opa 0.9.0

Unofficial SDK library for Open Policy Agent

use crate::PolicyDecision;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
    borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, io::copy, mem::ManuallyDrop, string::String, sync::Arc,
use wasmtime::{Caller, Engine, Instance, Linker, Memory, MemoryType, Module, Store};

type StrHandler = Box<dyn Fn(&str) + Send + Sync>;

pub struct OpaBuilder {
    abort_cb: Option<StrHandler>,
    println_cb: Option<StrHandler>,
    buffer_max_mem_pages: Option<u32>,
    engine: Engine,

impl OpaBuilder {
    /// Set a handler function for OPA aborts.
    /// If not set, the default handler will panic on abort.
    pub fn on_abort<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(&str) + Send + Sync + 'static,
        self.abort_cb = Some(Box::new(f));

    /// Set the handler for the builtin `println` function.
    pub fn on_println<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(&str) + Send + Sync + 'static,
        self.println_cb = Some(Box::new(f));

    pub fn max_memory_pages(mut self, opt: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self {
        self.buffer_max_mem_pages = opt.into();

    pub fn with_engine(mut self, engine: Engine) -> Self {
        self.engine = engine;

    /// Build the OPA WASM instance from a module in a bundle.
    /// # Errors
    /// The bundle must contain at least one compiled WASM module.
    /// The OPA module will be initialized with any error returned.
    #[cfg(feature = "bundle")]
    pub fn build_from_bundle(self, bundle: &crate::bundle::Bundle) -> Result<Opa, anyhow::Error> {
        #[cfg(feature = "wasmtime-aot")]
            match &bundle.wasmtime_bytes {
                Some(b) => {
                    // SAFETY: The bytes can be provided via
                    // an unsafe function for a bundle, if that
                    // is safe, this is safe as well.
                    let module = unsafe { Module::deserialize(&self.engine, b)? };
                    return self.build_module(module);
                None => {}

        #[cfg(feature = "wasmtime-cranelift")]
            return self.build(
                    .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("the bundle must at least one WASM module"))?

        Err(anyhow!("the bundle contains no precompiled WASM binary."))

    /// Build the OPA WASM instance with the given WASM bytecode.
    /// # Errors
    /// The OPA module will be initialized with any error returned.
    #[cfg(feature = "wasmtime-cranelift")]
    pub fn build(self, wasm_bytes: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<Opa, anyhow::Error> {
        let m = Module::from_binary(&self.engine, wasm_bytes.as_ref())?;

    fn build_module(self, module: Module) -> Result<Opa, anyhow::Error> {
        let engine = self.engine;
        let mut linker = Linker::<()>::new(&engine);
        let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
        let env_buffer = Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new(2, self.buffer_max_mem_pages))?;

        let on_abort = Arc::<Box<dyn Fn(&str) + Send + Sync>>::from(
            self.abort_cb.unwrap_or_else(|| Box::new(default_opa_abort)),
        let on_abort1 = on_abort.clone();
        let on_println = self
            .unwrap_or_else(|| Box::new(default_opa_println));

        // https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/wasm/#memory-buffer
        linker.define("env", "memory", env_buffer)?;

        // https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/wasm/#imports
            move |caller: Caller<'_, ()>, addr: u32| {
                let addr = addr as usize;
                let mem = env_buffer.data(&caller);
                let s = null_terminated_str(&mem[addr..]).unwrap_or("invalid string in memory");
            move |caller: Caller<'_, ()>, addr: u32| {
                let addr = addr as usize;
                let mem = env_buffer.data(&caller);
                match null_terminated_str(&mem[addr..]) {
                    Some(s) => on_println(s),
                    None => on_abort("invalid string in memory"),

        // TODO: builtins are not supported for now.
        linker.func_wrap("env", "opa_builtin0", move |_id: u32, _ctx: u32| 0_u32)?;
            move |_id: u32, _ctx: u32, _1: u32| 0_u32,
            move |_id: u32, _ctx: u32, _1: u32, _2: u32| 0_u32,
            move |_id: u32, _ctx: u32, _1: u32, _2: u32, _3: u32| 0_u32,
            move |_id: u32, _ctx: u32, _1: u32, _2: u32, _3: u32, _4: u32| 0_u32,

        let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?;

        env_buffer.data(&mut store);

        let mut opa = Opa {
            entrypoints: HashMap::default(),
            data_heap_ptr: Addr(0),
            data_addr: None,
            input_heap_ptr: Addr(0),
            minor_version: 0,



pub struct Opa {
    store: Store<()>,
    instance: Instance,
    env_buffer: Memory,

    minor_version: usize,

    entrypoints: HashMap<String, u32>,

    data_heap_ptr: Addr,
    data_addr: Option<Addr>,
    input_heap_ptr: Addr,

impl Opa {
    /// Create a new [`OpaBuilder`] instance.
    pub fn new() -> OpaBuilder {

    /// List all available entrypoints.
    pub fn entrypoints(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {

    /// Set or override the contextual data for OPA.
    /// Unlike the OPA HTTP API, the entire dataset must be
    /// provided every time and no patching is possible.
    /// # Errors
    /// Internal WASM errors are returned.
    pub fn set_data(&mut self, data: &impl Serialize) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

        self.data_addr = Some(self.write_json(data)?);
        self.input_heap_ptr = self.heap_ptr()?;


    /// Evaluate a policy at the entrypoint with the given permissions.
    /// # Errors
    /// The entrypoint must exist.
    /// Data must be set at least once beforehand with [`Self::set_data`], otherwise evaluation will always fail.
    /// Internal WASM errors are also returned.
    pub fn eval<I, O>(&mut self, entrypoint: &str, input: &I) -> Result<O, anyhow::Error>
        I: Serialize,
        O: DeserializeOwned,
        if self.minor_version >= 2 {
            return self.eval_once(entrypoint, input);

        let mut ctx = EvalContext::create(self, input)?;
        let res = ctx.eval(entrypoint)?;

    /// Create an evaluation context ([`EvalContext`]) with the given input.
    /// # Errors
    /// Data must be set at least once beforehand with [`Self::set_data`], otherwise evaluation will always fail.
    /// Internal WASM errors are also returned.
    pub fn eval_context<'c>(
        &'c mut self,
        input: &impl Serialize,
    ) -> Result<EvalContext<'c>, anyhow::Error> {
        EvalContext::create(self, input)

    /// Same as [`Self::eval`] with an alternative API.
    /// # Errors
    /// The entrypoint (policy path) for `P` must exist within this instance.
    /// Data must be set at least once beforehand with [`Self::set_data`], otherwise evaluation will always fail.
    /// Internal WASM errors are also returned.
    pub fn decide<P: PolicyDecision>(
        &mut self,
        input: &P::Input,
    ) -> Result<P::Output, anyhow::Error> {
        self.eval(P::POLICY_PATH, input)

impl Opa {
    fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
        self.data_heap_ptr = self.heap_ptr()?;
        self.input_heap_ptr = self.data_heap_ptr;

        let opa_entrypoints = self
            .get_typed_func::<(), u32, _>(&mut self.store, "entrypoints")?;
        let ep_addr = opa_entrypoints.call(&mut self.store, ())?;
        self.entrypoints = self.json_at(ep_addr.into())?;

        self.minor_version = self
            .get_global(&mut self.store, "opa_wasm_abi_minor_version")
            .and_then(|global| global.get(&mut self.store).i32())
            .and_then(|int| int.try_into().ok())


    fn bytes_at(&self, addr: Addr) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        let data = self.env_buffer.data(&self.store);

    fn str_at(&self, addr: usize) -> Option<&str> {
        let data = self.env_buffer.data(&self.store);

    fn json_at<T: DeserializeOwned>(&mut self, addr: Addr) -> Result<T, anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_json_dump = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32,), u32, _>(&mut self.store, "opa_json_dump")?;

        let json_addr: Addr = opa_json_dump.call(&mut self.store, (addr.into(),))?.into();
        let json_result = serde_json::from_slice::<T>(self.bytes_at(json_addr).unwrap());


    fn write_json(&mut self, value: &impl Serialize) -> Result<Addr, anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_json_parse = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32, u32), u32, _>(&mut self.store, "opa_json_parse")?;

        let json = serde_json::to_vec(value)?;
        let json_size = json.len();

        let json_bytes_addr = self.write_bytes(json)?;

        let parsed_json_addr =
            opa_json_parse.call(&mut self.store, (json_bytes_addr.into(), json_size as _))?;


    fn write_bytes(&mut self, bytes: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<Addr, anyhow::Error> {
        let bytes = bytes.as_ref();
        let (addr, mut data) = self.alloc(bytes.len())?;

        copy(&mut &*bytes, &mut data)?;


    fn alloc(&mut self, len: usize) -> Result<(Addr, &mut [u8]), anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_malloc = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32,), u32, _>(&mut self.store, "opa_malloc")?;

        let addr = opa_malloc.call(&mut self.store, (len as _,))?;
        let data =
            &mut self.env_buffer.data_mut(&mut self.store)[addr as usize..addr as usize + len];

        Ok((addr.into(), data))

    // We manually reset the heap pointer, so this is not needed.
    // It would be useful for the `opa_value_*` that is not used
    // by this implementation right now.
    fn free(&mut self, addr: Addr) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_free = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32,), (), _>(&mut self.store, "opa_free")?;
        opa_free.call(&mut self.store, (addr.into(),))?;

    fn eval_once<I, O>(&mut self, entrypoint: &str, input: &I) -> Result<O, anyhow::Error>
        I: Serialize,
        O: DeserializeOwned,
        let opa_eval = self.instance.get_typed_func::<(
            u32, // reserved
            u32, // entrypoint_id
            u32, // parsed data addr
            u32, // input json str addr
            u32, // input length
            u32, // heap_ptr
            u32, // format
        ), u32, _>(&mut self.store, "opa_eval")?;

        let data_addr = self.data_addr.ok_or_else(|| {
            anyhow!("no data provided, `set_data` must be called at least once first")

        let input_bytes = serde_json::to_vec(input)?;
        let input_idx = self.input_heap_ptr.0 as usize;

        let input_len = u32::try_from(input_bytes.len())
            .map_err(|err| anyhow::anyhow!("input data is too large: {err}"))?;

        if self.env_buffer.data_size(&mut self.store) < input_idx + input_bytes.len() {
            let delta = round_up(
                input_idx + input_bytes.len() - self.env_buffer.data_size(&mut self.store),

            self.env_buffer.grow(&mut self.store, delta as _)?;

        let data = self.env_buffer.data_mut(&mut self.store);
        copy(&mut &*input_bytes, &mut &mut data[input_idx..])?;

        let entrypoint = self.entrypoint_id(entrypoint)?;

        let out_addr = opa_eval.call(
            &mut self.store,
                u32::from(self.input_heap_ptr) + input_len,

        let mut out: Vec<OpaOutput<O>> = serde_json::from_slice(
                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("invalid output returned from evaluation"))?,


            .map(|v| v.result)
            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("evaluation yielded no result (it's most likely a bug)"))

    fn heap_ptr(&mut self) -> Result<Addr, anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_heap_ptr_get = self
            .get_typed_func::<(), u32, _>(&mut self.store, "opa_heap_ptr_get")?;

        Ok(Addr(opa_heap_ptr_get.call(&mut self.store, ())?))

    fn set_heap_ptr(&mut self, addr: Addr) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_heap_ptr_set = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32,), (), _>(&mut self.store, "opa_heap_ptr_set")?;

        opa_heap_ptr_set.call(&mut self.store, (addr.into(),))?;

    fn entrypoint_id(&mut self, entrypoint: &str) -> Result<u32, anyhow::Error> {
        let entrypoint = if entrypoint.contains('.') {
            Cow::Owned(entrypoint.replace('.', "/"))
        } else {

            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid entrypoint `{}`", &entrypoint))

/// An evaluation context that allows evaluating multiple
/// entrypoints multiple times with the same input.
/// # Remarks
/// The input data and the context has to be freed after use,
/// this can be done with the [`Self::destroy`] method.
/// Data is also freed on drop, but in this case the **context will panic on failure**.
pub struct EvalContext<'c> {
    opa: &'c mut Opa,
    ctx_addr: Addr,

impl<'c> EvalContext<'c> {
    fn create(opa: &'c mut Opa, input: &impl Serialize) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
        let opa_eval_ctx_new = opa
            .get_typed_func::<(), u32, _>(&mut opa.store, "opa_eval_ctx_new")?;
        let opa_eval_ctx_set_input = opa
            .get_typed_func::<(u32, u32), (), _>(&mut opa.store, "opa_eval_ctx_set_input")?;
        let opa_eval_ctx_set_data = opa
            .get_typed_func::<(u32, u32), (), _>(&mut opa.store, "opa_eval_ctx_set_data")?;


        let data_addr = opa.data_addr.ok_or_else(|| {
            anyhow!("no data provided, `set_data` must be called at least once first")
        let input_addr = opa.write_json(input)?;

        let ctx_addr = opa_eval_ctx_new.call(&mut opa.store, ())?;

        opa_eval_ctx_set_data.call(&mut opa.store, (ctx_addr, data_addr.into()))?;
        opa_eval_ctx_set_input.call(&mut opa.store, (ctx_addr, input_addr.into()))?;

        Ok(EvalContext {
            ctx_addr: ctx_addr.into(),

    /// Evaluate a policy at the entrypoint.
    /// # Errors
    /// The entrypoint must exist.
    /// Deserialization errors and internal WASM errors are also returned.
    pub fn eval<O>(&mut self, entrypoint: &str) -> Result<O, anyhow::Error>
        O: DeserializeOwned,
        let opa_eval_ctx_set_entrypoint = self.opa.instance.get_typed_func::<(u32, u32), (), _>(
            &mut self.opa.store,

        let opa_eval_ctx_get_result = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32,), u32, _>(&mut self.opa.store, "opa_eval_ctx_get_result")?;
        let opa_eval = self
            .get_typed_func::<(u32,), u32, _>(&mut self.opa.store, "eval")?; // does not start with opa_ on purpose

        let entrypoint_id = self.opa.entrypoint_id(entrypoint)?;

            .call(&mut self.opa.store, (self.ctx_addr.into(), entrypoint_id))?;

        let start_heap = self.opa.heap_ptr()?;

        opa_eval.call(&mut self.opa.store, (self.ctx_addr.into(),))?;

        let result_addr =
            opa_eval_ctx_get_result.call(&mut self.opa.store, (self.ctx_addr.into(),))?;

        // TODO: this will return an array of results (OpaOutput<_>)
        //      I'm not sure about the reason for this, but for now we are only interested
        //      in the first one.
        let result: Result<Vec<OpaOutput<O>>, _> = self.opa.json_at(result_addr.into());


        result.and_then(|mut out| {
                .map(|r| r.result)
                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("the query produced no results"))

    /// Destroy and free the eval context.
    /// # Errors
    /// WASM and OPA errors are returned.
    pub fn destroy(mut self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
        let _ = ManuallyDrop::new(self);

    fn destroy_mut(&mut self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

impl Drop for EvalContext<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Err(err) = self.destroy_mut() {
            if !std::thread::panicking() {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Addr(u32);

impl From<u32> for Addr {
    fn from(v: u32) -> Self {

impl From<usize> for Addr {
    fn from(v: usize) -> Self {
        Self(v as _)

impl From<Addr> for u32 {
    fn from(v: Addr) -> Self {

impl From<Addr> for usize {
    fn from(v: Addr) -> Self {
        v.0 as _

fn null_terminated_slice(slice: &[u8]) -> Option<&[u8]> {
    slice.iter().position(|b| *b == 0).map(|end| &slice[0..end])

fn null_terminated_str(slice: &[u8]) -> Option<&str> {
        .position(|b| *b == 0)
        .and_then(|end| std::str::from_utf8(&slice[0..end]).ok())

fn default_opa_abort(error: &str) {
    panic!("OPA abort was called: {error}");

fn default_opa_println(value: &str) {

struct OpaOutput<R> {
    result: R,

fn round_up(bytes: usize) -> usize {
    const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 64 * 1024;
    bytes / PAGE_SIZE + usize::from(bytes % PAGE_SIZE != 0)