open-block-ei-open-roles-near-core 0.1.0

Decentralized role management for smart contracts on the NEAR Blockchain

** Openroles is a blockchain component smart contract for managing decentralized governance within enterprise class smart contracts on the NEAR Blockchain**

What is it?

The Open Roles project provides a decentralized way to govern and manage your smart contracts onchain. It enables you to create access roles, allow and barred lists which can be applied to your dApp enabling you to safely and dynamically configure who can do what on your dApp.

By implementing Open Roles you can delegate authority profiles to different members of your decentralized team without resorting to multi-sig. This means that financial and administrative operations can be handled by separate entities enabling your organisation to deliver your dApp service in a highly asynchronous manner. It also enables your decentralized business or DAO to provide controlled privileged access to your dApp to known business partners or third party organisations such as regulators and business auditors.

Guides available

Business users Guide

Administrators Guide

Builders Guide

Getting help

For further information connect to the Open Block EI