random(ciphersuite: Ciphersuite, rng: &impl OpenMlsCryptoProvider) -> Self {
        Self {
            secret: Secret::random(ciphersuite, rng, None /* MLS version */)
                .expect("Not enough randomness."),

    #[cfg(any(feature = "test-utils", test))]
    pub(crate) fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            secret: self.secret.clone(),