openidconnect 3.0.0-alpha.1

OpenID Connect library
#![allow(clippy::unreadable_literal, clippy::type_complexity)]
#![cfg_attr(test, allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity))]
//! [OpenID Connect]( library.
//! This library provides extensible, strongly-typed interfaces for the OpenID Connect protocol.
//! For convenience, the [`core`] module provides type aliases for common usage that adheres to the
//! [OpenID Connect Core]( spec. Users of
//! this crate may define their own extensions and custom type parameters in lieu of using the
//! [`core`] module.
//! # Contents
//!  * [Importing `openidconnect`: selecting an HTTP client interface](#importing-openidconnect-selecting-an-http-client-interface)
//!  * [OpenID Connect Relying Party (Client) Interface](#openid-connect-relying-party-client-interface)
//!    * [Examples](#examples)
//!    * [Getting started: Authorization Code Grant w/ PKCE](#getting-started-authorization-code-grant-w-pkce)
//!  * [OpenID Connect Provider (Server) Interface](#openid-connect-provider-server-interface)
//!    * [OpenID Connect Discovery document](#openid-connect-discovery-document)
//!    * [OpenID Connect Discovery JSON Web Key Set](#openid-connect-discovery-json-web-key-set)
//!    * [OpenID Connect ID Token](#openid-connect-id-token)
//!  * [Asynchronous API](#asynchronous-api)
//! # Importing `openidconnect`: selecting an HTTP client interface
//! This library offers a flexible HTTP client interface with two modes:
//!  * **Synchronous (blocking)**
//!  * **Asynchronous**
//! For the HTTP client modes described above, the following HTTP client implementations can be
//! used:
//!  * **[`reqwest`]**
//!    The `reqwest` HTTP client supports both the synchronous and asynchronous modes and is enabled
//!    by default.
//!    Synchronous client: [`reqwest::http_client`]
//!    Asynchronous client: [`reqwest::async_http_client`]
//!  * **[`curl`]**
//!    The `curl` HTTP client only supports the synchronous HTTP client mode and can be enabled in
//!    `Cargo.toml` via the `curl` feature flag.
//!    Synchronous client: [`curl::http_client`]
//!  * **Custom**
//!    In addition to the clients above, users may define their own HTTP clients, which must accept
//!    an [`HttpRequest`] and return an [`HttpResponse`] or error. Users writing their own clients
//!    may wish to disable the default `reqwest` dependency by specifying
//!    `default-features = false` in `Cargo.toml` (replacing `...` with the desired version of this
//!    crate):
//!    ```toml
//!    openidconnect = { version = "...", default-features = false }
//!    ```
//!    Synchronous HTTP clients should implement the following trait:
//!    ```text,ignore
//!    FnOnce(HttpRequest) -> Result<HttpResponse, RE>
//!    where RE: std::error::Error + 'static
//!    ```
//!    Asynchronous HTTP clients should implement the following trait:
//!    ```text,ignore
//!    FnOnce(HttpRequest) -> F
//!    where
//!      F: Future<Output = Result<HttpResponse, RE>>,
//!      RE: std::error::Error + 'static
//!    ```
//! # OpenID Connect Relying Party (Client) Interface
//! The [`Client`] struct provides the OpenID Connect Relying Party interface. The most common
//! usage is provided by the [`core::CoreClient`] type alias.
//! ## Examples
//! * [Google](
//! ## Getting started: Authorization Code Grant w/ PKCE
//! This is the most common OIDC/OAuth2 flow. PKCE is recommended whenever the client has no
//! client secret or has a client secret that cannot remain confidential (e.g., native, mobile, or
//! client-side web applications).
//! ### Example
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use openidconnect::{
//!     AccessTokenHash,
//!     AuthenticationFlow,
//!     AuthorizationCode,
//!     ClientId,
//!     ClientSecret,
//!     CsrfToken,
//!     Nonce,
//!     IssuerUrl,
//!     PkceCodeChallenge,
//!     RedirectUrl,
//!     Scope,
//! };
//! use openidconnect::core::{
//!   CoreAuthenticationFlow,
//!   CoreClient,
//!   CoreProviderMetadata,
//!   CoreResponseType,
//!   CoreUserInfoClaims,
//! };
//! use anyhow::anyhow;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
//! use openidconnect::reqwest::http_client;
//! use url::Url;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
//! # fn err_wrapper() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
//! // Use OpenID Connect Discovery to fetch the provider metadata.
//! use openidconnect::{OAuth2TokenResponse, TokenResponse};
//! let provider_metadata = CoreProviderMetadata::discover(
//!     &IssuerUrl::new("".to_string())?,
//!     http_client,
//! )?;
//! // Create an OpenID Connect client by specifying the client ID, client secret, authorization URL
//! // and token URL.
//! let client =
//!     CoreClient::from_provider_metadata(
//!         provider_metadata,
//!         ClientId::new("client_id".to_string()),
//!         Some(ClientSecret::new("client_secret".to_string())),
//!     )
//!     // Set the URL the user will be redirected to after the authorization process.
//!     .set_redirect_uri(RedirectUrl::new("http://redirect".to_string())?);
//! // Generate a PKCE challenge.
//! let (pkce_challenge, pkce_verifier) = PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256();
//! // Generate the full authorization URL.
//! let (auth_url, csrf_token, nonce) = client
//!     .authorize_url(
//!         CoreAuthenticationFlow::AuthorizationCode,
//!         CsrfToken::new_random,
//!         Nonce::new_random,
//!     )
//!     // Set the desired scopes.
//!     .add_scope(Scope::new("read".to_string()))
//!     .add_scope(Scope::new("write".to_string()))
//!     // Set the PKCE code challenge.
//!     .set_pkce_challenge(pkce_challenge)
//!     .url();
//! // This is the URL you should redirect the user to, in order to trigger the authorization
//! // process.
//! println!("Browse to: {}", auth_url);
//! // Once the user has been redirected to the redirect URL, you'll have access to the
//! // authorization code. For security reasons, your code should verify that the `state`
//! // parameter returned by the server matches `csrf_state`.
//! // Now you can exchange it for an access token and ID token.
//! let token_response =
//!     client
//!         .exchange_code(AuthorizationCode::new("some authorization code".to_string()))
//!         // Set the PKCE code verifier.
//!         .set_pkce_verifier(pkce_verifier)
//!         .request(http_client)?;
//! // Extract the ID token claims after verifying its authenticity and nonce.
//! let id_token = token_response
//!   .id_token()
//!   .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Server did not return an ID token"))?;
//! let claims =, &nonce)?;
//! // Verify the access token hash to ensure that the access token hasn't been substituted for
//! // another user's.
//! if let Some(expected_access_token_hash) = claims.access_token_hash() {
//!     let actual_access_token_hash = AccessTokenHash::from_token(
//!         token_response.access_token(),
//!         &id_token.signing_alg()?
//!     )?;
//!     if actual_access_token_hash != *expected_access_token_hash {
//!         return Err(anyhow!("Invalid access token"));
//!     }
//! }
//! // The authenticated user's identity is now available. See the IdTokenClaims struct for a
//! // complete listing of the available claims.
//! println!(
//!     "User {} with e-mail address {} has authenticated successfully",
//!     claims.subject().as_str(),
//!|email| email.as_str()).unwrap_or("<not provided>"),
//! );
//! // If available, we can use the UserInfo endpoint to request additional information.
//! // The user_info request uses the AccessToken returned in the token response. To parse custom
//! // claims, use UserInfoClaims directly (with the desired type parameters) rather than using the
//! // CoreUserInfoClaims type alias.
//! let userinfo: CoreUserInfoClaims = client
//!   .user_info(token_response.access_token().to_owned(), None)
//!   .map_err(|err| anyhow!("No user info endpoint: {:?}", err))?
//!   .request(http_client)
//!   .map_err(|err| anyhow!("Failed requesting user info: {:?}", err))?;
//! // See the OAuth2TokenResponse trait for a listing of other available fields such as
//! // access_token() and refresh_token().
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # OpenID Connect Provider (Server) Interface
//! This library does not implement a complete OpenID Connect Provider, which requires
//! functionality such as credential and session management. However, it does provide
//! strongly-typed interfaces for parsing and building OpenID Connect protocol messages.
//! ## OpenID Connect Discovery document
//! The [`ProviderMetadata`] struct implements the
//! [OpenID Connect Discovery document](
//! This data structure should be serialized to JSON and served via the
//! `GET .well-known/openid-configuration` path relative to your provider's issuer URL.
//! ### Example
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use openidconnect::{
//!     AuthUrl,
//!     EmptyAdditionalProviderMetadata,
//!     IssuerUrl,
//!     JsonWebKeySetUrl,
//!     ResponseTypes,
//!     Scope,
//!     TokenUrl,
//!     UserInfoUrl,
//! };
//! use openidconnect::core::{
//!     CoreClaimName,
//!     CoreJwsSigningAlgorithm,
//!     CoreProviderMetadata,
//!     CoreResponseType,
//!     CoreSubjectIdentifierType
//! };
//! use url::Url;
//! use anyhow;
//! # fn err_wrapper() -> Result<String, anyhow::Error> {
//! let provider_metadata = CoreProviderMetadata::new(
//!     // Parameters required by the OpenID Connect Discovery spec.
//!     IssuerUrl::new("".to_string())?,
//!     AuthUrl::new("".to_string())?,
//!     // Use the JsonWebKeySet struct to serve the JWK Set at this URL.
//!     JsonWebKeySetUrl::new("".to_string())?,
//!     // Supported response types (flows).
//!     vec![
//!         // Recommended: support the code flow.
//!         ResponseTypes::new(vec![CoreResponseType::Code]),
//!         // Optional: support the implicit flow.
//!         ResponseTypes::new(vec![CoreResponseType::Token, CoreResponseType::IdToken])
//!         // Other flows including hybrid flows may also be specified here.
//!     ],
//!     // For user privacy, the Pairwise subject identifier type is preferred. This prevents
//!     // distinct relying parties (clients) from knowing whether their users represent the same
//!     // real identities. This identifier type is only useful for relying parties that don't
//!     // receive the 'email', 'profile' or other personally-identifying scopes.
//!     // The Public subject identifier type is also supported.
//!     vec![CoreSubjectIdentifierType::Pairwise],
//!     // Support the RS256 signature algorithm.
//!     vec![CoreJwsSigningAlgorithm::RsaSsaPssSha256],
//!     // OpenID Connect Providers may supply custom metadata by providing a struct that
//!     // implements the AdditionalProviderMetadata trait. This requires manually using the
//!     // generic ProviderMetadata struct rather than the CoreProviderMetadata type alias,
//!     // however.
//!     EmptyAdditionalProviderMetadata {},
//! )
//! // Specify the token endpoint (required for the code flow).
//! .set_token_endpoint(Some(TokenUrl::new("".to_string())?))
//! // Recommended: support the UserInfo endpoint.
//! .set_userinfo_endpoint(
//!     Some(UserInfoUrl::new("".to_string())?)
//! )
//! // Recommended: specify the supported scopes.
//! .set_scopes_supported(Some(vec![
//!     Scope::new("openid".to_string()),
//!     Scope::new("email".to_string()),
//!     Scope::new("profile".to_string()),
//! ]))
//! // Recommended: specify the supported ID token claims.
//! .set_claims_supported(Some(vec![
//!     // Providers may also define an enum instead of using CoreClaimName.
//!     CoreClaimName::new("sub".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("aud".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("email".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("email_verified".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("exp".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("iat".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("iss".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("name".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("given_name".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("family_name".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("picture".to_string()),
//!     CoreClaimName::new("locale".to_string()),
//! ]));
//! serde_json::to_string(&provider_metadata).map_err(From::from)
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## OpenID Connect Discovery JSON Web Key Set
//! The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) provides the public keys that relying parties (clients) use to
//! verify the authenticity of ID tokens returned by this OpenID Connect Provider. The
//! [`JsonWebKeySet`] data structure should be serialized as JSON and served at the URL specified
//! in the `jwks_uri` field of the [`ProviderMetadata`] returned in the OpenID Connect Discovery
//! document.
//! ### Example
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use openidconnect::{JsonWebKeyId, PrivateSigningKey};
//! use openidconnect::core::{CoreJsonWebKey, CoreJsonWebKeySet, CoreRsaPrivateSigningKey};
//! use anyhow;
//! # fn err_wrapper() -> Result<String, anyhow::Error> {
//! # let rsa_pem = "";
//! let jwks = CoreJsonWebKeySet::new(
//!     vec![
//!         // RSA keys may also be constructed directly using CoreJsonWebKey::new_rsa(). Providers
//!         // aiming to support other key types may provide their own implementation of the
//!         // JsonWebKey trait or submit a PR to add the desired support to this crate.
//!         CoreRsaPrivateSigningKey::from_pem(
//!             &rsa_pem,
//!             Some(JsonWebKeyId::new("key1".to_string()))
//!         )
//!         .expect("Invalid RSA private key")
//!         .as_verification_key()
//!     ]
//! );
//! serde_json::to_string(&jwks).map_err(From::from)
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## OpenID Connect ID Token
//! The [`IdToken::new`] method is used for signing ID token claims, which can then be returned
//! from the token endpoint as part of the [`StandardTokenResponse`] struct
//! (or [`core::CoreTokenResponse`] type alias). The ID token can also be serialized to a string
//! using the `IdToken::to_string` method and returned directly from the authorization endpoint
//! when the implicit flow or certain hybrid flows are used. Note that in these flows, ID tokens
//! must only be returned in the URL fragment, and never as a query parameter.
//! The ID token contains a combination of the
//! [OpenID Connect Standard Claims](
//! (see [`StandardClaims`]) and claims specific to the
//! [OpenID Connect ID Token](
//! (see [`IdTokenClaims`]).
//! ### Example
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
//! use openidconnect::{
//!     AccessToken,
//!     Audience,
//!     EmptyAdditionalClaims,
//!     EmptyExtraTokenFields,
//!     EndUserEmail,
//!     IssuerUrl,
//!     JsonWebKeyId,
//!     StandardClaims,
//!     SubjectIdentifier,
//! };
//! use openidconnect::core::{
//!     CoreIdToken,
//!     CoreIdTokenClaims,
//!     CoreIdTokenFields,
//!     CoreJwsSigningAlgorithm,
//!     CoreRsaPrivateSigningKey,
//!     CoreTokenResponse,
//!     CoreTokenType,
//! };
//! use anyhow;
//! # fn err_wrapper() -> Result<CoreTokenResponse, anyhow::Error> {
//! # let rsa_pem = "";
//! # let access_token = AccessToken::new("".to_string());
//! let id_token = CoreIdToken::new(
//!     CoreIdTokenClaims::new(
//!         // Specify the issuer URL for the OpenID Connect Provider.
//!         IssuerUrl::new("".to_string())?,
//!         // The audience is usually a single entry with the client ID of the client for whom
//!         // the ID token is intended. This is a required claim.
//!         vec![Audience::new("client-id-123".to_string())],
//!         // The ID token expiration is usually much shorter than that of the access or refresh
//!         // tokens issued to clients.
//!         Utc::now() + Duration::seconds(300),
//!         // The issue time is usually the current time.
//!         Utc::now(),
//!         // Set the standard claims defined by the OpenID Connect Core spec.
//!         StandardClaims::new(
//!             // Stable subject identifiers are recommended in place of e-mail addresses or other
//!             // potentially unstable identifiers. This is the only required claim.
//!             SubjectIdentifier::new("5f83e0ca-2b8e-4e8c-ba0a-f80fe9bc3632".to_string())
//!         )
//!         // Optional: specify the user's e-mail address. This should only be provided if the
//!         // client has been granted the 'profile' or 'email' scopes.
//!         .set_email(Some(EndUserEmail::new("".to_string())))
//!         // Optional: specify whether the provider has verified the user's e-mail address.
//!         .set_email_verified(Some(true)),
//!         // OpenID Connect Providers may supply custom claims by providing a struct that
//!         // implements the AdditionalClaims trait. This requires manually using the
//!         // generic IdTokenClaims struct rather than the CoreIdTokenClaims type alias,
//!         // however.
//!         EmptyAdditionalClaims {},
//!     ),
//!     // The private key used for signing the ID token. For confidential clients (those able
//!     // to maintain a client secret), a CoreHmacKey can also be used, in conjunction
//!     // with one of the CoreJwsSigningAlgorithm::HmacSha* signing algorithms. When using an
//!     // HMAC-based signing algorithm, the UTF-8 representation of the client secret should
//!     // be used as the HMAC key.
//!     &CoreRsaPrivateSigningKey::from_pem(
//!             &rsa_pem,
//!             Some(JsonWebKeyId::new("key1".to_string()))
//!         )
//!         .expect("Invalid RSA private key"),
//!     // Uses the RS256 signature algorithm. This crate supports any RS*, PS*, or HS*
//!     // signature algorithm.
//!     CoreJwsSigningAlgorithm::RsaSsaPkcs1V15Sha256,
//!     // When returning the ID token alongside an access token (e.g., in the Authorization Code
//!     // flow), it is recommended to pass the access token here to set the `at_hash` claim
//!     // automatically.
//!     Some(&access_token),
//!     // When returning the ID token alongside an authorization code (e.g., in the implicit
//!     // flow), it is recommended to pass the authorization code here to set the `c_hash` claim
//!     // automatically.
//!     None,
//! )?;
//! Ok(CoreTokenResponse::new(
//!     AccessToken::new("some_secret".to_string()),
//!     CoreTokenType::Bearer,
//!     CoreIdTokenFields::new(Some(id_token), EmptyExtraTokenFields {}),
//! ))
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Asynchronous API
//! An asynchronous API for async/await is also provided.
//! ## Example
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # #[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
//! use openidconnect::{
//!     AccessTokenHash,
//!     AuthenticationFlow,
//!     AuthorizationCode,
//!     ClientId,
//!     ClientSecret,
//!     CsrfToken,
//!     Nonce,
//!     IssuerUrl,
//!     PkceCodeChallenge,
//!     RedirectUrl,
//!     Scope,
//! };
//! use openidconnect::core::{
//!   CoreAuthenticationFlow,
//!   CoreClient,
//!   CoreProviderMetadata,
//!   CoreResponseType,
//! };
//! # #[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
//! use openidconnect::reqwest::async_http_client;
//! use url::Url;
//! use anyhow::anyhow;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
//! # async fn err_wrapper() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
//! // Use OpenID Connect Discovery to fetch the provider metadata.
//! use openidconnect::{OAuth2TokenResponse, TokenResponse};
//! let provider_metadata = CoreProviderMetadata::discover_async(
//!     IssuerUrl::new("".to_string())?,
//!     async_http_client,
//! )
//! .await?;
//! // Create an OpenID Connect client by specifying the client ID, client secret, authorization URL
//! // and token URL.
//! let client =
//!     CoreClient::from_provider_metadata(
//!         provider_metadata,
//!         ClientId::new("client_id".to_string()),
//!         Some(ClientSecret::new("client_secret".to_string())),
//!     )
//!     // Set the URL the user will be redirected to after the authorization process.
//!     .set_redirect_uri(RedirectUrl::new("http://redirect".to_string())?);
//! // Generate a PKCE challenge.
//! let (pkce_challenge, pkce_verifier) = PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256();
//! // Generate the full authorization URL.
//! let (auth_url, csrf_token, nonce) = client
//!     .authorize_url(
//!         CoreAuthenticationFlow::AuthorizationCode,
//!         CsrfToken::new_random,
//!         Nonce::new_random,
//!     )
//!     // Set the desired scopes.
//!     .add_scope(Scope::new("read".to_string()))
//!     .add_scope(Scope::new("write".to_string()))
//!     // Set the PKCE code challenge.
//!     .set_pkce_challenge(pkce_challenge)
//!     .url();
//! // This is the URL you should redirect the user to, in order to trigger the authorization
//! // process.
//! println!("Browse to: {}", auth_url);
//! // Once the user has been redirected to the redirect URL, you'll have access to the
//! // authorization code. For security reasons, your code should verify that the `state`
//! // parameter returned by the server matches `csrf_state`.
//! // Now you can exchange it for an access token and ID token.
//! let token_response =
//!     client
//!         .exchange_code(AuthorizationCode::new("some authorization code".to_string()))
//!         // Set the PKCE code verifier.
//!         .set_pkce_verifier(pkce_verifier)
//!         .request_async(async_http_client)
//!         .await?;
//! // Extract the ID token claims after verifying its authenticity and nonce.
//! let id_token = token_response
//!   .id_token()
//!   .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Server did not return an ID token"))?;
//! let claims =, &nonce)?;
//! // Verify the access token hash to ensure that the access token hasn't been substituted for
//! // another user's.
//! if let Some(expected_access_token_hash) = claims.access_token_hash() {
//!     let actual_access_token_hash = AccessTokenHash::from_token(
//!         token_response.access_token(),
//!         &id_token.signing_alg()?
//!     )?;
//!     if actual_access_token_hash != *expected_access_token_hash {
//!         return Err(anyhow!("Invalid access token"));
//!     }
//! }
//! // The authenticated user's identity is now available. See the IdTokenClaims struct for a
//! // complete listing of the available claims.
//! println!(
//!     "User {} with e-mail address {} has authenticated successfully",
//!     claims.subject().as_str(),
//!|email| email.as_str()).unwrap_or("<not provided>"),
//! );
//! // See the OAuth2TokenResponse trait for a listing of other available fields such as
//! // access_token() and refresh_token().
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```

extern crate pretty_assertions;
extern crate serde_derive;

use oauth2::ResponseType as OAuth2ResponseType;
use url::Url;

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::str;
use std::time::Duration;

pub use oauth2::{
    AccessToken, AuthType, AuthUrl, AuthorizationCode, ClientCredentialsTokenRequest, ClientId,
    ClientSecret, CodeTokenRequest, ConfigurationError, CsrfToken, EmptyExtraTokenFields,
    ErrorResponse, ErrorResponseType, ExtraTokenFields, HttpRequest, HttpResponse,
    IntrospectionRequest, IntrospectionUrl, PasswordTokenRequest, PkceCodeChallenge,
    PkceCodeChallengeMethod, PkceCodeVerifier, RedirectUrl, RefreshToken, RefreshTokenRequest,
    RequestTokenError, ResourceOwnerPassword, ResourceOwnerUsername, RevocableToken,
    RevocationErrorResponseType, RevocationRequest, RevocationUrl, Scope, StandardErrorResponse,
    StandardTokenIntrospectionResponse, StandardTokenResponse, TokenIntrospectionResponse,
    TokenResponse as OAuth2TokenResponse, TokenType, TokenUrl,

/// Public re-exports of types used for HTTP client interfaces.
pub use oauth2::http;
pub use oauth2::url;

#[cfg(all(feature = "curl", not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
pub use oauth2::curl;

#[cfg(all(feature = "curl", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
compile_error!("wasm32 is not supported with the `curl` feature. Use the `reqwest` backend or a custom backend for wasm32 support");

#[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
pub use oauth2::reqwest;

#[cfg(feature = "ureq")]
pub use oauth2::ureq;

pub use claims::{
    AdditionalClaims, AddressClaim, EmptyAdditionalClaims, GenderClaim, StandardClaims,
pub use discovery::{
    AdditionalProviderMetadata, DiscoveryError, EmptyAdditionalProviderMetadata, ProviderMetadata,
pub use id_token::IdTokenFields;
pub use id_token::{IdToken, IdTokenClaims};
pub use jwt::JsonWebTokenError;
use jwt::{JsonWebToken, JsonWebTokenAccess, JsonWebTokenAlgorithm, JsonWebTokenHeader};
// Flatten the module hierarchy involving types. They're only separated to improve code
// organization.
pub use types::{
    AccessTokenHash, AddressCountry, AddressLocality, AddressPostalCode, AddressRegion,
    ApplicationType, Audience, AuthDisplay, AuthPrompt, AuthenticationContextClass,
    AuthenticationMethodReference, AuthorizationCodeHash, ClaimName, ClaimType, ClientAuthMethod,
    ClientConfigUrl, ClientContactEmail, ClientName, ClientUrl, EndUserBirthday, EndUserEmail,
    EndUserFamilyName, EndUserGivenName, EndUserMiddleName, EndUserName, EndUserNickname,
    EndUserPhoneNumber, EndUserPictureUrl, EndUserProfileUrl, EndUserTimezone, EndUserUsername,
    EndUserWebsiteUrl, FormattedAddress, GrantType, InitiateLoginUrl, IssuerUrl, JsonWebKey,
    JsonWebKeyId, JsonWebKeySet, JsonWebKeySetUrl, JsonWebKeyType, JsonWebKeyUse,
    JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm, JweKeyManagementAlgorithm, JwsSigningAlgorithm, LanguageTag,
    LocalizedClaim, LoginHint, LogoUrl, Nonce, OpPolicyUrl, OpTosUrl, PolicyUrl, PrivateSigningKey,
    RegistrationAccessToken, RegistrationUrl, RequestUrl, ResponseMode, ResponseType,
    ResponseTypes, SectorIdentifierUrl, ServiceDocUrl, SigningError, StreetAddress,
    SubjectIdentifier, SubjectIdentifierType, ToSUrl,
pub use user_info::{
    UserInfoClaims, UserInfoError, UserInfoJsonWebToken, UserInfoRequest, UserInfoUrl,
use verification::{AudiencesClaim, IssuerClaim};
pub use verification::{
    ClaimsVerificationError, IdTokenVerifier, NonceVerifier, SignatureVerificationError,

// Defined first since other modules need the macros, and definition order is significant for
// macros. This module is private.
mod macros;

/// Baseline OpenID Connect implementation and types.
pub mod core;

/// OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration.
pub mod registration;

// Private modules since we may move types between different modules; these are exported publicly
// via the pub use above.
mod claims;
mod discovery;
mod helpers;
mod id_token;
pub(crate) mod types;
mod user_info;
mod verification;

// Private module for HTTP(S) utilities.
mod http_utils;

// Private module for JWT utilities.
mod jwt;

const CONFIG_URL_SUFFIX: &str = ".well-known/openid-configuration";
const OPENID_SCOPE: &str = "openid";

/// Authentication flow, which determines how the Authorization Server returns the OpenID Connect
/// ID token and OAuth2 access token to the Relying Party.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum AuthenticationFlow<RT: ResponseType> {
    /// Authorization Code Flow.
    /// The authorization server will return an OAuth2 authorization code. Clients must subsequently
    /// call `Client::exchange_code()` with the authorization code in order to retrieve an
    /// OpenID Connect ID token and OAuth2 access token.
    /// Implicit Flow.
    /// Boolean value indicates whether an OAuth2 access token should also be returned. If `true`,
    /// the Authorization Server will return both an OAuth2 access token and OpenID Connect ID
    /// token. If `false`, it will return only an OpenID Connect ID token.
    /// Hybrid Flow.
    /// A hybrid flow according to [OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type Encoding Practices](
    /// The enum value
    /// contains the desired `response_type`s. See
    /// [Section 3]( for
    /// details.

/// OpenID Connect client.
/// # Error Types
/// To enable compile time verification that only the correct and complete set of errors for the `Client` function being
/// invoked are exposed to the caller, the `Client` type is specialized on multiple implementations of the
/// [`ErrorResponse`] trait. The exact [`ErrorResponse`] implementation returned varies by the RFC that the invoked
/// `Client` function implements:
///   - Generic type `TE` (aka Token Error) for errors defined by [RFC 6749 OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework](
///   - Generic type `TRE` (aka Token Revocation Error) for errors defined by [RFC 7009 OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation](
/// For example when revoking a token, error code `unsupported_token_type` (from RFC 7009) may be returned:
/// ```rust
/// # use thiserror::Error;
/// # use http::status::StatusCode;
/// # use http::header::{HeaderValue, CONTENT_TYPE};
/// # use oauth2::*;
/// # use openidconnect::{*, core::*};
/// # let client = CoreClient::new(
/// #     ClientId::new("aaa".to_string()),
/// #     Some(ClientSecret::new("bbb".to_string())),
/// #     IssuerUrl::new("https://example".to_string()).unwrap(),
/// #     AuthUrl::new("https://example/authorize".to_string()).unwrap(),
/// #     Some(TokenUrl::new("https://example/token".to_string()).unwrap()),
/// #     None,
/// #     JsonWebKeySet::default(),
/// # )
/// # .set_revocation_uri(RevocationUrl::new("https://revocation/url".to_string()).unwrap());
/// #
/// # #[derive(Debug, Error)]
/// # enum FakeError {
/// #     #[error("error")]
/// #     Err,
/// # }
/// #
/// # let http_client = |_| -> Result<HttpResponse, FakeError> {
/// #     Ok(HttpResponse {
/// #         status_code: StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
/// #         headers: vec![(
/// #             CONTENT_TYPE,
/// #             HeaderValue::from_str("application/json").unwrap(),
/// #         )]
/// #         .into_iter()
/// #         .collect(),
/// #         body: "{\"error\": \"unsupported_token_type\", \"error_description\": \"stuff happened\", \
/// #                \"error_uri\": \"https://errors\"}"
/// #             .to_string()
/// #             .into_bytes(),
/// #     })
/// # };
/// #
/// let res = client
///     .revoke_token(AccessToken::new("some token".to_string()).into())
///     .unwrap()
///     .request(http_client);
/// assert!(matches!(res, Err(
///     RequestTokenError::ServerResponse(err)) if matches!(err.error(),
///         RevocationErrorResponseType::UnsupportedTokenType)));
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Client<AC, AD, GC, JE, JS, JT, JU, K, P, TE, TR, TT, TIR, RT, TRE>
    AC: AdditionalClaims,
    AD: AuthDisplay,
    GC: GenderClaim,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    JU: JsonWebKeyUse,
    K: JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>,
    P: AuthPrompt,
    TE: ErrorResponse,
    TR: TokenResponse<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT, TT>,
    TT: TokenType + 'static,
    TIR: TokenIntrospectionResponse<TT>,
    RT: RevocableToken,
    TRE: ErrorResponse,
    oauth2_client: oauth2::Client<TE, TR, TT, TIR, RT, TRE>,
    client_id: ClientId,
    client_secret: Option<ClientSecret>,
    issuer: IssuerUrl,
    userinfo_endpoint: Option<UserInfoUrl>,
    jwks: JsonWebKeySet<JS, JT, JU, K>,
    id_token_signing_algs: Vec<JS>,
    use_openid_scope: bool,
    _phantom: PhantomData<(AC, AD, GC, JE, P)>,
impl<AC, AD, GC, JE, JS, JT, JU, K, P, TE, TR, TT, TIR, RT, TRE>
    Client<AC, AD, GC, JE, JS, JT, JU, K, P, TE, TR, TT, TIR, RT, TRE>
    AC: AdditionalClaims,
    AD: AuthDisplay,
    GC: GenderClaim,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    JU: JsonWebKeyUse,
    K: JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>,
    P: AuthPrompt,
    TE: ErrorResponse + 'static,
    TR: TokenResponse<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT, TT>,
    TT: TokenType + 'static,
    TIR: TokenIntrospectionResponse<TT>,
    RT: RevocableToken,
    TRE: ErrorResponse + 'static,
    /// Initializes an OpenID Connect client.
    /// If you need to configure the algorithms used for signing, ...,
    /// do this directly on the respected components. (e.g. IdTokenVerifier)
    pub fn new(
        client_id: ClientId,
        client_secret: Option<ClientSecret>,
        issuer: IssuerUrl,
        auth_url: AuthUrl,
        token_url: Option<TokenUrl>,
        userinfo_endpoint: Option<UserInfoUrl>,
        jwks: JsonWebKeySet<JS, JT, JU, K>,
    ) -> Self {
        Client {
            oauth2_client: oauth2::Client::new(
            id_token_signing_algs: vec![],
            use_openid_scope: true,
            _phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Initializes an OpenID Connect client from OpenID Connect Discovery provider metadata.
    /// Use [`ProviderMetadata::discover`] or
    /// [`ProviderMetadata::discover_async`] to fetch the provider metadata.
    pub fn from_provider_metadata<A, CA, CN, CT, G, JK, RM, RS, S>(
        provider_metadata: ProviderMetadata<A, AD, CA, CN, CT, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RM, RS, S>,
        client_id: ClientId,
        client_secret: Option<ClientSecret>,
    ) -> Self
        A: AdditionalProviderMetadata,
        CA: ClientAuthMethod,
        CN: ClaimName,
        CT: ClaimType,
        G: GrantType,
        JK: JweKeyManagementAlgorithm,
        RM: ResponseMode,
        RS: ResponseType,
        S: SubjectIdentifierType,
        Client {
            oauth2_client: oauth2::Client::new(
            issuer: provider_metadata.issuer().clone(),
            userinfo_endpoint: provider_metadata.userinfo_endpoint().cloned(),
            jwks: provider_metadata.jwks().to_owned(),
            id_token_signing_algs: provider_metadata
            use_openid_scope: true,
            _phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Configures the type of client authentication used for communicating with the authorization
    /// server.
    /// The default is to use HTTP Basic authentication, as recommended in
    /// [Section 2.3.1 of RFC 6749]( Note that
    /// if a client secret is omitted (i.e., `client_secret` is set to `None` when calling
    /// [`Client::new`]), [`AuthType::RequestBody`] is used regardless of the `auth_type` passed to
    /// this function.
    pub fn set_auth_type(mut self, auth_type: AuthType) -> Self {
        self.oauth2_client = self.oauth2_client.set_auth_type(auth_type);

    /// Sets the the redirect URL used by the authorization endpoint.
    pub fn set_redirect_uri(mut self, redirect_url: RedirectUrl) -> Self {
        self.oauth2_client = self.oauth2_client.set_redirect_uri(redirect_url);

    /// Sets the introspection URL for contacting the ([RFC 7662](
    /// introspection endpoint.
    pub fn set_introspection_uri(mut self, introspection_url: IntrospectionUrl) -> Self {
        self.oauth2_client = self.oauth2_client.set_introspection_uri(introspection_url);

    /// Sets the revocation URL for contacting the revocation endpoint ([RFC 7009](
    /// See: [`revoke_token()`](Self::revoke_token())
    pub fn set_revocation_uri(mut self, revocation_url: RevocationUrl) -> Self {
        self.oauth2_client = self.oauth2_client.set_revocation_uri(revocation_url);

    /// Enables the `openid` scope to be requested automatically.
    /// This scope is requested by default, so this function is only useful after previous calls to
    /// [`disable_openid_scope`][Client::disable_openid_scope].
    pub fn enable_openid_scope(mut self) -> Self {
        self.use_openid_scope = true;

    /// Disables the `openid` scope from being requested automatically.
    pub fn disable_openid_scope(mut self) -> Self {
        self.use_openid_scope = false;

    /// Returns an ID token verifier for use with the [`IdToken::claims`] method.
    pub fn id_token_verifier(&self) -> IdTokenVerifier<JS, JT, JU, K> {
        let verifier = if let Some(ref client_secret) = self.client_secret {
        } else {


    /// Generates an authorization URL for a new authorization request.
    /// NOTE: [Passing authorization request parameters as a JSON Web Token
    /// ](
    /// instead of URL query parameters is not currently supported. The
    /// [`claims` parameter](
    /// is also not directly supported, although the [`AuthorizationRequest::add_extra_param`]
    /// method can be used to add custom parameters, including `claims`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `authentication_flow` - The authentication flow to use (code, implicit, or hybrid).
    /// * `state_fn` - A function that returns an opaque value used by the client to maintain state
    ///   between the request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when
    ///   redirecting the user-agent back to the client.
    /// * `nonce_fn` - Similar to `state_fn`, but used to generate an opaque nonce to be used
    ///   when verifying the ID token returned by the OpenID Connect Provider.
    /// # Security Warning
    /// Callers should use a fresh, unpredictable `state` for each authorization request and verify
    /// that this value matches the `state` parameter passed by the authorization server to the
    /// redirect URI. Doing so mitigates
    /// [Cross-Site Request Forgery](
    ///  attacks.
    /// Similarly, callers should use a fresh, unpredictable `nonce` to help protect against ID
    /// token reuse and forgery.
    pub fn authorize_url<NF, RS, SF>(
        authentication_flow: AuthenticationFlow<RS>,
        state_fn: SF,
        nonce_fn: NF,
    ) -> AuthorizationRequest<AD, P, RS>
        NF: FnOnce() -> Nonce + 'static,
        RS: ResponseType,
        SF: FnOnce() -> CsrfToken + 'static,
        let request = AuthorizationRequest {
            inner: self.oauth2_client.authorize_url(state_fn),
            acr_values: Vec::new(),
            claims_locales: Vec::new(),
            display: None,
            id_token_hint: None,
            login_hint: None,
            max_age: None,
            nonce: nonce_fn(),
            prompts: Vec::new(),
            ui_locales: Vec::new(),
        if self.use_openid_scope {
        } else {

    /// Creates a request builder for exchanging an authorization code for an access token.
    /// Acquires ownership of the `code` because authorization codes may only be used once to
    /// retrieve an access token from the authorization server.
    /// See
    pub fn exchange_code(&self, code: AuthorizationCode) -> CodeTokenRequest<TE, TR, TT> {

    /// Creates a request builder for exchanging a refresh token for an access token.
    /// See
    pub fn exchange_refresh_token<'a, 'b>(
        &'a self,
        refresh_token: &'b RefreshToken,
    ) -> RefreshTokenRequest<'b, TE, TR, TT>
        'a: 'b,

    /// Creates a request builder for exchanging credentials for an access token.
    /// See
    pub fn exchange_password<'a, 'b>(
        &'a self,
        username: &'b ResourceOwnerUsername,
        password: &'b ResourceOwnerPassword,
    ) -> PasswordTokenRequest<'b, TE, TR, TT>
        'a: 'b,
        self.oauth2_client.exchange_password(username, password)

    /// Creates a request builder for exchanging client credentials for an access token.
    /// See
    pub fn exchange_client_credentials<'a, 'b>(
        &'a self,
    ) -> ClientCredentialsTokenRequest<'b, TE, TR, TT>
        'a: 'b,

    /// Creates a request builder for info about the user associated with the given access token.
    /// This function requires that this [`Client`] be configured with a user info endpoint,
    /// which is an optional feature for OpenID Connect Providers to implement. If this `Client`
    /// does not know the provider's user info endpoint, it returns the [`ConfigurationError`]
    /// error.
    /// To help protect against token substitution attacks, this function optionally allows clients
    /// to provide the subject identifier whose user info they expect to receive. If provided and
    /// the subject returned by the OpenID Connect Provider does not match, the
    /// [`UserInfoRequest::request`] or [`UserInfoRequest::request_async`] functions will return
    /// [`UserInfoError::ClaimsVerification`]. If set to `None`, any subject is accepted.
    pub fn user_info(
        access_token: AccessToken,
        expected_subject: Option<SubjectIdentifier>,
    ) -> Result<UserInfoRequest<JE, JS, JT, JU, K>, ConfigurationError> {
        Ok(UserInfoRequest {
            url: self
            require_signed_response: false,
            signed_response_verifier: UserInfoVerifier::new(

    /// Creates a request builder for obtaining metadata about a previously received token.
    /// See
    pub fn introspect<'a>(
        &'a self,
        token: &'a AccessToken,
    ) -> Result<IntrospectionRequest<'a, TE, TIR, TT>, ConfigurationError> {

    /// Creates a request builder for revoking a previously received token.
    /// Requires that [`set_revocation_uri()`](Self::set_revocation_uri()) have already been called to set the
    /// revocation endpoint URL.
    /// Attempting to submit the generated request without calling [`set_revocation_uri()`](Self::set_revocation_uri())
    /// first will result in an error.
    /// See
    pub fn revoke_token(
        token: RT,
    ) -> Result<RevocationRequest<RT, TRE>, ConfigurationError> {

/// A request to the authorization endpoint.
pub struct AuthorizationRequest<'a, AD, P, RT>
    AD: AuthDisplay,
    P: AuthPrompt,
    RT: ResponseType,
    inner: oauth2::AuthorizationRequest<'a>,
    acr_values: Vec<AuthenticationContextClass>,
    authentication_flow: AuthenticationFlow<RT>,
    claims_locales: Vec<LanguageTag>,
    display: Option<AD>,
    id_token_hint: Option<String>,
    login_hint: Option<LoginHint>,
    max_age: Option<Duration>,
    nonce: Nonce,
    prompts: Vec<P>,
    ui_locales: Vec<LanguageTag>,
impl<'a, AD, P, RT> AuthorizationRequest<'a, AD, P, RT>
    AD: AuthDisplay,
    P: AuthPrompt,
    RT: ResponseType,
    /// Appends a new scope to the authorization URL.
    pub fn add_scope(mut self, scope: Scope) -> Self {
        self.inner = self.inner.add_scope(scope);

    /// Appends an extra param to the authorization URL.
    /// This method allows extensions to be used without direct support from
    /// this crate. If `name` conflicts with a parameter managed by this crate, the
    /// behavior is undefined. In particular, do not set parameters defined by
    /// [RFC 6749]( or
    /// [RFC 7636](
    /// # Security Warning
    /// Callers should follow the security recommendations for any OAuth2 extensions used with
    /// this function, which are beyond the scope of
    /// [RFC 6749](
    pub fn add_extra_param<N, V>(mut self, name: N, value: V) -> Self
        N: Into<Cow<'a, str>>,
        V: Into<Cow<'a, str>>,
        self.inner = self.inner.add_extra_param(name, value);

    /// Enables the use of [Proof Key for Code Exchange](
    /// (PKCE).
    /// PKCE is *highly recommended* for all public clients (i.e., those for which there
    /// is no client secret or for which the client secret is distributed with the client,
    /// such as in a native, mobile app, or browser app).
    pub fn set_pkce_challenge(mut self, pkce_code_challenge: PkceCodeChallenge) -> Self {
        self.inner = self.inner.set_pkce_challenge(pkce_code_challenge);

    /// Requests Authentication Context Class Reference values.
    /// ACR values should be added in order of preference. The Authentication Context Class
    /// satisfied by the authentication performed is accessible from the ID token via the
    /// [`IdTokenClaims::auth_context_ref`] method.
    pub fn add_auth_context_value(mut self, acr_value: AuthenticationContextClass) -> Self {

    /// Requests the preferred languages for claims returned by the OpenID Connect Provider.
    /// Languages should be added in order of preference.
    pub fn add_claims_locale(mut self, claims_locale: LanguageTag) -> Self {

    // TODO: support 'claims' parameter

    /// Specifies how the OpenID Connect Provider displays the authentication and consent user
    /// interfaces to the end user.
    pub fn set_display(mut self, display: AD) -> Self {
        self.display = Some(display);

    /// Provides an ID token previously issued by this OpenID Connect Provider as a hint about
    /// the user's identity.
    /// This field should be set whenever [`core::CoreAuthPrompt::None`] is used (see
    /// [`AuthorizationRequest::add_prompt`]), it but may be provided for any authorization
    /// request.
    pub fn set_id_token_hint<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT>(
        mut self,
        id_token_hint: &'a IdToken<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT>,
    ) -> Self
        AC: AdditionalClaims,
        GC: GenderClaim,
        JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
        JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
        JT: JsonWebKeyType,
        self.id_token_hint = Some(id_token_hint.to_string());

    /// Provides the OpenID Connect Provider with a hint about the user's identity.
    /// The nature of this hint is specific to each provider.
    pub fn set_login_hint(mut self, login_hint: LoginHint) -> Self {
        self.login_hint = Some(login_hint);

    /// Sets a maximum amount of time since the user has last authenticated with the OpenID
    /// Connect Provider.
    /// If more time has elapsed, the provider forces the user to re-authenticate.
    pub fn set_max_age(mut self, max_age: Duration) -> Self {
        self.max_age = Some(max_age);

    /// Specifies what level of authentication and consent prompts the OpenID Connect Provider
    /// should present to the user.
    pub fn add_prompt(mut self, prompt: P) -> Self {

    /// Requests the preferred languages for the user interface presented by the OpenID Connect
    /// Provider.
    /// Languages should be added in order of preference.
    pub fn add_ui_locale(mut self, ui_locale: LanguageTag) -> Self {

    /// Overrides the `redirect_url` to the one specified.
    pub fn set_redirect_uri(mut self, redirect_url: Cow<'a, RedirectUrl>) -> Self {
        self.inner = self.inner.set_redirect_uri(redirect_url);

    /// Returns the full authorization URL and CSRF state for this authorization
    /// request.
    pub fn url(self) -> (Url, CsrfToken, Nonce) {
        let response_type = match self.authentication_flow {
            AuthenticationFlow::AuthorizationCode => core::CoreResponseType::Code.to_oauth2(),
            AuthenticationFlow::Implicit(include_token) => {
                if include_token {
                        .map(|response_type| response_type.as_ref())
                        .join(" "),
                } else {
            AuthenticationFlow::Hybrid(ref response_types) => OAuth2ResponseType::new(
                    .map(|response_type| response_type.as_ref())
                    .join(" "),
        let (mut inner, nonce) = (
                .add_extra_param("nonce", self.nonce.secret().clone()),
        if !self.acr_values.is_empty() {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("acr_values", join_vec(&self.acr_values));
        if !self.claims_locales.is_empty() {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("claims_locales", join_vec(&self.claims_locales));
        if let Some(ref display) = self.display {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("display", display.as_ref());
        if let Some(ref id_token_hint) = self.id_token_hint {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("id_token_hint", id_token_hint);
        if let Some(ref login_hint) = self.login_hint {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("login_hint", login_hint.secret());
        if let Some(max_age) = self.max_age {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("max_age", max_age.as_secs().to_string());
        if !self.prompts.is_empty() {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("prompt", join_vec(&self.prompts));
        if !self.ui_locales.is_empty() {
            inner = inner.add_extra_param("ui_locales", join_vec(&self.ui_locales));

        let (url, state) = inner.url();
        (url, state, nonce)

/// Extends the base OAuth2 token response with an ID token.
pub trait TokenResponse<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT, TT>: OAuth2TokenResponse<TT>
    AC: AdditionalClaims,
    GC: GenderClaim,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    TT: TokenType,
    /// Returns the ID token provided by the token response.
    /// OpenID Connect authorization servers should always return this field, but it is optional
    /// to allow for interoperability with authorization servers that only support OAuth2.
    fn id_token(&self) -> Option<&IdToken<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT>>;

impl<AC, EF, GC, JE, JS, JT, TT> TokenResponse<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT, TT>
    for StandardTokenResponse<IdTokenFields<AC, EF, GC, JE, JS, JT>, TT>
    AC: AdditionalClaims,
    EF: ExtraTokenFields,
    GC: GenderClaim,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    TT: TokenType,
    fn id_token(&self) -> Option<&IdToken<AC, GC, JE, JS, JT>> {

fn join_vec<T>(entries: &[T]) -> String
    T: AsRef<str>,
        .join(" ")

mod tests {
    use std::borrow::Cow;
    use std::time::Duration;

    use oauth2::{AuthUrl, ClientId, ClientSecret, CsrfToken, RedirectUrl, Scope, TokenUrl};

    use crate::core::CoreAuthenticationFlow;
    use crate::core::{CoreAuthDisplay, CoreAuthPrompt, CoreClient, CoreIdToken, CoreResponseType};
    use crate::IssuerUrl;
    use crate::{
        AuthenticationContextClass, AuthenticationFlow, JsonWebKeySet, LanguageTag, LoginHint,

    fn new_client() -> CoreClient {

    fn test_authorize_url_minimal() {
        let client = new_client();

        let (authorize_url, _, _) = client
                || CsrfToken::new("CSRF123".to_string()),
                || Nonce::new("NONCE456".to_string()),


    fn test_authorize_url_implicit_with_access_token() {
        let client = new_client();

        let (authorize_url, _, _) = client
                || CsrfToken::new("CSRF123".to_string()),
                || Nonce::new("NONCE456".to_string()),


    fn test_authorize_url_hybrid() {
        let client = new_client();

        let (authorize_url, _, _) = client
                || CsrfToken::new("CSRF123".to_string()),
                || Nonce::new("NONCE456".to_string()),


    fn test_authorize_url_full() {
        let client = new_client()

        let flow = CoreAuthenticationFlow::AuthorizationCode;

        fn new_csrf() -> CsrfToken {
        fn new_nonce() -> Nonce {

        let (authorize_url, _, _) = client
            .authorize_url(flow.clone(), new_csrf, new_nonce)

        let serialized_jwt =
        let id_token = serde_json::from_value::<CoreIdToken>(serde_json::Value::String(

        let (authorize_url, _, _) = client
            .authorize_url(flow, new_csrf, new_nonce)
            .add_extra_param("foo", "bar")

    fn test_authorize_url_redirect_url_override() {
        let client = new_client()

        let flow = CoreAuthenticationFlow::AuthorizationCode;

        fn new_csrf() -> CsrfToken {
        fn new_nonce() -> Nonce {

        let (authorize_url, _, _) = client
            .authorize_url(flow, new_csrf, new_nonce)