oma-debcontrol 0.3.1

Parse Debian control files
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## v0.3.0 (2023-08-18)

### Chore

 - <csr-id-83d92ed68da602d44882b5afde4319c09645b584/> set version as 0.3.0
 - <csr-id-4b8fe82586a99d37284bf1a34a85fc9dbc93e2b9/> add changelog
 - <csr-id-7166b47cc3d6e19b6e2dba123f6aa03ed24ca2ad/> rename crate to oma-debcontrol and set version as 0.1.0

### Other

 - <csr-id-e92376703b20afe1360f3612472f2597029c7475/> update to nom7

### Style

 - <csr-id-8cf98434ee0d0f08c6482a928e180d7cb939ac0a/> run cargo clippy and cargo fmt to lint code

### Commit Statistics


 - 5 commits contributed to the release over the course of 155 calendar days.
 - 1241 days passed between releases.
 - 5 commits were understood as [conventional]
 - 0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages

### Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

 * **Uncategorized**
    - Set version as 0.3.0 ([`83d92ed`]
    - Add changelog ([`4b8fe82`]
    - Run cargo clippy and cargo fmt to lint code ([`8cf9843`]
    - Rename crate to oma-debcontrol and set version as 0.1.0 ([`7166b47`]
    - Update to nom7 ([`e923767`]

## v0.1.1 (2020-03-24)


### Other

 - <csr-id-25c1e037b926bcb57071f25c093d288130ce39e2/> move cached directories so maybe they don't interfere with cargo publish?
 - <csr-id-e2195bce7a58fda3a75161b8cbfd485c68d17c4a/> fix panic on partial UTF-8 further in
 - <csr-id-808b3977b8b8060596dd7d00a6861afb12ccf076/> add into_inner method

### Commit Statistics


 - 6 commits contributed to the release over the course of 6 calendar days.
 - 37 days passed between releases.
 - 3 commits were understood as [conventional]
 - 0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages

### Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

 * **Uncategorized**
    - Ignore extra cached directories so maybe they won't interfere with cargo publish? ([`ff86b70`]
    - Revert "ci: move cached directories so maybe they don't interfere with cargo publish?" ([`107e0af`]
    - Move cached directories so maybe they don't interfere with cargo publish? ([`25c1e03`]
    - Bump version ([`3eadefa`]
    - Fix panic on partial UTF-8 further in ([`e2195bc`]
    - Add into_inner method ([`808b397`]

## v0.1.0 (2020-02-16)


### Style

 - <csr-id-8cf98434ee0d0f08c6482a928e180d7cb939ac0a/> run cargo clippy and cargo fmt to lint code

### Chore

 - <csr-id-7166b47cc3d6e19b6e2dba123f6aa03ed24ca2ad/> rename crate to oma-debcontrol and set version as 0.1.0

### Other

 - <csr-id-f909c78365b5f77ad6a02c0279deb55e689b5677/> add link to repo
 - <csr-id-bf8ddb98d471d2598ab35bbcea3ffd03063f2689/> add note about releases
 - <csr-id-0c04a5acb4e3fd63777c1fd978a513f6785d05e8/> improve UTF-8 handling
 - <csr-id-a3f5e4ac9471db7ec56b64418735ed978b733549/> add gitlab-ci
 - <csr-id-e92376703b20afe1360f3612472f2597029c7475/> update to nom7

### Commit Statistics


 - 37 commits contributed to the release over the course of 8 calendar days.
 - 4 commits were understood as [conventional]
 - 0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages

### Commit Details


<details><summary>view details</summary>

 * **Uncategorized**
    - Add link to repo ([`f909c78`]
    - Add note about releases ([`bf8ddb9`]
    - Add LICENSE ([`6202d25`]
    - Improve UTF-8 handling ([`0c04a5a`]
    - Readme formatting ([`32e407c`]
    - Add readme and more metadata ([`6566f6b`]
    - Add streaming example ([`9cb2899`]
    - Add UTF-8 handling tests ([`e357f14`]
    - Refactor and add docs ([`c7b0f67`]
    - Write out streaming pull-based parser ([`9f40760`]
    - Add some module-level docs ([`7ab7bb5`]
    - Rename parse functions ([`6302ac3`]
    - Switch incomplete result to Ok ([`fe29a9b`]
    - Fix build ([`9d9e27b`]
    - Add API docs ([`56b9eb2`]
    - Add internal docs and tests ([`a82de45`]
    - Solve parser duplication problem with macros ([`8be4375`]
    - WIP Refactor to new API ([`36ba5a6`]
    - WIP Write surface tests for new API ([`6ed080f`]
    - WIP Unhook impl and refactor API ([`f33f008`]
    - Fix no_std ([`c1506ee`]
    - Fix no_std ([`f9d5c6c`]
    - Fix clippy things ([`64300a6`]
    - Add gitlab-ci ([`a3f5e4a`]
    - Additional refactoring ([`98fbbf9`]
    - Add example ([`c7c9133`]
    - Add iterator-based parser ([`9171e8a`]
    - Parse an entire control file as a test ([`407cca7`]
    - Refactor parser and fix error handling ([`932bee5`]
    - Implement entry point ([`0453323`]
    - Implement error selection feature ([`2661ecb`]
    - Minor cleanups ([`7c82561`]
    - Genericize error type ([`fe06559`]
    - Consume all whitespace if there's no paragraph ([`c51845b`]
    - Parse paragraph optionally ([`e116a06`]
    - Ignore Cargo.lock ([`17d65aa`]
    - Initial commit ([`1765294`]