open-vaf 0.4.2

A compiler frontend for VerilogA aimed predominently at compact modelling
 * ******************************************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2019 Pascal Kuthe. This file is part of the OpenVAF project.
 * It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
 *  of this distribution and at
 *  No part of OpenVAF, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or
 *  distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
 * *****************************************************************************************
pub(super) use branches::Branches;
pub(super) use expression::ExpressionFolder;
pub(super) use global::Global;
pub(super) use statements::Statements;

use crate::ast_lowering::error::Error;
use crate::ast_lowering::name_resolution::Resolver;
use crate::symbol_table::SymbolDeclaration;
use crate::{Ast, Hir};

mod branches;
mod expression;
mod global;
mod statements;

pub trait DeclarationHandler {
    fn handle_declaration(&mut self, fold: &mut Fold<'_>, declaration: SymbolDeclaration);

impl DeclarationHandler for () {
    fn handle_declaration(&mut self, _: &mut Fold<'_>, _: SymbolDeclaration) {}

/// A struct that contains data and functionality all ast to hir folds share
/// It is used for abstracting over functionality/data for the `resolve!`/`resolve_hierarchical!` macros and [`BranchResolver`](crate::ast_lowering::branch_resolution::BranchResolver)
pub struct Fold<'lt> {
    pub resolver: Resolver<'lt>,
    pub errors: Vec<Error>,
    pub hir: Hir,
    pub ast: &'lt Ast,

impl<'lt> Fold<'lt> {
    pub fn error(&mut self, error: Error) {

bitflags! {
    /// The Verilog AMS standard uses multiple different grammar rules to enfoce that constants/analog exprerssions only contain items valid in their context
    /// OpenVAF uses flags stored inside this struct instead during the AST to MIR folding process in this module
    pub struct VerilogContext: u8{
        const CONSTANT = 0b0000_0001;
        const CONDITIONAL = 0b0000_0010;
        const FUNCTION = 0b0000_1000;
