open-api-hydra 1.0.0

Hydra Client generated by Open API
# Rust API client for hydra

Welcome to the ORY Hydra HTTP API documentation. You will find documentation for all HTTP APIs here.

## Overview

This API client was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project.  By using the [openapi-spec]( from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

- API version: latest
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen

## Installation

Put the package under your project folder and add the following to `Cargo.toml` under `[dependencies]`:

    openapi = { path = "./generated" }

## Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*AdminApi* | [**accept_consent_request**]docs/ | **put** /oauth2/auth/requests/consent/accept | Accept an consent request
*AdminApi* | [**accept_login_request**]docs/ | **put** /oauth2/auth/requests/login/accept | Accept an login request
*AdminApi* | [**accept_logout_request**]docs/ | **put** /oauth2/auth/requests/logout/accept | Accept a logout request
*AdminApi* | [**create_json_web_key_set**]docs/ | **post** /keys/{set} | Generate a new JSON Web Key
*AdminApi* | [**create_o_auth2_client**]docs/ | **post** /clients | Create an OAuth 2.0 client
*AdminApi* | [**delete_json_web_key**]docs/ | **delete** /keys/{set}/{kid} | Delete a JSON Web Key
*AdminApi* | [**delete_json_web_key_set**]docs/ | **delete** /keys/{set} | Delete a JSON Web Key Set
*AdminApi* | [**delete_o_auth2_client**]docs/ | **delete** /clients/{id} | Deletes an OAuth 2.0 Client
*AdminApi* | [**flush_inactive_o_auth2_tokens**]docs/ | **post** /oauth2/flush | Flush Expired OAuth2 Access Tokens
*AdminApi* | [**get_consent_request**]docs/ | **get** /oauth2/auth/requests/consent | Get consent request information
*AdminApi* | [**get_json_web_key**]docs/ | **get** /keys/{set}/{kid} | Fetch a JSON Web Key
*AdminApi* | [**get_json_web_key_set**]docs/ | **get** /keys/{set} | Retrieve a JSON Web Key Set
*AdminApi* | [**get_login_request**]docs/ | **get** /oauth2/auth/requests/login | Get an login request
*AdminApi* | [**get_logout_request**]docs/ | **get** /oauth2/auth/requests/logout | Get a logout request
*AdminApi* | [**get_o_auth2_client**]docs/ | **get** /clients/{id} | Get an OAuth 2.0 Client.
*AdminApi* | [**get_version**]docs/ | **get** /version | Get service version
*AdminApi* | [**introspect_o_auth2_token**]docs/ | **post** /oauth2/introspect | Introspect OAuth2 tokens
*AdminApi* | [**is_instance_alive**]docs/ | **get** /health/alive | Check alive status
*AdminApi* | [**list_o_auth2_clients**]docs/ | **get** /clients | List OAuth 2.0 Clients
*AdminApi* | [**list_subject_consent_sessions**]docs/ | **get** /oauth2/auth/sessions/consent | Lists all consent sessions of a subject
*AdminApi* | [**prometheus**]docs/ | **get** /metrics/prometheus | Get snapshot metrics from the Hydra service. If you're using k8s, you can then add annotations to your deployment like so:
*AdminApi* | [**reject_consent_request**]docs/ | **put** /oauth2/auth/requests/consent/reject | Reject an consent request
*AdminApi* | [**reject_login_request**]docs/ | **put** /oauth2/auth/requests/login/reject | Reject a login request
*AdminApi* | [**reject_logout_request**]docs/ | **put** /oauth2/auth/requests/logout/reject | Reject a logout request
*AdminApi* | [**revoke_authentication_session**]docs/ | **delete** /oauth2/auth/sessions/login | Invalidates all login sessions of a certain user Invalidates a subject's authentication session
*AdminApi* | [**revoke_consent_sessions**]docs/ | **delete** /oauth2/auth/sessions/consent | Revokes consent sessions of a subject for a specific OAuth 2.0 Client
*AdminApi* | [**update_json_web_key**]docs/ | **put** /keys/{set}/{kid} | Update a JSON Web Key
*AdminApi* | [**update_json_web_key_set**]docs/ | **put** /keys/{set} | Update a JSON Web Key Set
*AdminApi* | [**update_o_auth2_client**]docs/ | **put** /clients/{id} | Update an OAuth 2.0 Client
*PublicApi* | [**disconnect_user**]docs/ | **get** /oauth2/sessions/logout | OpenID Connect Front-Backchannel enabled Logout
*PublicApi* | [**discover_open_id_configuration**]docs/ | **get** /.well-known/openid-configuration | OpenID Connect Discovery
*PublicApi* | [**is_instance_ready**]docs/ | **get** /health/ready | Check readiness status
*PublicApi* | [**oauth2_token**]docs/ | **post** /oauth2/token | The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint
*PublicApi* | [**oauth_auth**]docs/ | **get** /oauth2/auth | The OAuth 2.0 authorize endpoint
*PublicApi* | [**revoke_o_auth2_token**]docs/ | **post** /oauth2/revoke | Revoke OAuth2 tokens
*PublicApi* | [**userinfo**]docs/ | **get** /userinfo | OpenID Connect Userinfo
*PublicApi* | [**well_known**]docs/ | **get** /.well-known/jwks.json | JSON Web Keys Discovery

## Documentation For Models

 - [AcceptConsentRequest]docs/
 - [AcceptLoginRequest]docs/
 - [CompletedRequest]docs/
 - [ConsentRequest]docs/
 - [ConsentRequestSession]docs/
 - [FlushInactiveOAuth2TokensRequest]docs/
 - [GenericError]docs/
 - [HealthNotReadyStatus]docs/
 - [HealthStatus]docs/
 - [JsonWebKey]docs/
 - [JsonWebKeySet]docs/
 - [JsonWebKeySetGeneratorRequest]docs/
 - [LoginRequest]docs/
 - [LogoutRequest]docs/
 - [OAuth2Client]docs/
 - [OAuth2TokenIntrospection]docs/
 - [Oauth2TokenResponse]docs/
 - [OauthTokenResponse]docs/
 - [OpenIdConnectContext]docs/
 - [PreviousConsentSession]docs/
 - [RejectRequest]docs/
 - [UserinfoResponse]docs/
 - [Version]docs/
 - [WellKnown]docs/

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open

## Author