opencl-sys 0.2.1

OpenCL C FFI bindings for the Rust programming language.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Via Technology Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! FFI bindings for [cl_d3d11.h](  
//! cl_d3d11.h contains OpenCL extensions that provide interoperability with Direct3D 11.  
//! OpenCL extensions are documented in the [OpenCL-Registry](

#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals)]

use super::cl::{
    cl_command_queue, cl_command_type, cl_context, cl_context_info, cl_device_id, cl_event,
    cl_image_info, cl_mem, cl_mem_flags, cl_mem_info, cl_mem_object_type, cl_platform_id,
use super::cl_platform::{cl_int, cl_uint, DXGI_FORMAT};
use libc::c_void;

// cl_khr_d3d11_sharing

pub type cl_d3d11_device_source_khr = cl_uint;
pub type cl_d3d11_device_set_khr = cl_uint;

pub const CL_INVALID_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR: cl_int = -1006;
pub const CL_INVALID_D3D11_RESOURCE_KHR: cl_int = -1007;
pub const CL_D3D11_RESOURCE_ALREADY_ACQUIRED_KHR: cl_int = -1008;
pub const CL_D3D11_RESOURCE_NOT_ACQUIRED_KHR: cl_int = -1009;

pub const CL_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR: cl_d3d11_device_source_khr = 0x4019;
pub const CL_D3D11_DXGI_ADAPTER_KHR: cl_d3d11_device_source_khr = 0x401A;

pub const CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_D3D11_KHR: cl_d3d11_device_set_khr = 0x401B;
pub const CL_ALL_DEVICES_FOR_D3D11_KHR: cl_d3d11_device_set_khr = 0x401C;

// cl_context_info
pub const CL_CONTEXT_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR: cl_context_info = 0x401D;
pub const CL_CONTEXT_D3D11_PREFER_SHARED_RESOURCES_KHR: cl_context_info = 0x402D;

// cl_mem_info
pub const CL_MEM_D3D11_RESOURCE_KHR: cl_mem_info = 0x401E;

// cl_image_info
pub const CL_IMAGE_D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_KHR: cl_image_info = 0x401F;

// cl_command_type
pub const CL_COMMAND_ACQUIRE_D3D11_OBJECTS_KHR: cl_command_type = 0x4020;
pub const CL_COMMAND_RELEASE_D3D11_OBJECTS_KHR: cl_command_type = 0x4021;

pub type ID3D11Buffer_ptr = *mut c_void;
pub type ID3D11Texture2D_ptr = *mut c_void;
pub type ID3D11Texture3D_ptr = *mut c_void;

pub type clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        platform: cl_platform_id,
        d3d_device_source: cl_d3d11_device_source_khr,
        d3d_object: *mut c_void,
        d3d_device_set: cl_d3d11_device_set_khr,
        num_entries: cl_uint,
        devices: *mut cl_device_id,
        num_devices: *mut cl_uint,
    ) -> cl_int,

pub type clCreateFromD3D11BufferKHR_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        context: cl_context,
        flags: cl_mem_flags,
        resource: ID3D11Buffer_ptr,
        errcode_ret: *mut cl_int,
    ) -> cl_mem,

pub type clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        context: cl_context,
        flags: cl_mem_flags,
        resource: ID3D11Texture2D_ptr,
        subresource: cl_uint,
        errcode_ret: *mut cl_int,
    ) -> cl_mem,

pub type clCreateFromD3D11Texture3DKHR_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        context: cl_context,
        flags: cl_mem_flags,
        resource: ID3D11Texture3D_ptr,
        subresource: cl_uint,
        errcode_ret: *mut cl_int,
    ) -> cl_mem,

pub type clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        command_queue: cl_command_queue,
        num_objects: cl_uint,
        mem_objects: *const cl_mem,
        num_events_in_wait_list: cl_uint,
        event_wait_list: *const cl_event,
        event: *mut cl_event,
    ) -> cl_int,

pub type clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        command_queue: cl_command_queue,
        num_objects: cl_uint,
        mem_objects: *const cl_mem,
        num_events_in_wait_list: cl_uint,
        event_wait_list: *const cl_event,
        event: *mut cl_event,
    ) -> cl_int,

// when cl_khr_d3d11_sharing is supported

#[cfg_attr(not(target_os = "macos"), link(name = "OpenCL"))]
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "macos", link(name = "OpenCL", kind = "framework"))]
#[cfg(feature = "cl_khr_d3d11_sharing")]
extern "system" {

    pub fn clGetSupportedD3D11TextureFormatsINTEL(
        context: cl_context,
        flags: cl_mem_flags,
        image_type: cl_mem_object_type,
        plane: cl_uint,
        num_entries: cl_uint,
        d3d11_formats: *mut DXGI_FORMAT,
        num_surface_formats: *mut cl_uint,
    ) -> cl_int;

pub type clGetSupportedD3D11TextureFormatsINTEL_fn = Option<
    unsafe extern "C" fn(
        context: cl_context,
        flags: cl_mem_flags,
        image_type: cl_mem_object_type,
        plane: cl_uint,
        num_entries: cl_uint,
        d3d11_formats: *mut DXGI_FORMAT,
        num_surface_formats: *mut cl_uint,
    ) -> cl_int,