opendal 0.38.0

OpenDAL: Access data freely, painlessly, and efficiently.
# OpenDAL   [![Build Status]][actions] [![Latest Version]][] [![Crate Downloads]][] [![chat]][discord]

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**OpenDAL** is a data access layer that allows users to easily and efficiently retrieve data from various storage services in a unified way.

- Documentation: [stable] | [main]
- [Release notes](


## Services

<summary>Standard Storage Protocols (like ftp, webdav)</summary>

- ftp: FTP and FTPS
- http: HTTP read-only services
- sftp: [SFTP] services *being worked on*
- webdav: [WebDAV] Service


<summary>Object Storage Services (like s3, gcs, azblob)</summary>

- azblob: [Azure Storage Blob] services
- cos: [Tencent Cloud Object Storage] services
- gcs: [Google Cloud Storage] Service
- obs: [Huawei Cloud Object Storage] Service (OBS)
- oss: [Aliyun Object Storage Service] (OSS)
- s3: [AWS S3] alike services
- supabase: [Supabase Storage] Service *being worked on*
- wasabi: [Wasabi] Cloud Storage


<summary>File Storage Services (like fs, azdfs, hdfs)</summary>

- fs: POSIX alike file system
- azdfs: [Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2] services (As known as [abfs]
- hdfs: [Hadoop Distributed File System]
- ipfs: [InterPlanetary File System] HTTP Gateway
- ipmfs: [InterPlanetary File System] MFS API *being worked on*
- webhdfs: [WebHDFS] Service


<summary>Consumer Cloud Storage Service (like gdrive, onedrive)</summary>

- gdrive: [Google Drive] *being worked on*
- onedrive: [OneDrive] *being worked on*


<summary>Key-Value Storage Service (like rocksdb, sled)</summary>

- cacache: [cacache] backend
- dashmap: [dashmap] backend
- memory: In memory backend
- redis: [Redis] services
- rocksdb: [RocksDB] services
- sled: [sled] backend
- redb: [redb] backend


<summary>Cache Storage Service (like memcached, moka)</summary>

- ghac: [Github Action Cache] Service
- memcached: [Memcached] service
- mini_moka: [Mini Moka] backend
- moka: [Moka] backend
- vercel_artifacts: [Vercel Remote Caching] Service *being worked on*


> Welcome to add any services that are not currently supported [here]

## Features

Access data **freely**

- Access different storage services in the same way
- Behavior tests for all services

Access data **painlessly**

- **100%** documents covered
- Powerful [`Layers`]
- Automatic [retry] support
- Full observability: [logging], [tracing], [metrics]
- [Native chaos testing]

Access data **efficiently**

- Zero cost: Maps to API calls directly
- Best effort: Automatically selects best read/seek/next based on services
- Avoid extra calls: Reuses metadata when possible

## Quickstart

use opendal::Result;
use opendal::layers::LoggingLayer;
use opendal::services;
use opendal::Operator;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Pick a builder and configure it.
    let mut builder = services::S3::default();

    // Init an operator
    let op = Operator::new(builder)?
        // Init with logging layer enabled.

    // Write data
    op.write("hello.txt", "Hello, World!").await?;

    // Read data
    let bs ="hello.txt").await?;

    // Fetch metadata
    let meta = op.stat("hello.txt").await?;
    let mode = meta.mode();
    let length = meta.content_length();

    // Delete


## Examples

The examples are available at [here](./examples/rust).

## Contributing

Check out the [CONTRIBUTING]( guide for more details on getting started with contributing to this project.

## License

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: