opendal 0.17.3

OpenDAL: Access data freely, painless, and efficiently.
# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [v0.17.3] - 2022-09-26

### Added

- feat: Add SubdirLayer to allowing switch directory (#718)
- feat(layers/retry): Add warning log while retry happened (#721)

### Fixed

- fix: update metrics on result (#716)
- fix: SubdirLayer should handle dir correctly (#720)

## [v0.17.2] - 2022-09-26

### Add

- feat: implement basic cp command (#688)
- chore: also parse 'FTPS' to Scheme::Ftp (#704)

### Changed

- refactor: remove `enable_secure` in FTP service (#709)
- oli: refactor copy implementation (#710)

### Fixed

- fix: Handle slash normalized false positives properly (#702)
- fix: Tracing is too verbose (#707)
- chore: fix error message in ftp service (#705)

## [v0.17.1] - 2022-09-19

### Added

- feat: redis service implement (#679)
- feat: Implement AsyncBufRead for IntoReader (#690)
- feat: expose security token of s3 (#693)

### Changed

- refactor: avoid unnecessary parent creating in Redis service (#692)
- refactor: Refactor HTTP Client to split sending and incoming logic (#695)

### Fixed

- fix: Handle write data in async way for IPMFS (#694)

## [v0.17.0] - 2022-09-15

### Added

- RFC: Path In Accessor (#661)
- feat: Implement RFC-0661: Path In Accessor (#664)
- feat: Hide http client internal details from users (#672)
- feat: make rustls the default tls implementation (#674)
- feat: Implement benches for layers (#681)

### Docs

- docs: Add how to implement service docs (#665)
- refactor: update redis support rfc (#676)
- docs: update metrics documentation (#684)

### Fixed

- fix: Immutable Index Layer could return duplicated pathes (#671)
- fix: Remove not needed type parameter for immutable_layer (#677)
- fix: Don't trace buf field in poll_read (#682)
- fix: List non-exist dir should return empty (#683)
- fix: Add path validation for fs backend (#685)

## [v0.16.0] - 2022-09-12

### Added

- feat: Implement tests for read-only services (#634)
- feat(services/ftp): Implemented multi connection (#637)
- feat: Finalize FTP read operation (#644)
- feat: Implement service for IPFS HTTP Gateway (#645)
- feat: Add ImmutableIndexLayer (#651)
- feat: derive Hash for Scheme (#653)
- feat(services/ftp): Setup integration tests (#648)

### Changed

- refactor: Migrate all behavior tests to capability based (#635)
- refactor: Remove list support from http service (#639)
- refactor: Replace isahc with reqwest and ureq (#642)

## Deps

- deps: Bump reqsign to v0.4 (#643)
- deps: Remove not used features (#658)
- chore(deps): Update criterion requirement from 0.3 to 0.4 (#656)
- chore(deps): Update quick-xml requirement from 0.24 to 0.25 (#657)

### Docs

- docs: Add docs for ipfs (#649)
- docs: Fix typo (#650)
- docs: Add docs for ftp services (#655)

## RFCs

- RFC-0623: Redis Service (#623)

## [v0.15.0] - 2022-09-05

### Added

- RFC-0599: Blocking API (#599)
- feat: Add blocking API in Accessor (#604)
- feat: Implement blocking API for fs (#606)
- feat: improve observability of `BytesReader` and `DirStreamer` (#603)
- feat: Add behavior tests for blocking operations (#607)
- feat: Add integration tests for ipfs (#610)
- feat: implemented ftp backend (#581)
- RFC-0627: Split Capabilities (#627)

### Changed

- refactor: Extrace normalize_root functions (#619)
- refactor: Extrace build_abs_path and build_rooted_abs_path (#620)
- refactor: Extract build_rel_path (#621)
- feat: Rename ipfs to ipmfs to better reflect its naming (#629)

## [v0.14.1] - 2022-08-30

### Added

- feat: Add IPFS backend (#481)
- refactor: IPFS service cleanup (#590)

### Docs

- docs: Add obs in OpenDAL lib docs (#585)

### Fixed

- fix(services/s3): If input range is `0..`, don't insert range header (#592)

## [v0.14.0] - 2022-08-28

### Added

- RFC-0554: Write Refactor (#554)
- feat: Implement huaweicloud obs service other op support (#557)
- feat: Add new operations in Accessor (#564)
- feat: Implement obs create and write (#565)
- feat(services/s3): Implement Multipart support (#571)
- feat: Implement MultipartObject public API (#574)
- feat: Implement integration tests for multipart (#575)
- feat: Implement presign for write multipart (#576)
- test: Add assert of public struct size (#578)
- feat: List metadata reuse (#577)
- feat: Implement integration test for obs (#572)

### Changed

- refactor(ops): Promote ops as a parent mod (#553)
- refactor: Implement RFC-0554 Write Refactor (#556)
- refactor: Remove all unused qualifications (#560)
- refactor: Fix typo in azblob backend (#569)
- refactor: change ObjectError's op from &'static str to Operation (#580)

### Deleted

- refactor: Remove deprecated APIs (#582)

### Docs

- docs: Add docs for obs service (#579)

## [v0.13.1] - 2022-08-22

### Added

- feat: Add walk for BatchOperator (#543)
- feat: Mark Scheme non_exhaustive and extendable (#544)
- feat: Try to limit the max_connections for http client (#545)
- feat: Implement huaweicloud obs service read support (#540)

### Docs

- docs: Fix gcs is missing from index (#546)

## [v0.13.0] - 2022-08-17

### Added

- feat: Refactor metrics and hide under feature layers-metrics (#521)
- feat(layer): Add TracingLayer support (#523)
- feature: Google Cloud Storage support skeleton (#513)
- feat: Add LoggingLayer to replace service internal logs (#526)
- feat: Implement integration tests for gcs (#532)
- docs: Add docs for new layers (#534)
- docs: Add docs for gcs backend (#535)

### Changed

- refactor: Rewrite retry layer support (#522)

### Fixed

- fix: Make ProtocolViolation a retryable error (#528)

## [v0.12.0] - 2022-08-12

### Added

- RFC-0501: New Builder (#501)
- feat: Implement RFC-0501 New Builder (#510)

### Changed

- feat: Use isahc to replace hyper (#471)
- refactor: make parse http error code public (#511)
- refactor: Extrace new http error APIs (#515)
- refactor: Simplify the error response parse logic (#516)

### Removed

- refactor: Remove deprecated struct Metadata (#503)

## [v0.11.4] - 2022-08-02

### Added

- feat: Support using rustls for TLS (#491)

### Changed

- feat: try to support epoll (#478)
- deps: Lower the requirement of deps (#495)
- Revert "feat: try to support epoll" (#496)

### Fixed

- fix: Uri encode continuation-token before signing (#494)

### Docs

- docs: Add downloads in README (#485)
- docs: Update slogan for OpenDAL (#486)

## [v0.11.3] - 2022-07-26

### Changed

- build: Remove not used features (#472)

### Fixed

- fix: Disable connection pool as workaround for async runtime hang (#474)

### Dependencies

- chore(deps): Bump clap from 3.2.12 to 3.2.15 in /oay (#461)
- chore(deps): Bump clap from 3.2.12 to 3.2.15 in /oli (#460)
- chore(deps): Update metrics requirement from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 (#462)
- chore(deps): Bump tokio from 1.20.0 to 1.20.1 in /oay (#468)

## [v0.11.2] - 2022-07-19

### Fixed

- fix: Service HTTP deosn't handle dir correctly (#455)
- fix: Service HTTP inserted with wrong key (#457)

## [v0.11.1] - 2022-07-19

### Added

- RFC-0438: Multipart (#438)
- RFC-0443: Gateway (#443)
- feat: Add basic oay support for http (#445)
- feat: BytesRange supports parsing from range and content-range (#449)
- feat(oay): Implement range support (#450)
- feat(services-http): Implement write and delete for testing (#451)

## [v0.11.0] - 2022-07-11

### Added

- feat: derive Deserialize/Serialize for ObjectMetaData (#420)
- RFC-0423: Command Line Interface (#423)
- feat: optimize range read (#425)
- feat(oli): Add basic layout for oli (#426)
- RFC-0429: Init From Iter (#429)
- feat: Implement RFC-0429 Init From Iter (#432)
- feat(oli): Add cp command layout (#428)

### Docs

- docs: Update description of OpenDAL (#434)

## [v0.10.0] - 2022-07-04

### Added

- RFC-0409: Accessor Capabilities (#409)
- feat: Implement RFC-0409 Accessor Capabilities (#411)
- RFC-0413: Presign (#413)
- feat: Implement presign support for s3 (#414)

### Docs

- docs: Add new RFCs in list (#415)

### Dependencies

- chore(deps): Update reqsign requirement from 0.1.1 to 0.2.0 (#412)

## [v0.9.1] - 2022-06-27

### Added

- feat(object): Add ETag support (#381)
- feat: Convert retryable hyper errors into Interrupted (#396)

### Changed

- build: Exclude docs from publish (#383)
- ci: Don't run CI on not needed push (#395)
- refactor: Use list for check instead of stat (#399)

### Dependencies

- chore(deps): Update size requirement from 0.1.2 to 0.2.0 (#385)
- Upgrade dev-dependency `size` to 0.4 (#392)

### Fixed

- fix: Special chars not handled correctly (#398)

## [v0.9.0] - 2022-06-14

### Added

- feat: Implement http service support (#368)
- feat: Add http_header to handle HTTP header parse (#369)
- feat(services/s3): Add virtual host API style support (#374)

### Changed

- refactor: Use the same http client across project (#364)
- refactor(services/{s3,azblob}): Make sure error response parsed correctly and safely (#375)

### Docs

- docs: Add concepts for Accessor, Operator and Object (#354)
- docs: Aad docs for batch operations (#363)

## [v0.8.0] - 2022-06-09

### Added

- RFC-0337: Dir Entry (#337)
- feat: Implement RFC-0337: Dir Entry (#342)
- feat: Add batch operation support (#346)

### Changed

- refactor: Rename Metadata to ObjectMetadata for clearify (#339)

### Others

- chore(deps): Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 (#343)
- chore(deps): Bump amondnet/vercel-action from 20 to 25 (#344)

## [v0.7.3] - 2022-06-03

### Fixed

- fix(services/s3,hdfs): List empty dir should not return itself (#327)
- fix(services/hdfs): Root path not cleaned correctly (#330)

## [v0.7.2] - 2022-06-01

### Added

- feat(io_util): Improve debug logging for compress (#310)
- feat(services/s3): Add disable_credential_loader support (#317)
- feat: Allow check user input (#318)
- docs: Add services and features docs (#319)
- feat: Add name to object metadata (#304)
- fix(io_util/compress): Fix decoder's buf not all consumed (#323)

### Changed

- chore(deps): Update metrics requirement from 0.18.1 to 0.19.0 (#314)
- docs: Update README to reflect current status (#321)
- refactor(object): Make Metadata::name() return &str (#322)

### Fixed

- docs: Fix typo in examples (#320)
- fix(services): Don't throw error message for stat operation (#324)

## [v0.7.1] - 2022-05-29

### Fixed

- publish: Fix git version not allowed (#306)
- fix(io_util/compress): Decompress read exit too early (#308)

## [v0.7.0] - 2022-05-29

### Added

- feat: Add support for blocking decompress_read (#289)
- feat: Add check for operator (#290)
- docs: Use mdbook to generate documentation (#291)
- proposal: Object ID (#293)
- feat: Implement operator metadata support (#296)
- feat: Implement RFC-0293 Object ID (#298)

### Changed

- chore(deps): Update quick-xml requirement from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 (#286)
- feat(io_util): Refactor decompress decoder (#302)
- ci: Adopt amondnet/vercel-action (#303)

### Fixed

- fix(services/aws): Increase retry times for AWS STS (#299)

## [v0.6.3] - 2022-05-25

### Added

- ci: Add all issues into databend-storage project (#277)
- feat(services/s3): Add retry in load_credential (#281)
- feat(services): Allow endpoint has trailing slash (#282)
- feat(services): Attach more context in error messages (#283)

## [v0.6.2] - 2022-05-12

### Fixed

- fix(azblob): Request URL not construct correctly (#270)

## [v0.6.1] - 2022-05-09

### Added

- feat: Add hdfs scheme (#266)

## [v0.6.0] - 2022-05-07

### Added

- docs: Improve docs to 100% coverage (#246)
- RFC-0247: Retryable Error (#247)
- feat: Implement retry layers (#249)
- feat: Implement retryable errors for azblob and s3 (#254)
- feat: Implement hdfs service support (#255)
- docs: Add docs for hdfs services (#262)

### Changed

- docs: Make sure code examples are formatted (#251)
- chore(deps): Update uuid requirement from 0.8.2 to 1.0.0 (#252)
- refactor: Remove deprecated modules (#259)

### Fixed

- ci: Fix docs build (#260)
- fix: HDFS jar not load (#261)

## [v0.5.2] - 2022-04-08

### Changed

- chore: Build all features for (#238)
- ci: Enable auto dependence upgrade (#239)
- chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (#240)
- docs: Refactor examples (#241)

### Fixed

- fix(services/s3): Endpoint without scheme should also supported (#242)

## [v0.5.1] - 2022-04-08

### Added

- docs: Add behavior docs for create operation (#235)

### Fixed

- fix(services/fs): Create on existing dir should succeed (#234)

## [v0.5.0] - 2022-04-07

### Added

- feat: Improve error message (#220)
- RFC-0221: Create Dir (#221)
- feat: Simplify create API (#225)
- feat: Implement decompress read support (#227)
- ci: Enable behavior test for azblob (#229)
- docs: Add docs for azblob's public structs (#230)

### Changed

- refactor: Move op.objects() to o.list() (#224)
- refactor: Improve behavior_tests so that cargo test works without --all-features (#231)

### Fixed

- fix: Azblob should pass all behavior tests now (#228)

## [v0.4.2] - 2022-04-03

### Added

- feat: Add seekable_reader on Object (#215)

### Fixed

- fix: Object last_modified should carry timezone (#217)

## [v0.4.1] - 2022-04-02

### Added

- feat: Export SeekableReader (#212)

## [v0.4.0] - 2022-04-02

**Refer to [Upgrade](./docs/ `From v0.3 to v0.4` section for more upgrade details.**

### Added

- feat(services/azblob): Implement list support (#193)
- feat: Implement io_util like into_sink and into_stream (#197)
- docs: Add docs for all newly added public functions (#199)
- feat(io_util): Implement observer for sink and stream (#198)
- docs: Add docs for public types (#206)

### Changed

- refactor: Make read return BytesStream instead (#192)
- RFC-0191: Async Streaming IO (#191)
- refactor: New public API design (#201)
- refactor: Adopt io::Result instead (#204)
- refactor: Rollback changes around async streaming io (#205)
- refactor: Refactor behavior tests with macro_rules (#207)

### Fixed

- deps: Bump to reqsign to fix s3 url encode issue (#202)

### Removed

- RFC-0203: Remove Credential (#203)

## [v0.3.0] - 2022-03-25

### Added

- feat: Add azure blob support (#165)
- feat: Add tracing support via minitrace (#175)
- feat(service/s3): Implement server side encryption support (#182)

### Changed

- chore: Level down some log entry to debug (#181)

### Fixed

- fix(service/s3): Endpoint template should be applied if region exists (#180)

## [v0.2.5] - 2022-03-22

### Added

- feat: Adopt quick_xml to parse xml (#164)
- test: Add behavior test for not exist object (#166)
- feat: Allow user input region (#168)

## Changed

- feat: Improve error handle for s3 service (#169)
- feat: Read error response for better debugging (#170)
- examples: Improve examples for s3 (#171)

## [v0.2.4] - 2022-03-18

### Added

- feat: Add content_md5 and last_modified in metadata (#158)

### Changed

- refactor: Say goodbye to aws-s3-sdk (#152)

## [v0.2.3] - 2022-03-14

### Added

- feat: Export BoxedObjectStream so that users can implement Layer (#147)

## [v0.2.2] - 2022-03-14

### Fixed

- services/fs: Refactor via tokio::fs (#142)
- fix: Stat root should return a dir object (#143)

## [v0.2.1] - 2022-03-10

### Added

- \*: Implement logging support (#122)
- feat(service): Add service memory read support (#121)
- services: Add basic metrics (#127)
- services: Add full memory support (#134)

### Changed

- benches: Refactor to support more read pattern (#126)
- services: Refactor into directories (#131)

### Docs

- docs: Cover all public types and functions (#128)
- docs: Update README (#129)
- ci: Generate main docs to <> (#132)
- docs: Enrich README (#133)
- Add examples for object (#135)

## [v0.2.0] - 2022-03-08

### Added

- RFC-112: Path Normalization (#112)
- examples: Add more examples for services and operations (#113)

### Changed

- benches: Refactor to make code more readable (#104)
- object: Refactor ObjectMode into enum (#114)

## [v0.1.4] - 2022-03-04

### Added

- services/s3: Implement anonymous read support (#97)
- bench: Add parallel_read bench (#100)
- services/s3: Add test for anonymous support (#99)

## [v0.1.3] - 2022-03-02

### Added

- RFC and implementations for limited reader (#90)
- readers: Implement observe reader support (#92)

### Changed

- deps: Bump s3 sdk to 0.8 (#87)
- bench: Improve logic (#89)

### New RFCs

- [limited_reader]

## [v0.1.2] - 2022-03-01

### Changed

- object: Polish API for Metadata (#80)

## [v0.1.1] - 2022-03-01

### Added

- RFC and implementation of feature Object Stream (#69)
- services/s3: Implement List support (#76)
- credential: Add Plain variant to allow more input (#78)

### Changed

- backend/s3: Change from lazy_static to once_cell (#62)
- backend/s3: Enable test on AWS S3 (#64)

## [v0.1.0] - 2022-02-24

### Added

- docs: Add README for behavior test and ops benchmarks (#53)
- RFC-0057: Auto Region (#57)
- backend/s3: Implement RFC-57 Auto Region (#59)

### Changed

- io: Rename BoxedAsyncRead to BoxedAsyncReader (#55)
- \*: Refactor tests (#60)

## [v0.0.5] - 2022-02-23

### Fixed

- io: Remove not used debug print (#48)

## [v0.0.4] - 2022-02-23

### Added

- readers: Allow config prefetch size (#31)
- RFC-0041: Object Native API (#41)
- \*: Implement RFC-0041 Object Native API (#35)
- RFC-0044: Error Handle (#44)
- error: Implement RFC-0044 Error Handle (#43)

### Changed

- services/fs: Use separate dedicated thread pool instead (#42)

## [v0.0.3] - 2022-02-16

### Added

- benches: Implement benches for ops (#26)

### Changed

- services/s3: Don't load_from_env if users already inputs (#23)
- readers: Improve seekable performance (#25)

## [v0.0.2] - 2022-02-15

### Added

- tests: Implement behavior tests (#13)
- services/s3: Add support for endpoints without scheme (#15)
- tests: Implement integration tests for s3 (#18)

### Fixed

- services/s3: Allow set endpoint and region while input value is valid (#17)

## v0.0.1 - 2022-02-14

### Added

Hello, OpenDAL!
