Module opencv::ovis

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§OGRE 3D Visualiser

ovis is a simplified rendering wrapper around ogre3d. The Ogre terminology is used in the API and Ogre Script is assumed to be used for advanced customization.

Besides the API you see here, there are several environment variables that control the behavior of ovis. They are documented in [createWindow].

§Loading geometry

You can create geometry on the fly or by loading Ogre .mesh files.


For converting/ creating geometry Blender is recommended.

  • Blender 2.7x is better tested, but Blender 2.8x should work too
  • install blender2ogre matching your Blender version
  • download the Ogre MSVC SDK which contains OgreXMLConverter.exe (in bin/) and set the path in the blender2ogre settings
  • get ogre-meshviewer to enable the preview function in blender2ogre as well as for verifying the exported files
  • in case the exported materials are not exactly how you want them, consult the Ogre Manual


When using Ogre 1.12.9 or later, enabling the Assimp plugin allows to load arbitrary geometry. Simply pass bunny.obj instead of bunny.mesh as meshname in [WindowScene::createEntity].

You should still use ogre-meshviewer to verify that the geometry is converted correctly.





