Expand description

Oneshot spsc channel. The sender’s send method is non-blocking, lock- and wait-free[1]. The receiver supports both lock- and wait-free try_recv as well as indefinite and time limited thread blocking receive operations. The receiver also implements Future and supports asynchronously awaiting the message.

This is a oneshot channel implementation. Meaning each channel instance can only transport a single message. This has a few nice outcomes. One thing is that the implementation can be very efficient, utilizing the knowledge that there will only be one message. But more importantly, it allows the API to be expressed in such a way that certain edge cases that you don’t want to care about when only sending a single message on a channel does not exist. For example. The sender can’t be copied or cloned and the send method takes ownership and consumes the sender. So you are guaranteed, at the type level, that there can only be one message sent.


A very basic example to just show the API:

let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
    sender.send("Hello from worker thread!");

let message = receiver.recv().expect("Worker thread does not want to talk :(");
println!("A message from a different thread: {}", message);

A slightly larger example showing communicating back work of different types during a long computation. The final result here could have been communicated back via the thread’s JoinHandle. But those can’t be waited on with a timeout. This is a quite artificial example, that mostly shows the API.

let (sender1, receiver1) = oneshot::channel();
let (sender2, receiver2) = oneshot::channel();

let thread = thread::spawn(move || {
    let data_processor = expensive_initialization();
    sender1.send(data_processor.summary()).expect("Main thread not waiting");
    sender2.send(data_processor.expensive_computation()).expect("Main thread not waiting");

let summary = receiver1.recv().expect("Worker thread died");
println!("Initialized data. Will crunch these numbers: {}", summary);

let result = loop {
    match receiver2.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)) {
        Ok(result) => break result,
        Err(oneshot::RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => println!("Still working..."),
        Err(oneshot::RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => panic!("Worker thread died"),
println!("Done computing. Results: {:?}", result);
thread.join().expect("Worker thread panicked");

Sync vs async

The main motivation for writing this library was that there were no (known to me) channel implementations allowing you to seamlessly send messages between a normal thread and an async task, or the other way around. If message passing is the way you are communicating, of course that should work smoothly between the sync and async parts of the program!

This library achieves that by having an almost[1] wait-free send operation that can safely be used in both sync threads and async tasks. The receiver has both thread blocking receive methods for synchronous usage, and implements Future for asynchronous usage.

The receiving endpoint of this channel implements Rust’s Future trait and can be waited on in an asynchronous task. This implementation is completely executor/runtime agnostic. It should be possible to use this library with any executor.


[1]: See documentation on Sender::send for situations where it might not be fully wait-free.


An error returned from the indefinitely blocking recv functions on a [Receiver].

An error returned when trying to send on a closed channel. Returned from [Sender::send] if the corresponding [Receiver] has already been dropped.


An error returned when trying a time limited blocking receive on a [Receiver].

An error returned when trying a non blocking receive on a [Receiver].


Creates a new oneshot channel and returns the two endpoints, Sender and Receiver.