opendal 0.19.6

OpenDAL: Access data freely, painlessly, and efficiently.
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**Open** **D**ata **A**ccess **L**ayer: Access data freely, painlessly, and efficiently


You may be looking for:

- [Documentation]
- [API Reference]
- [Release notes]

## Services

- [azblob] [Azure Storage Blob] services.
- [fs] POSIX alike file system.
- [ftp] FTP and FTPS support.
- [gcs] [Google Cloud Storage] Service.
- [hdfs] [Hadoop Distributed File System]
- [http] HTTP read-only services.
- [ipfs] [InterPlanetary File System] HTTP Gateway support.
- [ipmfs] [InterPlanetary File System] MFS API support.
- [memory] In memory backend.
- [moka] [moka] backend support.
- [obs] [Huawei Cloud Object Storage] Service (OBS).
- [oss] [Aliyun Object Storage Service] (OSS).
- [redis] [Redis] services support.
- [s3] [AWS S3] alike services.

## Features

Access data **freely**

- Access different storage services in the same way
- Behavior tests for all services

Access data **painlessly**

- **100%** documents covered
- Powerful [`Layers`]
- Automatic [retry] support
- Full observability support: [logging], [tracing], [metrics]
- Native decompress support
- Native service-side encryption support

Access data **efficiently**

- Zero cost: mapping to underlying API calls directly
- [Auto metadata reuse] avoid extra `metadata` calls

## Quickstart

use anyhow::Result;
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use opendal::ObjectEntry;
use opendal::ObjectStreamer;
use opendal::Object;
use opendal::ObjectMetadata;
use opendal::ObjectMode;
use opendal::Operator;
use opendal::Scheme;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Init Operator
    let op = Operator::from_env(Scheme::Fs)?;

    // Create object handler.
    let o = op.object("test_file");

    // Write data info object;
    o.write("Hello, World!").await?;

    // Read data from object;
    let bs =;

    // Read range from object;
    let bs = o.range_read(1..=11).await?;

    // Get object's path
    let name =;
    let path = o.path();

    // Fetch more meta about object.
    let meta = o.metadata().await?;
    let mode = meta.mode();
    let length = meta.content_length();
    let content_md5 = meta.content_md5();
    let etag = meta.etag();

    // Delete object.

    // List dir object.
    let o = op.object("test_dir/");
    let mut os = o.list().await?;
    while let Some(entry) = os.try_next().await? {
        let path = entry.path();
        let mode = entry.mode();


More examples could be found at [Documentation](

## Projects

- [databend] A modern Elasticity and Performance cloud data warehouse.

## Contributing

Check out the [](./ guide for more details on getting started with contributing to this project.

## Getting help

Submit [issues]( for bug report or asking questions in [discussion](

#### License

Licensed under <a href="./LICENSE">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.