pub trait JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>: Clone + Debug + DeserializeOwned + Serialize + 'static{
    // Required methods
    fn key_id(&self) -> Option<&JsonWebKeyId>;
    fn key_type(&self) -> &JT;
    fn key_use(&self) -> Option<&JU>;
    fn signing_alg(&self) -> JsonWebKeyAlgorithm<&JS>;
    fn new_symmetric(key: Vec<u8>) -> Self;
    fn verify_signature(
        signature_alg: &JS,
        message: &[u8],
        signature: &[u8]
    ) -> Result<(), SignatureVerificationError>;
Expand description

JSON Web Key.

Required Methods§


fn key_id(&self) -> Option<&JsonWebKeyId>

Returns the key ID, or None if no key ID is specified.


fn key_type(&self) -> &JT

Returns the key type (e.g., RSA).


fn key_use(&self) -> Option<&JU>

Returns the allowed key usage (e.g., signing or encryption), or None if no usage is specified.


fn signing_alg(&self) -> JsonWebKeyAlgorithm<&JS>

Returns the algorithm (e.g. ES512) this key must be used with, or Unspecified if no algorithm constraint was given, or unsupported if the algorithm is not for signing.

It’s not sufficient to tell whether a key can be used for signing, as key use also has to be validated.


fn new_symmetric(key: Vec<u8>) -> Self

Initializes a new symmetric key or shared signing secret from the specified raw bytes.


fn verify_signature( &self, signature_alg: &JS, message: &[u8], signature: &[u8] ) -> Result<(), SignatureVerificationError>

Verifies the given signature using the given signature algorithm (signature_alg) over the given message.

Returns Ok if the signature is valid, or an Err otherwise.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
