[][src]Function opencv::dnn::nms_boxes

pub fn nms_boxes(
    bboxes: &Vector<Rect>,
    scores: &Vector<f32>,
    score_threshold: f32,
    nms_threshold: f32,
    indices: &mut Vector<i32>,
    eta: f32,
    top_k: i32
) -> Result<()>

Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.


  • bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS.
  • scores: a set of corresponding confidences.
  • score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score.
  • nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression.
  • indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS.
  • eta: a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: inline formula.
  • top_k: if >0, keep at most @p top_k picked indices.

C++ default parameters

  • eta: 1.f
  • top_k: 0