Struct onnxruntime_sys::OrtApi[][src]

pub struct OrtApi {
Show 170 fields pub CreateStatus: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(code: OrtErrorCode, msg: *const c_char) -> *mut OrtStatus>, pub GetErrorCode: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(status: *const OrtStatus) -> OrtErrorCode>, pub GetErrorMessage: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(status: *const OrtStatus) -> *const c_char>, pub CreateEnv: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateEnvWithCustomLogger: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_function: OrtLoggingFunction, logger_param: *mut c_void, logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub EnableTelemetryEvents: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub DisableTelemetryEvents: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateSession: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_path: *const wchar_t, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateSessionFromArray: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_data: *const c_void, model_data_length: usize, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub Run: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, run_options: *const OrtRunOptions, input_names: *const *const c_char, input: *const *const OrtValue, input_len: usize, output_names1: *const *const c_char, output_names_len: usize, output: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateSessionOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetOptimizedModelFilePath: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, optimized_model_filepath: *const wchar_t) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CloneSessionOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(in_options: *const OrtSessionOptions, out_options: *mut *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetSessionExecutionMode: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, execution_mode: ExecutionMode) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub EnableProfiling: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, profile_file_prefix: *const wchar_t) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub DisableProfiling: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub EnableMemPattern: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub DisableMemPattern: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub EnableCpuMemArena: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub DisableCpuMemArena: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetSessionLogId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, logid: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetSessionLogVerbosityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, session_log_verbosity_level: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetSessionLogSeverityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, session_log_severity_level: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, graph_optimization_level: GraphOptimizationLevel) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetIntraOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, intra_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetInterOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, inter_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateCustomOpDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(domain: *const c_char, out: *mut *mut OrtCustomOpDomain) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CustomOpDomain_Add: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(custom_op_domain: *mut OrtCustomOpDomain, op: *const OrtCustomOp) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AddCustomOpDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, custom_op_domain: *mut OrtCustomOpDomain) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RegisterCustomOpsLibrary: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, library_path: *const c_char, library_handle: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetInputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetOutputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetInputTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetOutputTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetInputName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetOutputName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetOverridableInitializerName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateRunOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtRunOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions, value: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions, value: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsSetRunTag: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *mut OrtRunOptions, run_tag: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *const OrtRunOptions, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *const OrtRunOptions, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsGetRunTag: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtRunOptions, out: *mut *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsSetTerminate: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub RunOptionsUnsetTerminate: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateTensorAsOrtValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, shape: *const i64, shape_len: usize, type_: ONNXTensorElementDataType, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtMemoryInfo, p_data: *mut c_void, p_data_len: usize, shape: *const i64, shape_len: usize, type_: ONNXTensorElementDataType, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub IsTensor: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetTensorMutableData: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, out: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub FillStringTensor: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, s: *const *const c_char, s_len: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetStringTensorDataLength: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, len: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetStringTensorContent: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, s: *mut c_void, s_len: usize, offsets: *mut usize, offsets_len: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut ONNXType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateTensorTypeAndShapeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetTensorElementType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, type_: ONNXTensorElementDataType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetDimensions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, dim_values: *const i64, dim_count: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetTensorElementType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, out: *mut ONNXTensorElementDataType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetDimensionsCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetDimensions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, dim_values: *mut i64, dim_values_length: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetSymbolicDimensions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, dim_params: *mut *const c_char, dim_params_length: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetTensorShapeElementCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetTensorTypeAndShape: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetValueType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut ONNXType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(name1: *const c_char, type_: OrtAllocatorType, id1: c_int, mem_type1: OrtMemType, out: *mut *mut OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateCpuMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(type_: OrtAllocatorType, mem_type1: OrtMemType, out: *mut *mut OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CompareMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info1: *const OrtMemoryInfo, info2: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub MemoryInfoGetName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub MemoryInfoGetId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub MemoryInfoGetMemType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut OrtMemType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub MemoryInfoGetType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut OrtAllocatorType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AllocatorAlloc: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *mut OrtAllocator, size: usize, out: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AllocatorFree: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *mut OrtAllocator, p: *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AllocatorGetInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtAllocator, out: *mut *const OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtAllocator) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AddFreeDimensionOverride: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, dim_denotation: *const c_char, dim_value: i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, index: c_int, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetValueCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(in_: *const *const OrtValue, num_values: usize, value_type: ONNXType, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateOpaqueValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(domain_name: *const c_char, type_name: *const c_char, data_container: *const c_void, data_container_size: usize, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetOpaqueValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(domain_name: *const c_char, type_name: *const c_char, in_: *const OrtValue, data_container: *mut c_void, data_container_size: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelInfoGetAttribute_float: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut f32) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelInfoGetAttribute_string: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut c_char, size: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelContext_GetInputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *const OrtKernelContext, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelContext_GetOutputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *const OrtKernelContext, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelContext_GetInput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *const OrtKernelContext, index: usize, out: *mut *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelContext_GetOutput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *mut OrtKernelContext, index: usize, dim_values: *const i64, dim_count: usize, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseEnv: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtEnv)>, pub ReleaseStatus: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtStatus)>, pub ReleaseMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtMemoryInfo)>, pub ReleaseSession: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtSession)>, pub ReleaseValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtValue)>, pub ReleaseRunOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtRunOptions)>, pub ReleaseTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtTypeInfo)>, pub ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)>, pub ReleaseSessionOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtSessionOptions)>, pub ReleaseCustomOpDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtCustomOpDomain)>, pub GetDenotationFromTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTypeInfo, denotation: *mut *const c_char, len: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(type_info: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut *const OrtMapTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(type_info: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut *const OrtSequenceTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetMapKeyType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(map_type_info: *const OrtMapTypeInfo, out: *mut ONNXTensorElementDataType) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetMapValueType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(map_type_info: *const OrtMapTypeInfo, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetSequenceElementType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sequence_type_info: *const OrtSequenceTypeInfo, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseMapTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtMapTypeInfo)>, pub ReleaseSequenceTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtSequenceTypeInfo)>, pub SessionEndProfiling: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, out: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetModelMetadata: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut *mut OrtModelMetadata) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ModelMetadataGetProducerName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ModelMetadataGetGraphName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ModelMetadataGetDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ModelMetadataGetDescription: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, key: *const c_char, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ModelMetadataGetVersion: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, value: *mut i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseModelMetadata: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtModelMetadata)>, pub CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, t_options: *const OrtThreadingOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub DisablePerSessionThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateThreadingOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtThreadingOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseThreadingOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtThreadingOptions)>, pub ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, keys: *mut *mut *mut c_char, num_keys: *mut i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AddFreeDimensionOverrideByName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, dim_name: *const c_char, dim_value: i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetAvailableProviders: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out_ptr: *mut *mut *mut c_char, provider_length: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseAvailableProviders: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *mut *mut c_char, providers_length: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetStringTensorElementLength: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, index: usize, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetStringTensorElement: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, s_len: usize, index: usize, s: *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub FillStringTensorElement: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, s: *const c_char, index: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AddSessionConfigEntry: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, config_key: *const c_char, config_value: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateAllocator: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, mem_info: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut *mut OrtAllocator) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseAllocator: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtAllocator)>, pub RunWithBinding: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, run_options: *const OrtRunOptions, binding_ptr: *const OrtIoBinding) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateIoBinding: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, out: *mut *mut OrtIoBinding) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseIoBinding: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtIoBinding)>, pub BindInput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding, name: *const c_char, val_ptr: *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub BindOutput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding, name: *const c_char, val_ptr: *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub BindOutputToDevice: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding, name: *const c_char, val_ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetBoundOutputNames: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *const OrtIoBinding, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, buffer: *mut *mut c_char, lengths: *mut *mut usize, count: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetBoundOutputValues: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *const OrtIoBinding, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, output: *mut *mut *mut OrtValue, output_count: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ClearBoundInputs: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding)>, pub ClearBoundOutputs: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding)>, pub TensorAt: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, location_values: *const i64, location_values_count: usize, out: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateAndRegisterAllocator: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *mut OrtEnv, mem_info: *const OrtMemoryInfo, arena_cfg: *const OrtArenaCfg) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetLanguageProjection: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ort_env: *const OrtEnv, projection: OrtLanguageProjection) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionGetProfilingStartTimeNs: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut u64) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetGlobalIntraOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions, intra_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetGlobalInterOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions, inter_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetGlobalSpinControl: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions, allow_spinning: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AddInitializer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, name: *const c_char, val: *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateEnvWithCustomLoggerAndGlobalThreadPools: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_function: OrtLoggingFunction, logger_param: *mut c_void, logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, tp_options: *const OrtThreadingOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, cuda_options: *const OrtCUDAProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ROCM: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, rocm_options: *const OrtROCMProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, provider_options: *const OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetGlobalDenormalAsZero: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateArenaCfg: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(max_mem: usize, arena_extend_strategy: c_int, initial_chunk_size_bytes: c_int, max_dead_bytes_per_chunk: c_int, out: *mut *mut OrtArenaCfg) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleaseArenaCfg: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtArenaCfg)>, pub ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, tensorrt_options: *const OrtTensorRTProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub SetCurrentGpuDeviceId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(device_id: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub GetCurrentGpuDeviceId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(device_id: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_float: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut f32, size: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_int64: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut i64, size: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateArenaCfgV2: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arena_config_keys: *const *const c_char, arena_config_values: *const usize, num_keys: usize, out: *mut *mut OrtArenaCfg) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub AddRunConfigEntry: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions, config_key: *const c_char, config_value: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreatePrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub ReleasePrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer)>, pub CreateSessionWithPrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_path: *const wchar_t, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, prepacked_weights_container: *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>, pub CreateSessionFromArrayWithPrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_data: *const c_void, model_data_length: usize, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, prepacked_weights_container: *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>,


CreateStatus: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(code: OrtErrorCode, msg: *const c_char) -> *mut OrtStatus>

\param msg A null-terminated string. Its content will be copied into the newly created OrtStatus

GetErrorCode: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(status: *const OrtStatus) -> OrtErrorCode>GetErrorMessage: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(status: *const OrtStatus) -> *const c_char>

\param status must not be NULL \return The error message inside the status. Do not free the returned value.

CreateEnv: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateEnvWithCustomLogger: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_function: OrtLoggingFunction, logger_param: *mut c_void, logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>EnableTelemetryEvents: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>DisableTelemetryEvents: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateSession: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_path: *const wchar_t, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateSessionFromArray: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_data: *const c_void, model_data_length: usize, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>Run: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, run_options: *const OrtRunOptions, input_names: *const *const c_char, input: *const *const OrtValue, input_len: usize, output_names1: *const *const c_char, output_names_len: usize, output: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateSessionOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetOptimizedModelFilePath: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, optimized_model_filepath: *const wchar_t) -> OrtStatusPtr>CloneSessionOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(in_options: *const OrtSessionOptions, out_options: *mut *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetSessionExecutionMode: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, execution_mode: ExecutionMode) -> OrtStatusPtr>EnableProfiling: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, profile_file_prefix: *const wchar_t) -> OrtStatusPtr>DisableProfiling: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>EnableMemPattern: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>DisableMemPattern: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>EnableCpuMemArena: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>DisableCpuMemArena: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetSessionLogId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, logid: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetSessionLogVerbosityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, session_log_verbosity_level: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetSessionLogSeverityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, session_log_severity_level: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, graph_optimization_level: GraphOptimizationLevel) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetIntraOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, intra_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetInterOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, inter_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateCustomOpDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(domain: *const c_char, out: *mut *mut OrtCustomOpDomain) -> OrtStatusPtr>CustomOpDomain_Add: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(custom_op_domain: *mut OrtCustomOpDomain, op: *const OrtCustomOp) -> OrtStatusPtr>AddCustomOpDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, custom_op_domain: *mut OrtCustomOpDomain) -> OrtStatusPtr>RegisterCustomOpsLibrary: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, library_path: *const c_char, library_handle: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetInputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetOutputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetInputTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetOutputTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetInputName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetOutputName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetOverridableInitializerName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, index: usize, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateRunOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtRunOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions, value: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions, value: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsSetRunTag: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *mut OrtRunOptions, run_tag: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *const OrtRunOptions, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *const OrtRunOptions, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsGetRunTag: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtRunOptions, out: *mut *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsSetTerminate: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>RunOptionsUnsetTerminate: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateTensorAsOrtValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, shape: *const i64, shape_len: usize, type_: ONNXTensorElementDataType, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtMemoryInfo, p_data: *mut c_void, p_data_len: usize, shape: *const i64, shape_len: usize, type_: ONNXTensorElementDataType, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>IsTensor: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetTensorMutableData: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, out: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>FillStringTensor: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, s: *const *const c_char, s_len: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetStringTensorDataLength: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, len: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetStringTensorContent: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, s: *mut c_void, s_len: usize, offsets: *mut usize, offsets_len: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut ONNXType) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateTensorTypeAndShapeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetTensorElementType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, type_: ONNXTensorElementDataType) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetDimensions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, dim_values: *const i64, dim_count: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetTensorElementType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, out: *mut ONNXTensorElementDataType) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetDimensionsCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetDimensions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, dim_values: *mut i64, dim_values_length: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetSymbolicDimensions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, dim_params: *mut *const c_char, dim_params_length: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetTensorShapeElementCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetTensorTypeAndShape: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetValueType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut ONNXType) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(name1: *const c_char, type_: OrtAllocatorType, id1: c_int, mem_type1: OrtMemType, out: *mut *mut OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateCpuMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(type_: OrtAllocatorType, mem_type1: OrtMemType, out: *mut *mut OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>CompareMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info1: *const OrtMemoryInfo, info2: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>MemoryInfoGetName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>MemoryInfoGetId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>MemoryInfoGetMemType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut OrtMemType) -> OrtStatusPtr>MemoryInfoGetType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut OrtAllocatorType) -> OrtStatusPtr>AllocatorAlloc: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *mut OrtAllocator, size: usize, out: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>AllocatorFree: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *mut OrtAllocator, p: *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>AllocatorGetInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *const OrtAllocator, out: *mut *const OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtAllocator) -> OrtStatusPtr>AddFreeDimensionOverride: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, dim_denotation: *const c_char, dim_value: i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, index: c_int, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetValueCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(in_: *const *const OrtValue, num_values: usize, value_type: ONNXType, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateOpaqueValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(domain_name: *const c_char, type_name: *const c_char, data_container: *const c_void, data_container_size: usize, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetOpaqueValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(domain_name: *const c_char, type_name: *const c_char, in_: *const OrtValue, data_container: *mut c_void, data_container_size: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelInfoGetAttribute_float: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut f32) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelInfoGetAttribute_string: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut c_char, size: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelContext_GetInputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *const OrtKernelContext, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelContext_GetOutputCount: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *const OrtKernelContext, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelContext_GetInput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *const OrtKernelContext, index: usize, out: *mut *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelContext_GetOutput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(context: *mut OrtKernelContext, index: usize, dim_values: *const i64, dim_count: usize, out: *mut *mut OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseEnv: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtEnv)>ReleaseStatus: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtStatus)>ReleaseMemoryInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtMemoryInfo)>ReleaseSession: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtSession)>ReleaseValue: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtValue)>ReleaseRunOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtRunOptions)>ReleaseTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtTypeInfo)>ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)>ReleaseSessionOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtSessionOptions)>ReleaseCustomOpDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtCustomOpDomain)>GetDenotationFromTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arg1: *const OrtTypeInfo, denotation: *mut *const c_char, len: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(type_info: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut *const OrtMapTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(type_info: *const OrtTypeInfo, out: *mut *const OrtSequenceTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetMapKeyType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(map_type_info: *const OrtMapTypeInfo, out: *mut ONNXTensorElementDataType) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetMapValueType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(map_type_info: *const OrtMapTypeInfo, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetSequenceElementType: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sequence_type_info: *const OrtSequenceTypeInfo, type_info: *mut *mut OrtTypeInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseMapTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtMapTypeInfo)>ReleaseSequenceTypeInfo: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtSequenceTypeInfo)>SessionEndProfiling: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, out: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetModelMetadata: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut *mut OrtModelMetadata) -> OrtStatusPtr>ModelMetadataGetProducerName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>ModelMetadataGetGraphName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>ModelMetadataGetDomain: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>ModelMetadataGetDescription: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, key: *const c_char, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>ModelMetadataGetVersion: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, value: *mut i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseModelMetadata: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtModelMetadata)>CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, t_options: *const OrtThreadingOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>DisablePerSessionThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateThreadingOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtThreadingOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseThreadingOptions: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtThreadingOptions)>ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, keys: *mut *mut *mut c_char, num_keys: *mut i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>AddFreeDimensionOverrideByName: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, dim_name: *const c_char, dim_value: i64) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetAvailableProviders: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out_ptr: *mut *mut *mut c_char, provider_length: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseAvailableProviders: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ptr: *mut *mut c_char, providers_length: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetStringTensorElementLength: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, index: usize, out: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetStringTensorElement: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *const OrtValue, s_len: usize, index: usize, s: *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>FillStringTensorElement: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, s: *const c_char, index: usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>AddSessionConfigEntry: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, config_key: *const c_char, config_value: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateAllocator: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, mem_info: *const OrtMemoryInfo, out: *mut *mut OrtAllocator) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseAllocator: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtAllocator)>RunWithBinding: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, run_options: *const OrtRunOptions, binding_ptr: *const OrtIoBinding) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateIoBinding: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *mut OrtSession, out: *mut *mut OrtIoBinding) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseIoBinding: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtIoBinding)>BindInput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding, name: *const c_char, val_ptr: *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>BindOutput: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding, name: *const c_char, val_ptr: *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>BindOutputToDevice: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding, name: *const c_char, val_ptr: *const OrtMemoryInfo) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetBoundOutputNames: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *const OrtIoBinding, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, buffer: *mut *mut c_char, lengths: *mut *mut usize, count: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetBoundOutputValues: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *const OrtIoBinding, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, output: *mut *mut *mut OrtValue, output_count: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>ClearBoundInputs: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding)>

Clears any previously specified bindings for inputs/outputs

ClearBoundOutputs: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(binding_ptr: *mut OrtIoBinding)>TensorAt: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(value: *mut OrtValue, location_values: *const i64, location_values_count: usize, out: *mut *mut c_void) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateAndRegisterAllocator: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *mut OrtEnv, mem_info: *const OrtMemoryInfo, arena_cfg: *const OrtArenaCfg) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetLanguageProjection: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(ort_env: *const OrtEnv, projection: OrtLanguageProjection) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionGetProfilingStartTimeNs: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(sess: *const OrtSession, out: *mut u64) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetGlobalIntraOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions, intra_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetGlobalInterOpNumThreads: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions, inter_op_num_threads: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetGlobalSpinControl: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions, allow_spinning: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>AddInitializer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, name: *const c_char, val: *const OrtValue) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateEnvWithCustomLoggerAndGlobalThreadPools: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(logging_function: OrtLoggingFunction, logger_param: *mut c_void, logging_level: OrtLoggingLevel, logid: *const c_char, tp_options: *const OrtThreadingOptions, out: *mut *mut OrtEnv) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, cuda_options: *const OrtCUDAProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ROCM: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, rocm_options: *const OrtROCMProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, provider_options: *const OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetGlobalDenormalAsZero: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(tp_options: *mut OrtThreadingOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateArenaCfg: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(max_mem: usize, arena_extend_strategy: c_int, initial_chunk_size_bytes: c_int, max_dead_bytes_per_chunk: c_int, out: *mut *mut OrtArenaCfg) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleaseArenaCfg: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtArenaCfg)>ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(model_metadata: *const OrtModelMetadata, allocator: *mut OrtAllocator, value: *mut *mut c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtSessionOptions, tensorrt_options: *const OrtTensorRTProviderOptions) -> OrtStatusPtr>SetCurrentGpuDeviceId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(device_id: c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>GetCurrentGpuDeviceId: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(device_id: *mut c_int) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_float: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut f32, size: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_int64: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(info: *const OrtKernelInfo, name: *const c_char, out: *mut i64, size: *mut usize) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateArenaCfgV2: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(arena_config_keys: *const *const c_char, arena_config_values: *const usize, num_keys: usize, out: *mut *mut OrtArenaCfg) -> OrtStatusPtr>AddRunConfigEntry: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(options: *mut OrtRunOptions, config_key: *const c_char, config_value: *const c_char) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreatePrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(out: *mut *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer) -> OrtStatusPtr>ReleasePrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(input: *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer)>CreateSessionWithPrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_path: *const wchar_t, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, prepacked_weights_container: *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>CreateSessionFromArrayWithPrepackedWeightsContainer: Option<unsafe extern "stdcall" fn(env: *const OrtEnv, model_data: *const c_void, model_data_length: usize, options: *const OrtSessionOptions, prepacked_weights_container: *mut OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer, out: *mut *mut OrtSession) -> OrtStatusPtr>

Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

recently added

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.