ogmo3 0.0.3

A Rust crate for parsing projects and levels created with Ogmo Editor 3


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ogmo3 is a Rust crate for parsing projects and levels created with Ogmo Editor 3.

It is modelled loosely off the API for Haxe's ogmo-3-lib (for now, at least), and aims to provide type-safe access to the entirety of Ogmo's JSON schema.

This crate does not provide a runtime or renderer, but should make it easier to create one tailored to your project.


ogmo3 = "0.0.3"


use ogmo3::{Level, Project};

fn main() {
    let project = Project::from_file("./example.ogmo").unwrap();
    let level = Level::from_file("./levels/level.json").unwrap();

For a full example of how to interpret the data in an Ogmo project, see the sample code.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.