onig 6.4.0

Rust-Onig is a set of Rust bindings for the Oniguruma regular expression library. Oniguruma is a modern regex library with support for multiple character encodings and regex syntaxes.
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::mem;

/// Get Version
/// Returns the version information for the underlying Oniguruma
/// API. This is separate from the Rust Onig and onig_sys versions.
pub fn version() -> String {
    let raw_version = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(onig_sys::onig_version()) };

/// Get Copyright
/// Returns copyright information for the underlying Oniguruma
/// API. Rust onig is licensed seperately. For more information see
/// LICENSE.md in the source distribution.
pub fn copyright() -> String {
    let raw_copy = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(onig_sys::onig_copyright()) };

pub type CodePointRange = (onig_sys::OnigCodePoint, onig_sys::OnigCodePoint);

/// Create a User Defined Proeprty
/// Creates a new user defined property from the given OnigCodePoint vlaues.
pub fn define_user_property(name: &str, ranges: &[CodePointRange]) -> i32 {
    let mut raw_ranges = vec![ranges.len() as onig_sys::OnigCodePoint];
    for &(start, end) in ranges {
    let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
    let r = unsafe {
        onig_sys::onig_unicode_define_user_property(name.as_ptr(), raw_ranges.as_mut_ptr())

    // Deliberately leak the memory here as Onig expects to be able to
    // hang on to the pointer we just gave it. I'm not happy about it
    // but this does work and the amounts of memory leaked should be
    // trivial.

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    pub fn utils_get_copyright_is_not_emtpy() {
        let copyright = copyright();
        assert!(copyright.len() > 0);