open_ttt_lib 0.2.2

Library that provides common Tic Tac Toe logic.
//! Provides game logic and state management.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! # use open_ttt_lib::game;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<game::Error>> {
//! use open_ttt_lib::game;
//! // Make a new game.
//! let mut game = game::Game::new();
//! // Mark a position as owned.
//! let p = game::Position{ row: 0, column: 0 };
//! game.do_move(p)?;
//! // Once a position is owned, its owner cannot be changed.
//! assert!(!game.can_move(p));
//! // Trying to move into that position causes an error to be returned.
//! assert!(game.do_move(p).is_err());
//! // Get the state of the game to see who's turn it is or if the game is over.
//! match game.state() {
//!     game::State::PlayerXMove => println!("X's turn."),
//!     game::State::PlayerOMove => println!("O's turn."),
//!     game::State::PlayerXWin(_) => println!("Game Over: X wins!"),
//!     game::State::PlayerOWin(_) => println!("Game Over: O wins!"),
//!     game::State::CatsGame => println!("Game Over: cat's game."),
//! };
//! // Display or render the game's the board.
//! println!("{}", game.board());
//! // Keep doing moves until the game is over...
//! game.do_move(game::Position{ row: 0, column: 1 })?;
//! // To ensure each player gets to take the first turn use
//! // start_next_game() instead of making a new game with new().
//! game.start_next_game();
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;

use crate::board;
pub use crate::board::Position;

// The size of a Tic Tac Toe board
const BOARD_SIZE: board::Size = board::Size {
    rows: 3,
    columns: 3,

/// Handles management of Tic Tac Toe games.
/// This structure is one of the central types provided by the library. It
/// contains the state machine logic, holds the underlying game board, and
/// enforces the rules of Tic Tac Toe.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use open_ttt_lib::game;
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<game::Error>> {
/// use open_ttt_lib::game;
/// // Make a new game.
/// let mut game = game::Game::new();
/// assert!(!game.state().is_game_over());
/// // Mark a position as owned.
/// let p = game::Position{ row: 0, column: 0 };
/// assert!(game.can_move(p));
/// game.do_move(p)?;
/// // Once a position is owned, its owner cannot be changed.
/// assert!(!game.can_move(p));
/// // Trying to move into that position causes an error to be returned.
/// assert!(game.do_move(p).is_err());
/// // To ensure each player gets to take the first turn use
/// // start_next_game() instead of making a new game.
/// game.start_next_game();
/// #
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Game {
    board: board::Board,
    state: State,
    // The state to use when starting the next game.
    next_game_starting_state: State,

impl Game {
    /// Creates a new Tic Tac Toe game structure.
    /// **Note:** use `start_next_game()` for playing consecutive games to
    /// ensure each player gets to start the game.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let board = board::Board::new(BOARD_SIZE);
        let state = State::PlayerXMove;
        let next_game_starting_state = Self::next_players_turn(&state);

        Game {

    /// Gets the board associated with the game.
    /// Access to the board is useful for providing to your display
    /// or render function.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::{board, game};
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// display(game.board());
    /// fn display(board: &board::Board) {
    ///     // Display or render a representation of the board.
    ///     println!("{}", board);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn board(&self) -> &board::Board {

    /// Gets the current state of the game.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// match game.state() {
    ///     game::State::PlayerXMove => println!("X's turn."),
    ///     game::State::PlayerOMove => println!("O's turn."),
    ///     game::State::PlayerXWin(_) => println!("Game Over: X wins!"),
    ///     game::State::PlayerOWin(_) => println!("Game Over: O wins!"),
    ///     game::State::CatsGame => println!("Game Over: cat's game."),
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn state(&self) -> State {

    /// Gets an iterator over the free positions that do not have an owner and
    /// thus can be provided to `do_move()`.
    /// When the game is over there are no free positions.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// let num_free_positions = game.free_positions().count();
    /// println!("There are {} available positions.", num_free_positions);
    /// ```
    pub fn free_positions(&self) -> FreePositions {
        FreePositions {
            board_iter: self.board.iter(),
            is_game_over: self.state.is_game_over(),

    /// Indicates if the square at the indicated position can be marked as owned.
    /// That is, if `can_move()` returns true then `do_move()` is guaranteed to
    /// not return an error. `False` is returned if the position is owned, if the
    /// game is over, or if the position is outside the area of the board.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<game::Error>> {
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// let p = game::Position{ row: 0, column: 0 };
    /// // For a new game all of the positions are available.
    /// assert!(game.can_move(p));
    /// // Once a position is owned, its owner cannot be changed.
    /// game.do_move(p)?;
    /// assert!(!game.can_move(p));
    /// #
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn can_move(&self, position: board::Position) -> bool {
        // If the game is over or if the position is outside the board area the
        // a move cannot be performed. Otherwise, a move can be performed if
        // the position has no owner.
        if self.state.is_game_over() || !self.board.contains(position) {
        } else {
            self.board().get(position).unwrap() == board::Owner::None

    /// Marks the indicated square as being owned by the current player.
    /// The state of the game is updated as a side effect of `do_move()`. The new
    /// state is returned if the move was successful.
    /// # Errors
    /// An error is returned if the indicated position is already owned or if
    /// the game is over.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// match game.do_move(game::Position{ row: 0, column: 0 }) {
    ///     Ok(new_state) => assert_eq!(game.state(), new_state),
    ///     Err(error) => println!("{}", error),
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn do_move(&mut self, position: board::Position) -> Result<State, Error> {
        // Mark the given position as being owned by the player whose turn its.
        // If we are in one of the game over states, or if the position is
        // already owned, an error is returned.
        let new_owner = match self.state {
            State::PlayerXMove => board::Owner::PlayerX,
            State::PlayerOMove => board::Owner::PlayerO,
            _ => return Err(Error::GameOver),

        let existing_owner = match self.board.get_mut(position) {
            Some(owner) => owner,
            None => return Err(Error::InvalidPosition(position)),

        if *existing_owner != board::Owner::None {
            return Err(Error::PositionAlreadyOwned(position, *existing_owner));

        *existing_owner = new_owner;

        // Now that the position's owner has been updated we can calculate and
        // return the next state of the game based on the updated game board.
        self.state = self.calculate_next_state();

    /// Starts the next game by resetting the state machine ensuring the player
    /// who went second last game goes first next game.
    /// Use of this function is preferred over making a new game with `new()`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// let mut game = game::Game::new();
    /// let first_player_last_game = game.state();
    /// // Play partial or complete game...
    /// // Start the next game.
    /// game.start_next_game();
    /// // The player to start the next game is not the
    /// // player that started last game.
    /// assert_ne!(game.state(), first_player_last_game);
    /// assert!(!game.state().is_game_over());
    /// ```
    pub fn start_next_game(&mut self) -> State {
        // Make a new board thus clearing out all existing positions.
        self.board = board::Board::new(BOARD_SIZE);

        // Set the current state and next game's starting state.
        self.state = self.next_game_starting_state.clone();
        self.next_game_starting_state = Self::next_players_turn(&self.state);


    // Helper function that looks for the victory conditions, returning the next
    // state of the game.
    // Note: this function should be used after every move to ensure the correct
    // state of the game is maintained.
    fn calculate_next_state(&self) -> State {
        let winning_positions = self.find_winning_positions();

        // Various checks are performed to determine the next state to use for the game:
        // * If the set contains items then a player managed to win, thus return a state
        //   for the winner of the game.
        // * If there are no more free positions left then the game ends in a cats game.
        // * Otherwise, it is the next player's turn.
        if !winning_positions.is_empty() {
        } else if self
            .find(|(_position, owner)| *owner == board::Owner::None)
        } else {

    // Helper function that finds the set positions that are satisfying the victory conditions.
    // An empty set is returned if there are no winning positions.
    fn find_winning_positions(&self) -> HashSet<board::Position> {
        // This method is part of the hot path: pre-allocate storage for the maximum number of
        // winning positions possible for the game board.
        const MAX_WINNING_POSITIONS: usize = 5;
            board::Size {
                rows: 3,
                columns: 3
        let mut winning_positions = HashSet::with_capacity(MAX_WINNING_POSITIONS);

        // Check for winning a rows, columns, or diagonals. Each function writes winning positions to
        // the provided set.
        self.check_rows(&mut winning_positions);
        self.check_columns(&mut winning_positions);
        self.check_top_left_to_bottom_right(&mut winning_positions);
        self.check_top_right_to_bottom_left(&mut winning_positions);


    // Helper function for checking for a winning row.
    fn check_rows(&self, mut winning_positions: &mut HashSet<Position>) {
        for row in 0..self.board.size().rows {
            let starting_position = board::Position { row, column: 0 };
            let next_position_fn = |x: board::Position| board::Position {
                row: x.row,
                column: x.column + 1,
            self.check_sequence(&mut winning_positions, starting_position, next_position_fn);

    // Helper function for checking for a winning column.
    fn check_columns(&self, mut winning_positions: &mut HashSet<Position>) {
        for column in 0..self.board.size().columns {
            let starting_position = board::Position { row: 0, column };
            let next_position_fn = |x: board::Position| board::Position {
                row: x.row + 1,
                column: x.column,
            self.check_sequence(&mut winning_positions, starting_position, next_position_fn);

    // Helper function for checking the top left to bottom right diagonal.
    fn check_top_left_to_bottom_right(&self, mut winning_positions: &mut HashSet<Position>) {
        let starting_position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let next_position_fn = |x: board::Position| board::Position {
            row: x.row + 1,
            column: x.column + 1,
        self.check_sequence(&mut winning_positions, starting_position, next_position_fn);

    // Helper function for checking the top right to bottom left diagonal.
    fn check_top_right_to_bottom_left(&self, mut winning_positions: &mut HashSet<Position>) {
        let starting_position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 2 };
        let next_position_fn = |x: board::Position| board::Position {
            row: x.row + 1,
            column: x.column - 1,
        self.check_sequence(&mut winning_positions, starting_position, next_position_fn);

    // Helper function for checking a sequence of positions.
    // The `starting_position` marks the start of the sequence and the
    // `next_position_fn` provides the next position to look at based on the
    // current position.
    // If all of the positions have the same owner then they are inserted into
    // the set of winning positions.
    fn check_sequence(
        winning_positions: &mut HashSet<board::Position>,
        starting_position: board::Position,
        next_position_fn: fn(board::Position) -> board::Position,
    ) {
        // Get the owner of the starting position. If the position is outside the
        // board or there is no owner then there is no point in continuing the search.
        let initial_owner = self
        if initial_owner == board::Owner::None {

        // Loop over the remaining positions to see if they have the same owner as the
        // initial position. The positions visited thus far are added to a collection.
        // This method is part of the hot path so a fixed sized, stack based array is
        // used to reduce memory allocations.
        const POSITIONS_SIZE: usize = 3;
        let mut positions: [board::Position; POSITIONS_SIZE] = [starting_position; POSITIONS_SIZE];
        let mut positions_index = 0;

        let mut position = next_position_fn(starting_position);
        while let Some(owner) = self.board.get(position) {
            if owner != initial_owner {
            positions_index += 1;
            positions[positions_index] = position;
            position = next_position_fn(position);

        // All positions have the same owner, thus we have found a win. Add the positions to set
        // of winning positions.
        for p in &positions {

    // Gets the state representing winning player based on the set of winning positions.
    // The set of winning positions cannot be empty. This function also assumes
    // the winning positions are all owned by one player.
    fn get_winning_player(&self, winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position>) -> State {

        // Get the owner of the winning positions.
        let winning_owner = self

        // Debug time assert to ensure all the positions are owned by the same player.
        // For release builds we simply give the win to the first owner found in the set.
                .find(|&&x| self.board.get(x).unwrap() != winning_owner)
            "Multiple owners found for positions in the set of winning positions. \
             This can be caused by not updating the state of the game after every move."

        match winning_owner {
            board::Owner::PlayerX => State::PlayerXWin(winning_positions),
            board::Owner::PlayerO => State::PlayerOWin(winning_positions),
            board::Owner::None => panic!(
                "The game thinks there should be a winner \
                 but it cannot determine who won the game. This condition is \
                 the result of a bug in the open_ttt_lib used by this application."

    // Helper function for getting the state associated with the next player's turn.
    // Panics if the game is over as there no next turn to take.
    fn next_players_turn(current_state: &State) -> State {
        match current_state {
            State::PlayerXMove => State::PlayerOMove,
            State::PlayerOMove => State::PlayerXMove,
            _ => panic!(
                "Attempting to get the next player's turn but the game \
                 is over ({:?}). This condition is the result of a bug in the \
                 open_ttt_lib used by this application.",

impl Default for Game {
    /// Provides a default game.
    fn default() -> Self {

/// An iterator over free positions in a `Game`; that is positions without an owner.
pub struct FreePositions<'a> {
    board_iter: board::Iter<'a>,
    is_game_over: bool,

impl Iterator for FreePositions<'_> {
    type Item = board::Position;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // There are no free positions if the game is over.
        if self.is_game_over {
            return None;

        // Iterate over all the positions looking for ones that are not Owned.
        while let Some((position, owner)) = {
            if owner == board::Owner::None {
                return Some(position);


/// Holds all the errors that can be reported by this module.
/// This type implements the Display trait for producing English error messages
/// aimed at application developers.
pub enum Error {
    /// Error used when a player requests a move but game is over.
    /// Error used when a player tries to move to a position position is already
    /// owned by a different player. The current owner of the position is provided.
    PositionAlreadyOwned(board::Position, board::Owner),
    /// Error used when the position is outside the board's area. The invalid
    /// position is provided.

impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            Self::GameOver => write!(
                "The game is over so no more moves can \
                 be performed. Use start_next_game() to start the next game."
            Self::PositionAlreadyOwned(position, owner) => write!(
                "The square at {:?} is already owned by {:?}. Once a square is \
                 owned by a player it cannot be used by a different player. Use \
                 free_positions() to get available positions that can be used.",
                position, owner
            Self::InvalidPosition(position) => write!(
                "The position {:?} is outside the area of the board. Please use \
                 a valid position contained by the board.",

impl error::Error for Error {}

/// Indicates the state of the game.
/// The set of positions provided to `PlayerXWin` and `PlayerOWin` contain all the
/// positions that contributed to the victory. Usually, this will be positions
/// representing a row, column, or diagonal. However, there are some situations
/// where more than one row, column, or diagonal contributed to a victory.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum State {
    /// Player X's turn to mark a free position.

    /// Player O's turn to mark a free position.

    /// Player X has won the game. The set of positions that contributed to the
    /// win are provided as the enum value.

    /// Player O has won the game. The set of positions that contributed to the
    /// win are provided as the enum value.

    /// The game has ended in a draw where there are no winners.

impl State {
    /// Indicates if the state represents one of the game over states.
    /// If either player has won or it is a cat's game then `true` is returned;
    /// otherwise, `false` is returned.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use open_ttt_lib::game;
    /// assert!(!game::State::PlayerXMove.is_game_over());
    /// assert!(game::State::CatsGame.is_game_over());
    /// ```
    pub fn is_game_over(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Self::PlayerXMove | Self::PlayerOMove => false,
            Self::PlayerXWin(_) | Self::PlayerOWin(_) | Self::CatsGame => true,

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    // Helper function for setting the owner of the given positions.
    // This function does not modify the state of the game or check to see if the
    // provided positions already have an owner.
    fn set_positions(game: &mut Game, owner: board::Owner, positions: &[board::Position]) {
        for position in positions {
            *game.board.get_mut(*position).unwrap() = owner;

    fn game_new_should_create_3x3_board() {
        let expected_size = board::Size {
            rows: 3,
            columns: 3,

        let game = Game::new();
        let actual_size = game.board().size();

        assert_eq!(expected_size, actual_size);

    fn game_new_should_not_be_game_over_state() {
        let expected_is_game_over = false;

        let game = Game::new();
        let actual_is_game_over = game.state().is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);

    fn game_new_should_all_positions_should_be_free() {
        let game = Game::new();
        let board_size = game.board().size();
        // Calculate the expected number of free positions. This is equal to the
        // total number of positions.
        let expected_free_squares = board_size.rows * board_size.columns;

        let actual_free_squares = game.free_positions().count();

        assert_eq!(expected_free_squares as usize, actual_free_squares);

    fn game_default_should_create_3x3_board() {
        let expected_size = board::Size {
            rows: 3,
            columns: 3,

        let game = Game::default();
        let actual_size = game.board().size();

        assert_eq!(expected_size, actual_size);

    fn game_free_positions_should_not_contain_any_owned_positions() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        // Configure the board so each player owns some positions.
            .get_mut(board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 })
            .unwrap() = board::Owner::PlayerX;
            .get_mut(board::Position { row: 0, column: 1 })
            .unwrap() = board::Owner::PlayerO;
        let expected_num_owned_positions = 0;

        let actual_num_owned_positions = game
            .filter(|x| game.board().get(*x).unwrap() != board::Owner::None)

        assert_eq!(expected_num_owned_positions, actual_num_owned_positions);

    fn game_free_positions_when_game_over_should_be_none() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        // Force the game to be in a game over state.
        game.state = State::CatsGame;
        let expected_num_free_positions = 0;

        let actual_num_free_positions = game.free_positions().count();

        assert_eq!(expected_num_free_positions, actual_num_free_positions);

    fn game_can_move_when_unowned_positions_should_be_true() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let game = Game::new();
        // No positions are owned yet.
        let expected_can_move = true;

        let actual_can_move = game.can_move(position);

        assert_eq!(expected_can_move, actual_can_move);

    fn game_can_move_when_owned_positions_should_be_false() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let mut game = Game::new();
        // Give the position an owner.
        *game.board.get_mut(position).unwrap() = board::Owner::PlayerX;
        let expected_can_move = false;

        let actual_can_move = game.can_move(position);

        assert_eq!(expected_can_move, actual_can_move);

    fn game_can_move_when_game_over_should_be_false() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::CatsGame;
        let expected_can_move = false;

        let actual_can_move = game.can_move(position);

        assert_eq!(expected_can_move, actual_can_move);

    fn game_can_move_when_outside_game_board_should_be_false() {
        let position_outside_game_board = board::Position {
            row: -1,
            column: -1,
        let game = Game::new();
        let expected_can_move = false;

        let actual_can_move = game.can_move(position_outside_game_board);

        assert_eq!(expected_can_move, actual_can_move);

    fn game_do_move_returned_state_should_match_game_state() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;

        let returned_state = game.do_move(board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 }).unwrap();
        let game_state = game.state();

        assert_eq!(returned_state, game_state);

    fn game_do_move_when_player_X_move_should_return_player_O_move_state() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        let expected_state = State::PlayerOMove;

        let actual_state = game.do_move(board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 }).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(expected_state, actual_state);

    fn game_do_move_when_player_O_move_should_return_player_X_move_state() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerOMove;
        let expected_state = State::PlayerXMove;

        let actual_state = game.do_move(board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 }).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(expected_state, actual_state);

    fn game_do_move_when_owned_position_should_return_error() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let mut game = Game::new();
        // Mark the position as being owned by doing a move on it.

        // Do a second move to the same position.
        let move_result = game.do_move(position);


    fn game_do_move_when_game_over_should_return_error() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let mut game = Game::new();
        // Set a game over state.
        game.state = State::CatsGame;

        let move_result = game.do_move(position);


    fn game_do_move_when_position_outside_board_should_return_error() {
        let position_outside_board = board::Position {
            row: 100,
            column: 100,
        let mut game = Game::new();

        let move_result = game.do_move(position_outside_board);


    fn game_do_move_when_three_X_in_row_should_return_player_X_win() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        // Configure the board so the next move is a winning move.
        let existing_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 },
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 1 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerX, &existing_positions);
        let winning_position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 2 };
        // Build the set of expected winning positions.
        let mut winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position> =
        let expected_state = State::PlayerXWin(winning_positions);

        // Do the final move to get three X's in a row.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(winning_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    fn game_do_move_when_three_X_in_column_should_return_player_X_win() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        // Configure the board so the next move is a winning move.
        let existing_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 0 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerX, &existing_positions);
        let winning_position = board::Position { row: 2, column: 0 };
        // Build the set of expected winning positions.
        let mut winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position> =
        let expected_state = State::PlayerXWin(winning_positions);

        // Do the final move to get three X's in a column.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(winning_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    fn game_do_move_when_three_X_in_top_left_to_bottom_right_diagonal_should_return_player_X_win() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        // Configure the board so the next move is a winning move.
        let existing_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 1 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerX, &existing_positions);
        let winning_position = board::Position { row: 2, column: 2 };
        // Build the set of expected winning positions.
        let mut winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position> =
        let expected_state = State::PlayerXWin(winning_positions);

        // Do the final move to get three X's in a diagonal.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(winning_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    fn game_do_move_when_three_X_in_top_right_to_bottom_left_diagonal_should_return_player_X_win() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        // Configure the board so the next move is a winning move.
        let existing_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 2 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 1 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerX, &existing_positions);
        let winning_position = board::Position { row: 2, column: 0 };
        // Build the set of expected winning positions.
        let mut winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position> =
        let expected_state = State::PlayerXWin(winning_positions);

        // Do the final move to get three X's in a diagonal.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(winning_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    fn game_do_move_when_both_winning_row_and_diagonal_should_contain_all_winning_positions() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        // Create a board where player X is about to win by with both a diagonal and row.
        let existing_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 1 },
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 2 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 1 },
            board::Position { row: 2, column: 2 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerX, &existing_positions);
        let winning_position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        // Build the set of expected winning positions.
        let mut winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position> =
        let expected_state = State::PlayerXWin(winning_positions);

        // Do the final move to get three X's in a diagonal.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(winning_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    // We test at lease one of the victory conditions with player O to ensure
    // it works the same as player X.
    fn game_do_move_when_three_O_in_row_should_return_player_O_win() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerOMove;
        // Configure the board so the next move is a winning move.
        let existing_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 0 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 1 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerO, &existing_positions);
        let winning_position = board::Position { row: 1, column: 2 };
        // Build the set of expected winning positions.
        let mut winning_positions: HashSet<board::Position> =
        let expected_state = State::PlayerOWin(winning_positions);

        // Do the final move to get three O's in a row.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(winning_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    fn game_do_move_when_last_position_filled_should_return_cats_game() {
        // Configure the board so there are never three marks in a row and the
        // next move fills the board thus making no more free positions.
        // The board is configured as follows:
        //  +---+---+---+
        //  | X | O | X |
        //  +---+---+---+
        //  | X | O | O |
        //  +---+---+---+
        //  | O | X | X*|
        //  +---+---+---+
        // Where the X* is the last position.
        let mut game = Game::new();
        game.state = State::PlayerXMove;
        let existing_X_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 },
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 2 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 0 },
            board::Position { row: 2, column: 1 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerX, &existing_X_positions);
        let existing_O_positions = [
            board::Position { row: 0, column: 1 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 1 },
            board::Position { row: 1, column: 2 },
            board::Position { row: 2, column: 0 },
        set_positions(&mut game, board::Owner::PlayerO, &existing_O_positions);
        let last_position = board::Position { row: 2, column: 2 };
        let expected_state = State::CatsGame;

        // Fill the final position so there are no more moves.
        let actual_state = game.do_move(last_position).unwrap();

            "\nGame board used for this test: \n{}",

    fn game_start_next_game_should_ensure_player_who_went_went_second_goes_first_next_game() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        let first_player_last_game = game.state();

        let first_player_next_game = game.start_next_game();

        assert_ne!(first_player_last_game, first_player_next_game);

    fn game_start_next_game_should_alternate_between_players_who_go_first() {
        let mut game = Game::new();

        let player_1 = game.start_next_game();
        let player_2 = game.start_next_game();

        assert_ne!(player_1, player_2);

    fn game_start_next_game_when_game_not_over_should_start_next_game() {
        let mut game = Game::new();
        let expected_is_game_over = false;

        let actual_is_game_over = game.state().is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);

    fn error_display_when_game_over_should_be_non_empty() {
        let error = Error::GameOver;

        let error_message = error.to_string();

        assert_ne!(0, error_message.len());

    fn error_display_when_position_already_owned_should_contain_position_text() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let owner = board::Owner::PlayerX;
        let position_text = format!("{:?}", position);
        let error = Error::PositionAlreadyOwned(position, owner);

        let error_message = error.to_string();


    fn error_display_when_position_already_owned_should_contain_owner_text() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let owner = board::Owner::PlayerX;
        let owner_text = format!("{:?}", owner);
        let error = Error::PositionAlreadyOwned(position, owner);

        let error_message = error.to_string();


    fn error_display_when_invalid_position_should_contain_position_text() {
        let position = board::Position { row: 0, column: 0 };
        let position_text = format!("{:?}", position);
        let error = Error::InvalidPosition(position);

        let error_message = error.to_string();


    fn state_is_game_over_when_player_X_move_should_be_false() {
        let state = State::PlayerXMove;
        let expected_is_game_over = false;

        let actual_is_game_over = state.is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);

    fn state_is_game_over_when_player_O_move_should_be_false() {
        let state = State::PlayerOMove;
        let expected_is_game_over = false;

        let actual_is_game_over = state.is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);

    fn state_is_game_over_when_player_X_win_should_be_true() {
        let state = State::PlayerXWin(Default::default());
        let expected_is_game_over = true;

        let actual_is_game_over = state.is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);

    fn state_is_game_over_when_player_O_win_should_be_true() {
        let state = State::PlayerOWin(Default::default());
        let expected_is_game_over = true;

        let actual_is_game_over = state.is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);

    fn state_is_game_over_when_cats_game_should_be_true() {
        let state = State::CatsGame;
        let expected_is_game_over = true;

        let actual_is_game_over = state.is_game_over();

        assert_eq!(expected_is_game_over, actual_is_game_over);