odds 0.2.5

Odds and ends — collection miscellania. Odds for example provides debug checked variants of `get_unchecked` and `slice_unchecked`, and extra methods for strings and vectors: `repeat`, `insert_str` and `splice`. Things in odds may move to more appropriate crates if we find them.
name = "odds"
version = "0.2.5"
authors = ["bluss"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"

description = "Odds and ends — collection miscellania. Odds for example provides debug checked variants of `get_unchecked` and `slice_unchecked`, and extra methods for strings and vectors: `repeat`, `insert_str` and `splice`. Things in odds may move to more appropriate crates if we find them."
documentation = "http://bluss.github.io/arrayvec/doc/odds"
repository = "https://github.com/bluss/odds"

keywords = ["data-structure", "unchecked", "string", "debug-assert", "fix-combinator"]


unreachable = { version = "0.0.2" }

itertools = "0.3"

unstable = []