opencv 0.81.1

Rust bindings for OpenCV
name = "opencv"
description = "Rust bindings for OpenCV"
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["opencv", "vision"]
license = "MIT"
version = "0.81.1"
edition = "2021"
rust-version = "1.59"
resolver = "1"
authors = ["Pro <>", "Mathieu Poumeyrol <>"]
autoexamples = false # not all examples compile on just any system
exclude = ["/.github", "/ci", "/tools", "release.toml", "rustfmt.toml"]

doctest = false

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }

members = ["binding-generator"]

# requires CUDA
#name = "cuda"

name = "discrete_fourier_transform"

# requires Graph-API module
#name = "gapi_api_example"

name = "hough_lines"

name = "opencl"

# requires OpenCV 4.5.1+
#name = "text_detection"

name = "video_capture"

name = "video_facedetect"

name = "video_features"

name = "video_to_gray"

name = "warp_perspective_demo"

name = "window"

libc = "0.2"
num-traits = "0.2"
once_cell = "1"
# version 0.8.20 doesn't contain the deficiency mentioned in
rgb = { version = "0.8.20", features = ["argb"], optional = true }

opencv-binding-generator = { version = "0.62.0", path = "binding-generator" }
cc = { version = "1", features = ["parallel"] }
clang = { version = "2", features = ["clang_6_0", "runtime"] }
dunce = "1"
# jobserver-0.1.25 is the first one that has Client::available() method
jobserver = "0.1.25"
once_cell = "1"
pkg-config = "0.3"
semver = "1"
shlex = "1"
# vcpkg-0.2.9 is the first one that has accessible find_vcpkg_root()
vcpkg = "0.2.9"

matches = "0.1"

default = [

# OpenCV modules
alphamat = []
aruco = []
aruco_detector = ["aruco"]
barcode = []
bgsegm = ["video"]
bioinspired = []
calib3d = ["features2d"]
ccalib = ["features2d"]
cudaarithm = []
cudabgsegm = ["video"]
cudacodec = []
cudafeatures2d = ["features2d"]
cudafilters = []
cudaimgproc = ["imgproc"]
cudaobjdetect = ["objdetect"]
cudaoptflow = []
cudastereo = ["calib3d"]
cudawarping = []
cvv = []
dnn = []
dnn_superres = []
dpm = []
face = ["objdetect"]
features2d = ["flann"]
flann = []
freetype = []
fuzzy = []
gapi = []
hdf = []
hfs = []
highgui = []
img_hash = []
imgcodecs = []
imgproc = []
intensity_transform = []
line_descriptor = []
mcc = ["dnn"]
ml = []
objdetect = []
optflow = ["video"]
ovis = []
phase_unwrapping = []
photo = []
plot = []
quality = ["ml"]
rapid = []
rgbd = []
saliency = []
sfm = []
shape = []
stereo = []
stitching = ["features2d", "imgproc"]
structured_light = []
superres = []
surface_matching = []
text = []
tracking = ["video"]
video = []
videoio = []
videostab = ["features2d"]
viz = []
xfeatures2d = ["features2d"]
ximgproc = ["calib3d"]
xobjdetect = []
xphoto = ["photo"]
wechat_qrcode = []

no-default-features = true