opcua-server 0.9.1

OPC UA server API

name = "opcua-server"

version = "0.9.1" # OPCUARustVersion

description = "OPC UA server API"

authors = ["Adam Lock <locka99@gmail.com>"]

homepage = "https://github.com/locka99/opcua"

license = "MPL-2.0"

keywords = ["opcua","opc","ua"]

categories = ["embedded","network-programming"]

readme = "../README.md"

documentation = "https://docs.rs/opcua-server/"

edition = "2018"


travis-ci = { repository = "locka99/opcua" }

appveyor = { repository = "locka99/opcua" }


default = ["generated-address-space"]

# Includes all the code to populate the address space with the default node set. This is something that embedded

# systems may or may not require.

generated-address-space = []

# Allows a server to register itself with a local discovery server. It does so by becoming a client to the LDS,

# which brings in a dependency to opcua-client. Omitting the feature saves some memory.

discovery-server-registration = ["opcua-client"]

# Servers might want to show a web server with metric / diagnostic info

http = ["actix-web"]

# OpenSSL can be compiled and statically linked to with this feature

vendored-openssl = ["opcua-core/vendored-openssl", "opcua-client/vendored-openssl"]


log = "0.4"

time = "0.1"

chrono = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }

serde = "1.0"

serde_derive = "1.0"

serde_json = "1.0"

lazy_static = "1.4.0"

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

tokio-util = { version = "0.6", features = ["codec"] }

futures = "0.3"

bitflags = "1.2"

derivative = "2.2"

regex = "1.3"


criterion = "0.2"


name = "address_space"

harness = false


version = "0.7"

optional = true


path = "../types"

version = "0.9.1" # OPCUARustVersion


path = "../crypto"

version = "0.9.1" # OPCUARustVersion


path = "../core"

version = "0.9.1" # OPCUARustVersion


path = "../client"

version = "0.9.1" # OPCUARustVersion

optional = true


path = "../console-logging"

version = "0.9.1" # OPCUARustVersion