opaque-ke 2.0.0

An implementation of the OPAQUE password-authenticated key exchange protocol
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
// License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
// of this source tree.

//! Provides the main OPAQUE API

use core::ops::Add;

use derive_where::derive_where;
use digest::core_api::{BlockSizeUser, CoreProxy};
use digest::{Output, OutputSizeUser};
use generic_array::sequence::Concat;
use generic_array::typenum::{IsLess, IsLessOrEqual, Le, NonZero, Sum, Unsigned, U2, U256};
use generic_array::{ArrayLength, GenericArray};
use hkdf::{Hkdf, HkdfExtract};
use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use subtle::ConstantTimeEq;
use voprf::Group;

use crate::ciphersuite::{CipherSuite, OprfGroup, OprfHash};
use crate::envelope::{Envelope, EnvelopeLen};
use crate::errors::utils::check_slice_size;
use crate::errors::{InternalError, ProtocolError};
use crate::hash::{Hash, OutputSize, ProxyHash};
use crate::key_exchange::group::KeGroup;
use crate::key_exchange::traits::{
    Deserialize, Ke1MessageLen, Ke1StateLen, Ke2StateLen, KeyExchange, Serialize,
use crate::key_exchange::tripledh::NonceLen;
use crate::keypair::{KeyPair, PrivateKey, PublicKey, SecretKey};
use crate::ksf::Ksf;
use crate::messages::{CredentialRequestLen, RegistrationUploadLen};
use crate::serialization::Input;
use crate::{
    CredentialFinalization, CredentialRequest, CredentialResponse, RegistrationRequest,
    RegistrationResponse, RegistrationUpload,

// Constants //
// ========= //

const STR_CREDENTIAL_RESPONSE_PAD: &[u8; 21] = b"CredentialResponsePad";
const STR_MASKING_KEY: &[u8; 10] = b"MaskingKey";
const STR_OPRF_KEY: &[u8; 7] = b"OprfKey";
const STR_OPAQUE_DERIVE_KEY_PAIR: &[u8; 20] = b"OPAQUE-DeriveKeyPair";

// High-level API Structs //
// ====================== //

/// The state elements the server holds upon setup
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize),
            deserialize = "S: serde::Deserialize<'de>",
            serialize = "S: serde::Serialize"
        crate = "serde"
#[derive_where(Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd; <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::Pk, <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::Sk, S)]
pub struct ServerSetup<
    CS: CipherSuite,
    S: SecretKey<CS::KeGroup> = PrivateKey<<CS as CipherSuite>::KeGroup>,
> where
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    oprf_seed: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    keypair: KeyPair<CS::KeGroup, S>,
    pub(crate) fake_keypair: KeyPair<CS::KeGroup>,

/// The state elements the client holds to register itself
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize),
    serde(bound = "", crate = "serde")
#[derive_where(Clone, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
    Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq;
pub struct ClientRegistration<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    pub(crate) oprf_client: voprf::OprfClient<CS::OprfCs>,
    pub(crate) blinded_element: voprf::BlindedElement<CS::OprfCs>,

/// The state elements the server holds to record a registration
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize),
    serde(bound = "", crate = "serde")
#[derive_where(Clone, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
#[derive_where(Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd; <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::Pk)]
pub struct ServerRegistration<CS: CipherSuite>(pub(crate) RegistrationUpload<CS>)
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero;

/// The state elements the client holds to perform a login
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize),
            deserialize = "<CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, \
                           CS::KeGroup>>::KE1Message: serde::Deserialize<'de>, <CS::KeyExchange \
                           as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE1State: \
            serialize = "<CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE1Message: \
                         serde::Serialize, <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, \
                         CS::KeGroup>>::KE1State: serde::Serialize"
        crate = "serde"
#[derive_where(Clone, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
    Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq;
    <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE1State,
pub struct ClientLogin<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    pub(crate) oprf_client: voprf::OprfClient<CS::OprfCs>,
    pub(crate) ke1_state: <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE1State,
    pub(crate) credential_request: CredentialRequest<CS>,

/// The state elements the server holds to record a login
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize),
            deserialize = "<CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2State: \
            serialize = "<CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2State: \
        crate = "serde"
#[derive_where(Clone, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
    Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq;
    <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2State,
pub struct ServerLogin<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    ke2_state: <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2State,

// High-level Implementations //
// ========================== //

// Server Setup
// ============

impl<CS: CipherSuite> ServerSetup<CS, PrivateKey<CS::KeGroup>>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Generate a new instance of server setup
    pub fn new<R: CryptoRng + RngCore>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {
        let keypair = KeyPair::generate_random(rng);
        Self::new_with_key(rng, keypair)

/// Length of [`ServerSetup`] in bytes for serialization.
pub type ServerSetupLen<CS: CipherSuite, S: SecretKey<CS::KeGroup>> =
    Sum<Sum<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>, S::Len>, <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::SkLen>;

impl<CS: CipherSuite, S: SecretKey<CS::KeGroup>> ServerSetup<CS, S>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Create [`ServerSetup`] with the given keypair
    pub fn new_with_key<R: CryptoRng + RngCore>(
        rng: &mut R,
        keypair: KeyPair<CS::KeGroup, S>,
    ) -> Self {
        let mut oprf_seed = GenericArray::default();
        rng.fill_bytes(&mut oprf_seed);

        Self {
            fake_keypair: KeyPair::<CS::KeGroup>::generate_random(rng),

    /// Serialization into bytes
    pub fn serialize(&self) -> GenericArray<u8, ServerSetupLen<CS, S>>
        // ServerSetup: Hash + KeSk + KeSk
        OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>: Add<S::Len>,
        Sum<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>, S::Len>:
            ArrayLength<u8> + Add<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::SkLen>,
        ServerSetupLen<CS, S>: ArrayLength<u8>,

    /// Deserialization from bytes
    pub fn deserialize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<S::Error>> {
        let seed_len = OutputSize::<OprfHash<CS>>::USIZE;
        let key_len = <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::SkLen::USIZE;
        let checked_slice = check_slice_size(input, seed_len + key_len + key_len, "server_setup")?;

        Ok(Self {
            oprf_seed: GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&checked_slice[..seed_len]),
            keypair: KeyPair::from_private_key_slice(&checked_slice[seed_len..seed_len + key_len])?,
            fake_keypair: KeyPair::from_private_key_slice(&checked_slice[seed_len + key_len..])

    /// Returns the keypair
    pub fn keypair(&self) -> &KeyPair<CS::KeGroup, S> {

// Registration
// ============

pub(crate) type ClientRegistrationLen<CS: CipherSuite> =
    Sum<<OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen, <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ElemLen>;

impl<CS: CipherSuite> ClientRegistration<CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Serialization into bytes
    pub fn serialize(&self) -> GenericArray<u8, ClientRegistrationLen<CS>>
        // ClientRegistration: KgSk + KgPk
        <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen: Add<<OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ElemLen>,
        ClientRegistrationLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,

    /// Deserialization from bytes
    pub fn deserialize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError> {
        let client_len = <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen::USIZE;
        let element_len = <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ElemLen::USIZE;
        let checked_slice =
            check_slice_size(input, client_len + element_len, "client_registration")?;

        Ok(Self {
            oprf_client: voprf::OprfClient::deserialize(&checked_slice[..client_len])?,
            blinded_element: voprf::BlindedElement::deserialize(&checked_slice[client_len..])?,

    /// Only used for testing zeroize
    pub(crate) fn to_vec(&self) -> std::vec::Vec<u8> {

    /// Returns an initial "blinded" request to send to the server, as well as a
    /// ClientRegistration
    pub fn start<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
        blinding_factor_rng: &mut R,
        password: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<ClientRegistrationStartResult<CS>, ProtocolError> {
        let blind_result = blind::<CS, _>(blinding_factor_rng, password)?;

        Ok(ClientRegistrationStartResult {
            message: RegistrationRequest {
                blinded_element: blind_result.message.clone(),
            state: Self {
                oprf_client: blind_result.state,
                blinded_element: blind_result.message,

    /// "Unblinds" the server's answer and returns a final message containing
    /// cryptographic identifiers, to be sent to the server on setup
    /// finalization
    pub fn finish<R: CryptoRng + RngCore>(
        rng: &mut R,
        password: &[u8],
        registration_response: RegistrationResponse<CS>,
        params: ClientRegistrationFinishParameters<CS>,
    ) -> Result<ClientRegistrationFinishResult<CS>, ProtocolError> {
        // Check for reflected value from server and halt if detected
        if self
            return Err(ProtocolError::ReflectedValueError);

        #[cfg_attr(not(test), allow(unused_variables))]
        let (randomized_pwd, randomized_pwd_hasher) = get_password_derived_key::<CS>(

        let mut masking_key = Output::<OprfHash<CS>>::default();
            .expand(STR_MASKING_KEY, &mut masking_key)
            .map_err(|_| InternalError::HkdfError)?;

        let result = Envelope::<CS>::seal(

        Ok(ClientRegistrationFinishResult {
            message: RegistrationUpload {
                envelope: result.0,
                client_s_pk: result.1,
            export_key: result.2,
            server_s_pk: registration_response.server_s_pk,
            state: self,
            auth_key: result.3,

/// Length of [`ServerRegistration`] in bytes for serialization.
pub type ServerRegistrationLen<CS> = RegistrationUploadLen<CS>;

impl<CS: CipherSuite> ServerRegistration<CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Serialization into bytes
    pub fn serialize(&self) -> GenericArray<u8, ServerRegistrationLen<CS>>
        // Envelope: Nonce + Hash
        NonceLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
        EnvelopeLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
        // RegistrationUpload: (KePk + Hash) + Envelope
        <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
        Sum<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>:
            ArrayLength<u8> + Add<EnvelopeLen<CS>>,
        RegistrationUploadLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
        // ServerRegistration = RegistrationUpload

    /// Deserialization from bytes
    pub fn deserialize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError> {

    /// From the client's "blinded" password, returns a response to be sent back
    /// to the client, as well as a ServerRegistration
    pub fn start<S: SecretKey<CS::KeGroup>>(
        server_setup: &ServerSetup<CS, S>,
        message: RegistrationRequest<CS>,
        credential_identifier: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<ServerRegistrationStartResult<CS>, ProtocolError> {
        let oprf_key =
            oprf_key_from_seed::<CS::OprfCs>(&server_setup.oprf_seed, credential_identifier)?;

        let server = voprf::OprfServer::new_with_key(&oprf_key)?;
        let evaluation_element = server.evaluate(&message.blinded_element);

        Ok(ServerRegistrationStartResult {
            message: RegistrationResponse {
                server_s_pk: server_setup.keypair.public().clone(),

    /// From the client's cryptographic identifiers, fully populates and returns
    /// a ServerRegistration
    pub fn finish(message: RegistrationUpload<CS>) -> Self {

    // Creates a dummy instance used for faking a [CredentialResponse]
    pub(crate) fn dummy<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, S: SecretKey<CS::KeGroup>>(
        rng: &mut R,
        server_setup: &ServerSetup<CS, S>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self(RegistrationUpload::dummy(rng, server_setup))

// Login
// =====

pub(crate) type ClientLoginLen<CS: CipherSuite> =
    Sum<Sum<<OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen, CredentialRequestLen<CS>>, Ke1StateLen<CS>>;

impl<CS: CipherSuite> ClientLogin<CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Serialization into bytes
    pub fn serialize(&self) -> GenericArray<u8, ClientLoginLen<CS>>
        // CredentialRequest: KgPk + Ke1Message
        <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ElemLen: Add<Ke1MessageLen<CS>>,
        CredentialRequestLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
        // ClientLogin: KgSk + CredentialRequest + Ke1State
        <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen: Add<CredentialRequestLen<CS>>,
        Sum<<OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen, CredentialRequestLen<CS>>:
            ArrayLength<u8> + Add<Ke1StateLen<CS>>,
        ClientLoginLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,

    /// Deserialization from bytes
    pub fn deserialize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError> {
        let client_len = <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen::USIZE;
        let request_len = <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ElemLen::USIZE + Ke1MessageLen::<CS>::USIZE;
        let state_len = Ke1StateLen::<CS>::USIZE;
        let checked_slice =
            check_slice_size(input, client_len + request_len + state_len, "client_login")?;

        let ke1_state =
            <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE1State::deserialize(
                &checked_slice[client_len + request_len..],
        Ok(Self {
            oprf_client: voprf::OprfClient::deserialize(&checked_slice[..client_len])?,
            credential_request: CredentialRequest::deserialize(
                &checked_slice[client_len..client_len + request_len],

impl<CS: CipherSuite> ClientLogin<CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Returns an initial "blinded" password request to send to the server, as
    /// well as a ClientLogin
    pub fn start<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
        rng: &mut R,
        password: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<ClientLoginStartResult<CS>, ProtocolError> {
        let blind_result = blind::<CS, _>(rng, password)?;
        let (ke1_state, ke1_message) = CS::KeyExchange::generate_ke1(rng)?;

        let credential_request = CredentialRequest {
            blinded_element: blind_result.message,

        Ok(ClientLoginStartResult {
            message: credential_request.clone(),
            state: Self {
                oprf_client: blind_result.state,

    /// "Unblinds" the server's answer and returns the opened assets from the
    /// server
    pub fn finish(
        password: &[u8],
        credential_response: CredentialResponse<CS>,
        params: ClientLoginFinishParameters<CS>,
    ) -> Result<ClientLoginFinishResult<CS>, ProtocolError>
        // MaskedResponse: (Nonce + Hash) + KePk
        NonceLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
        Sum<NonceLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>:
            ArrayLength<u8> + Add<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>,
        MaskedResponseLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
        // Check if beta value from server is equal to alpha value from client
        if self
            return Err(ProtocolError::ReflectedValueError);

        let (_, randomized_pwd_hasher) = get_password_derived_key::<CS>(

        let mut masking_key = Output::<OprfHash<CS>>::default();
            .expand(STR_MASKING_KEY, &mut masking_key)
            .map_err(|_| InternalError::HkdfError)?;

        let (server_s_pk, envelope) = unmask_response::<CS>(
        .map_err(|e| match e {
            ProtocolError::SerializationError => ProtocolError::InvalidLoginError,
            err => err,

        let opened_envelope = envelope
            .map_err(|e| match e {
                ProtocolError::LibraryError(InternalError::SealOpenHmacError) => {
                err => err,

        let beta = OprfGroup::<CS>::serialize_elem(credential_response.evaluation_element.value());
        let credential_response_component = CredentialResponse::<CS>::serialize_without_ke(

        let blinded_element =
        let ke1_message = self.credential_request.ke1_message.serialize();
        let serialized_credential_request =
            CredentialRequest::<CS>::serialize_iter(&blinded_element, &ke1_message);

        let result = CS::KeyExchange::generate_ke3(

        Ok(ClientLoginFinishResult {
            message: CredentialFinalization {
                ke3_message: result.1,
            session_key: result.0,
            export_key: opened_envelope.export_key,
            state: self,
            handshake_secret: result.2,
            client_mac_key: result.3,

impl<CS: CipherSuite> ServerLogin<CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Serialization into bytes
    pub fn serialize(&self) -> GenericArray<u8, Ke2StateLen<CS>> {

    /// Deserialization from bytes
    pub fn deserialize(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError> {
        Ok(Self {
                <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2State::deserialize(

    /// From the client's "blinded" password, returns a challenge to be sent
    /// back to the client, as well as a ServerLogin
    pub fn start<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, S: SecretKey<CS::KeGroup>>(
        rng: &mut R,
        server_setup: &ServerSetup<CS, S>,
        password_file: Option<ServerRegistration<CS>>,
        credential_request: CredentialRequest<CS>,
        credential_identifier: &[u8],
        ServerLoginStartParameters {
        }: ServerLoginStartParameters,
    ) -> Result<ServerLoginStartResult<CS>, ProtocolError<S::Error>>
        // MaskedResponse: (Nonce + Hash) + KePk
        NonceLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
        Sum<NonceLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>:
            ArrayLength<u8> + Add<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>,
        MaskedResponseLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
        let record = match password_file {
            Some(x) => x,
            None => ServerRegistration::dummy(rng, server_setup),

        let client_s_pk = record.0.client_s_pk.clone();

        let context = if let Some(context) = context {
        } else {

        let server_s_sk = server_setup.keypair.private();
        let server_s_pk = server_s_sk.public_key()?;

        let mut masking_nonce = GenericArray::<_, NonceLen>::default();
        rng.fill_bytes(&mut masking_nonce);

        let masked_response = mask_response(

        let (id_u, id_s) = bytestrings_from_identifiers::<CS::KeGroup>(

        let blinded_element =
        let ke1_message = credential_request.ke1_message.serialize();
        let credential_request_bytes =
            CredentialRequest::<CS>::serialize_iter(&blinded_element, &ke1_message);

        let oprf_key =
            oprf_key_from_seed::<CS::OprfCs>(&server_setup.oprf_seed, credential_identifier)
        let server = voprf::OprfServer::new_with_key(&oprf_key)
            .map_err(|e| ProtocolError::into_custom(e.into()))?;
        let evaluation_element = server.evaluate(&credential_request.blinded_element);

        let beta = OprfGroup::<CS>::serialize_elem(evaluation_element.value());
        let credential_response_component =
            CredentialResponse::<CS>::serialize_without_ke(&beta, &masking_nonce, &masked_response);

        let result = CS::KeyExchange::generate_ke2(

        let credential_response = CredentialResponse {
            ke2_message: result.1,

        Ok(ServerLoginStartResult {
            message: credential_response,
            state: Self {
                ke2_state: result.0,
            handshake_secret: result.2,
            server_mac_key: result.3,
            oprf_key: GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&oprf_key),

    /// From the client's second and final message, check the client's
    /// authentication and produce a message transport
    pub fn finish(
        message: CredentialFinalization<CS>,
    ) -> Result<ServerLoginFinishResult<CS>, ProtocolError> {
        let session_key = <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::finish_ke(

        Ok(ServerLoginFinishResult {
            state: self,

// Convenience Structs //
//==================== //

/// Options for specifying custom identifiers
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Identifiers<'a> {
    /// Client identifier
    pub client: Option<&'a [u8]>,
    /// Server identifier
    pub server: Option<&'a [u8]>,

/// Optional parameters for client registration finish
#[derive_where(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ClientRegistrationFinishParameters<'i, 'h, CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Specifying the identifiers idU and idS
    pub identifiers: Identifiers<'i>,
    /// Specifying a configuration for the key stretching function
    pub ksf: Option<&'h CS::Ksf>,

impl<'i, 'h, CS: CipherSuite> ClientRegistrationFinishParameters<'i, 'h, CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Create a new [`ClientRegistrationFinishParameters`]
    pub fn new(identifiers: Identifiers<'i>, ksf: Option<&'h CS::Ksf>) -> Self {
        Self { identifiers, ksf }

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a client registration start
pub struct ClientRegistrationStartResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The registration request message to be sent to the server
    pub message: RegistrationRequest<CS>,
    /// The client state that must be persisted in order to complete
    /// registration
    pub state: ClientRegistration<CS>,

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a client registration finish
pub struct ClientRegistrationFinishResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The registration upload message to be sent to the server
    pub message: RegistrationUpload<CS>,
    /// The export key output by client registration
    pub export_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// The server's static public key
    pub server_s_pk: PublicKey<CS::KeGroup>,
    /// Instance of the ClientRegistration, only used in tests for checking
    /// zeroize
    pub state: ClientRegistration<CS>,
    /// AuthKey, only used in tests
    pub auth_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// Password derived key, only used in tests
    pub randomized_pwd: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a server registration start. Note
/// that there is no state output in this step
pub struct ServerRegistrationStartResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The registration resposne message to send to the client
    pub message: RegistrationResponse<CS>,
    /// OPRF key, only used in tests
    pub oprf_key: GenericArray<u8, <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen>,

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a client login start
pub struct ClientLoginStartResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The message to send to the server to begin the login protocol
    pub message: CredentialRequest<CS>,
    /// The state that the client must keep in order to complete the protocol
    pub state: ClientLogin<CS>,

/// Optional parameters for client login finish
#[derive_where(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ClientLoginFinishParameters<'c, 'i, 'h, CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Specifying a context field that the server must agree on
    pub context: Option<&'c [u8]>,
    /// Specifying a user identifier and server identifier that will be matched
    /// against the server
    pub identifiers: Identifiers<'i>,
    /// Specifying a configuration for the key stretching hash
    pub ksf: Option<&'h CS::Ksf>,

impl<'c, 'i, 'h, CS: CipherSuite> ClientLoginFinishParameters<'c, 'i, 'h, CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// Create a new [`ClientLoginFinishParameters`]
    pub fn new(
        context: Option<&'c [u8]>,
        identifiers: Identifiers<'i>,
        ksf: Option<&'h CS::Ksf>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a client login finish
pub struct ClientLoginFinishResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The message to send to the server to complete the protocol
    pub message: CredentialFinalization<CS>,
    /// The session key
    pub session_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// The client-side export key
    pub export_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// The server's static public key
    pub server_s_pk: PublicKey<CS::KeGroup>,
    /// Instance of the ClientLogin, only used in tests for checking zeroize
    pub state: ClientLogin<CS>,
    /// Handshake secret, only used in tests
    pub handshake_secret: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// Client MAC key, only used in tests
    pub client_mac_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a server login finish
#[cfg_attr(not(test), derive_where(Debug))]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive_where(Debug; ServerLogin<CS>))]
pub struct ServerLoginFinishResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The session key between client and server
    pub session_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// Instance of the ClientRegistration, only used in tests for checking
    /// zeroize
    pub state: ServerLogin<CS>,

/// Optional parameters for server login start
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ServerLoginStartParameters<'c, 'i> {
    /// Specifying a context field that the client must agree on
    pub context: Option<&'c [u8]>,
    /// Specifying a user identifier and server identifier that will be matched
    /// against the client
    pub identifiers: Identifiers<'i>,

/// Contains the fields that are returned by a server login start
    <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2Message,
    <CS::KeyExchange as KeyExchange<OprfHash<CS>, CS::KeGroup>>::KE2State,
pub struct ServerLoginStartResult<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    /// The message to send back to the client
    pub message: CredentialResponse<CS>,
    /// The state that the server must keep in order to finish the protocl
    pub state: ServerLogin<CS>,
    /// Handshake secret, only used in tests
    pub handshake_secret: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// Server MAC key, only used in tests
    pub server_mac_key: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    /// OPRF key, only used in tests
    pub oprf_key: GenericArray<u8, <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen>,

// Helper functions and Trait Implementations //
// ========================================== //

// Helper functions
fn get_password_derived_key<CS: CipherSuite>(
    input: &[u8],
    oprf_client: voprf::OprfClient<CS::OprfCs>,
    evaluation_element: voprf::EvaluationElement<CS::OprfCs>,
    ksf: Option<&CS::Ksf>,
) -> Result<(Output<OprfHash<CS>>, Hkdf<OprfHash<CS>>), ProtocolError>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    let oprf_output = oprf_client.finalize(input, &evaluation_element)?;

    let hardened_output = if let Some(ksf) = ksf {
    } else {

    let mut hkdf = HkdfExtract::<OprfHash<CS>>::new(None);

fn oprf_key_from_seed<CS: voprf::CipherSuite>(
    oprf_seed: &Output<CS::Hash>,
    credential_identifier: &[u8],
) -> Result<GenericArray<u8, <CS::Group as Group>::ScalarLen>, ProtocolError>
    <CS::Hash as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<CS::Hash as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    CS::Hash: Hash,
    <CS::Hash as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<CS::Hash as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<CS::Hash as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    let mut ikm = GenericArray::<_, <CS::Group as Group>::ScalarLen>::default();
        .and_then(|hkdf| {
            hkdf.expand_multi_info(&[credential_identifier, STR_OPRF_KEY], &mut ikm)


    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize),
    serde(bound = "", crate = "serde")
#[derive_where(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct MaskedResponse<CS: CipherSuite>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    pub(crate) nonce: GenericArray<u8, NonceLen>,
    pub(crate) hash: Output<OprfHash<CS>>,
    pub(crate) pk: GenericArray<u8, <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>,

pub(crate) type MaskedResponseLen<CS: CipherSuite> =
    Sum<Sum<NonceLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>, <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>;

impl<CS: CipherSuite> MaskedResponse<CS>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    pub(crate) fn serialize(&self) -> GenericArray<u8, MaskedResponseLen<CS>>
        // MaskedResponse: (Nonce + Hash) + KePk
        NonceLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
        Sum<NonceLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>:
            ArrayLength<u8> + Add<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>,
        MaskedResponseLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,

    pub(crate) fn deserialize(bytes: &[u8]) -> Self {
        let nonce = NonceLen::USIZE;
        let hash = nonce + OutputSize::<OprfHash<CS>>::USIZE;
        let pk = hash + <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen::USIZE;

        Self {
            nonce: GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&bytes[..nonce]),
            hash: GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&bytes[nonce..hash]),
            pk: GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&bytes[hash..pk]),

    pub(crate) fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[u8]> {
        [self.nonce.as_slice(), &self.hash, &self.pk].into_iter()

fn mask_response<CS: CipherSuite>(
    masking_key: &[u8],
    masking_nonce: &[u8],
    server_s_pk: &PublicKey<CS::KeGroup>,
    envelope: &Envelope<CS>,
) -> Result<MaskedResponse<CS>, ProtocolError>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    // MaskedResponse: (Nonce + Hash) + KePk
    NonceLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
    Sum<NonceLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>: ArrayLength<u8> + Add<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>,
    MaskedResponseLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
    let mut xor_pad = GenericArray::<_, MaskedResponseLen<CS>>::default();

        .map_err(|_| InternalError::HkdfError)?
        .expand_multi_info(&[masking_nonce, STR_CREDENTIAL_RESPONSE_PAD], &mut xor_pad)
        .map_err(|_| InternalError::HkdfError)?;

    for (x1, x2) in xor_pad.iter_mut().zip(
    ) {
        *x1 ^= x2


fn unmask_response<CS: CipherSuite>(
    masking_key: &[u8],
    masking_nonce: &[u8],
    masked_response: &MaskedResponse<CS>,
) -> Result<(PublicKey<CS::KeGroup>, Envelope<CS>), ProtocolError>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    // MaskedResponse: (Nonce + Hash) + KePk
    NonceLen: Add<OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>,
    Sum<NonceLen, OutputSize<OprfHash<CS>>>: ArrayLength<u8> + Add<<CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen>,
    MaskedResponseLen<CS>: ArrayLength<u8>,
    let mut xor_pad = GenericArray::<_, MaskedResponseLen<CS>>::default();

        .map_err(|_| InternalError::HkdfError)?
        .expand_multi_info(&[masking_nonce, STR_CREDENTIAL_RESPONSE_PAD], &mut xor_pad)
        .map_err(|_| InternalError::HkdfError)?;

    for (x1, x2) in xor_pad.iter_mut().zip(masked_response.iter().flatten()) {
        *x1 ^= x2

    let key_len = <CS::KeGroup as KeGroup>::PkLen::USIZE;
    let server_s_pk = PublicKey::deserialize(&xor_pad[..key_len])
        .map_err(|_| ProtocolError::SerializationError)?;
    let envelope = Envelope::deserialize(&xor_pad[key_len..])?;

    Ok((server_s_pk, envelope))

pub(crate) fn bytestrings_from_identifiers<KG: KeGroup>(
    ids: Identifiers,
    client_s_pk: GenericArray<u8, KG::PkLen>,
    server_s_pk: GenericArray<u8, KG::PkLen>,
) -> Result<(Input<U2, KG::PkLen>, Input<U2, KG::PkLen>), ProtocolError> {
    let client_identity = if let Some(client) = ids.client {
        Input::<U2, _>::from(client)?
    } else {
        Input::<U2, _>::from_owned(client_s_pk)?
    let server_identity = if let Some(server) = ids.server {
        Input::<U2, _>::from(server)?
    } else {
        Input::<U2, _>::from_owned(server_s_pk)?

    Ok((client_identity, server_identity))

/// Internal function for computing the blind result by calling the voprf
/// library. Note that for tests, we use the deterministic blinding in order to
/// be able to set the blinding factor directly from the passed-in rng.
fn blind<CS: CipherSuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
    rng: &mut R,
    password: &[u8],
) -> Result<voprf::OprfClientBlindResult<CS::OprfCs>, voprf::Error>
    <OprfHash<CS> as OutputSizeUser>::OutputSize:
        IsLess<U256> + IsLessOrEqual<<OprfHash<CS> as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize>,
    OprfHash<CS>: Hash,
    <OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core: ProxyHash,
    <<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<U256>,
    Le<<<OprfHash<CS> as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize, U256>: NonZero,
    let result = voprf::OprfClient::blind(password, rng)?;

    let result = {
        let mut blind_bytes = GenericArray::<_, <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::ScalarLen>::default();
        let blind = loop {
            rng.fill_bytes(&mut blind_bytes);
            if let Ok(scalar) = <OprfGroup<CS> as Group>::deserialize_scalar(&blind_bytes) {
                break scalar;
        voprf::OprfClient::deterministic_blind_unchecked(password, blind)?
