okapi-operation-macro 0.1.3

Macro implementation for okapi-operation


Crates.io docs.rs CI

Library which allow to generate OpenAPI's operation definitions (using types from okapi crate) with procedural macro #[openapi].

Example (with axum-integration feature).

use axum::{extract::Query, Json};
use okapi_operation::{axum_integration::*, *};
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
struct Request {
    /// Echo data
    data: String,

    summary = "Echo using GET request",
    operation_id = "echo_get",
    tags = "echo",
        query(name = "echo-data", required = true, schema = "std::string::String",),
        header(name = "x-request-id", schema = "std::string::String",)
async fn echo_get(query: Query<Request>) -> Json<String> {

    summary = "Echo using POST request",
    operation_id = "echo_post",
    tags = "echo"
async fn echo_post(
    #[request_body(description = "Echo data", required = true)] body: Json<Request>,
) -> Json<String> {

fn main() {
    // Here you can also add security schemes, other operations, modify internal OpenApi object.
    let oas_builder = OpenApiBuilder::new("Demo", "1.0.0");
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/echo/get", get(openapi_handler!(echo_get)))
        .route("/echo/post", post(openapi_handler!(echo_post)))
        .route_openapi_specification("/openapi", oas_builder)
        .expect("no problem");

    let fut = async {


  • macro: enables re-import of #[openapi] macro (enabled by default);
  • axum-integration: enables integration with axum(https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum) crate (implement traits for certain axum types):
    • Compatibility with axum: since integration heavely rely on axum types, this crate will be compatible only with few (maybe even one) last versions of axum;
    • Currently supported axum versions: 0.6.x.


  • support examples on MediaType or Parameter (examples supported on types via JsonSchema macro)
  • support inferring schemas of parameters from function definitions
  • support for renaming or changing paths to okapi/schemars/okapi-operations in macro
  • more examples
  • ...