olio 0.4.0

Miscellaneous I/O utilities
## 0.4.0 (2018-8-13)
* New `mem::MemHandle` wrapper for `Mmap` or other `Deref` byte buffer types,
  offering concurrent-aware access advice. This is currently limited to \*nix
  `libc::posix_madvise` with a subset of advice flags, and is no-op on other

## 0.3.0 (2018-5-22)
* Make `ReadPos` and `ReadSlice` generic over `PosRead` trait, and owned or
  reference `File` types (#1):
  * Implement `PosRead` trait generically over all `Borrow<File>`.
  * Move `ReadPos` and `ReadSlice` types to `olio::fs` module and make them
    generic over any `PosRead`. In combination with the above change, for
    example, this supports an owned `ReadPos<File>` or shared reference
    `ReadPos<&File>` or `ReadPos<Arc<File>>`.
  * The existing `olio::fs::rc::ReadPos` and `ReadSlice` become type aliases
    of the `Arc<File>` forms of the above, so no breaking change.

* New benchmarks (cargo bench read_all) for sanity checking
  `ReadPos`/`ReadSlice` reads vs direct/raw `File` reads. As expected, the
  differences here are small (within error margins) in comparison to file I/O
  system call cost even with fast SSD/OS-cache. Also, the generic changes did
  not have a measurable effect.

  dev i7-5600U, rustc 1.27.0-nightly (acd3871ba 2018-05-10):
  ``` text
  test read_all_pos   ... bench:   1,716,227 ns/iter (+/- 127,651)
  test read_all_raw   ... bench:   1,721,675 ns/iter (+/- 85,265)
  test read_all_slice ... bench:   1,712,060 ns/iter (+/- 140,824)

* `GatheringReader` benchmark improvements with latest rust nightly:

  dev i7-5600U, rustc 1.27.0-nightly (acd3871ba 2018-05-10):
  ``` text
  test gather_chained_cursors   ... bench:     540,762 ns/iter (+/- 11,658)
  test gather_reader            ... bench:      34,323 ns/iter (+/- 7,333)
  test gather_upfront           ... bench:      45,337 ns/iter (+/- 1,058)
  test gather_upfront_read_only ... bench:      24,184 ns/iter (+/- 901)

## 0.2.0 (2018-5-8)
* Add _mmap_ as "meta" feature over _memmap_.

## 0.1.0 (2018-5-7)
* Initial release, extracted from body-image crate by the same author,
  with additional changes listed below.

* New `PosRead` trait, `ReadPos` and `ReadSlice` types.

* `GatheringReader` is now generic over `AsRef<[u8]>` (including

* New benchmarks (cargo bench) of reads from `GatheringReader`,
  chained `std::io::Cursor` and "upfront" gather with a single `Cursor`.

  On my dev host; i7-5600U, rustc 1.27.0-nightly (bd40cbbe1 2018-04-14):
  ``` text
  test gather_chained_cursors   ... bench:     558,877 ns/iter (+/- 90,532)
  test gather_reader            ... bench:      63,256 ns/iter (+/- 2,294)
  test gather_upfront           ... bench:      64,078 ns/iter (+/- 14,701)
  test gather_upfront_read_only ... bench:      40,490 ns/iter (+/- 3,578)

  Where `gather_chained_cursors` uses standard `Cursor` `Read::chain`
  over each buffer and demonstrates the need for the custom
  `GatheringReader` in `gather_reader`.  Benchmark `gather_upfront`
  includes timing the gather operation before a single Cursor
  based read, and `gather_upfront_read_only` only times the same
  Cursor based read.  Particular CPU/RAM bandwidth, CPU cache size,
  body size and concurrency may all effect the relative performance of
  the `GatheringReader` vs. upfront gather.