[][src]Function opencv::calib3d::draw_frame_axes

pub fn draw_frame_axes(
    image: &mut dyn ToInputOutputArray,
    camera_matrix: &dyn ToInputArray,
    dist_coeffs: &dyn ToInputArray,
    rvec: &dyn ToInputArray,
    tvec: &dyn ToInputArray,
    length: f32,
    thickness: i32
) -> Result<()>

Draw axes of the world/object coordinate system from pose estimation. see also: solvePnP


  • image: Input/output image. It must have 1 or 3 channels. The number of channels is not altered.
  • cameraMatrix: Input 3x3 floating-point matrix of camera intrinsic parameters. inline formula
  • distCoeffs: Input vector of distortion coefficients inline formula. If the vector is empty, the zero distortion coefficients are assumed.
  • rvec: Rotation vector (see @ref Rodrigues ) that, together with tvec, brings points from the model coordinate system to the camera coordinate system.
  • tvec: Translation vector.
  • length: Length of the painted axes in the same unit than tvec (usually in meters).
  • thickness: Line thickness of the painted axes.

This function draws the axes of the world/object coordinate system w.r.t. to the camera frame. OX is drawn in red, OY in green and OZ in blue.

C++ default parameters

  • thickness: 3