[][src]Function opencv::calib3d::distort_points

pub fn distort_points(
    undistorted: &dyn ToInputArray,
    distorted: &mut dyn ToOutputArray,
    k: &dyn ToInputArray,
    d: &dyn ToInputArray,
    alpha: f64
) -> Result<()>

Distorts 2D points using fisheye model.


  • undistorted: Array of object points, 1xN/Nx1 2-channel (or vector<Point2f> ), where N is the number of points in the view.
  • K: Camera intrinsic matrix inline formula.
  • D: Input vector of distortion coefficients inline formula.
  • alpha: The skew coefficient.
  • distorted: Output array of image points, 1xN/Nx1 2-channel, or vector<Point2f> .

Note that the function assumes the camera intrinsic matrix of the undistorted points to be identity. This means if you want to transform back points undistorted with undistortPoints() you have to multiply them with inline formula.

C++ default parameters

  • alpha: 0