[][src]Function opencv::xfeatures2d::match_logos

pub fn match_logos(
    keypoints1: &Vector<KeyPoint>,
    keypoints2: &Vector<KeyPoint>,
    nn1: &Vector<i32>,
    nn2: &Vector<i32>,
    matches1to2: &mut Vector<DMatch>
) -> Result<()>

LOGOS (Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification) feature matching strategy described in Lowry2018LOGOSLG .


  • keypoints1: Input keypoints of image1.
  • keypoints2: Input keypoints of image2.
  • nn1: Index to the closest BoW centroid for each descriptors of image1.
  • nn2: Index to the closest BoW centroid for each descriptors of image2.
  • matches1to2: Matches returned by the LOGOS matching strategy.

Note: This matching strategy is suitable for features matching against large scale database. First step consists in constructing the bag-of-words (BoW) from a representative image database. Image descriptors are then represented by their closest codevector (nearest BoW centroid).