odbc-sys 0.2.4

ODBC ffi bindings
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FFI (Foreign Function Interface) bindings for ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
As ffi bindings to C-APIs are low level by nature this library is intended to be the foundation of
other libraries to build on top, rather than to be used directly.

Design Goals

* Providing declarations of ODBC Symbols compatible to the C-Interface of an ODBC Driver Manager
* Provide correct definition of symbols for Unix and Windows in either 32Bit or 64Bit flavour
* Not to abstract away any power of the underlying API
* Increase type safety where feasable
* As it is as of now unlikely to happen that anyone is writing ODBC 2.0 applications in Rust I
  intentionally left out deprecated symbols like 'SQLAllocEnv'

Current State

I add symbols to this library as I go along implementing uses cases in higher level APIs. If you
miss something please do not hesitate to contribute.


Thanks to the folks of [docs.rs] for building and hosting the [documentation]!


Want to help out? Just create an issue, pull request or contact markus.klein@live.de.

[docs.rs]: https://docs.rs
[documentation]: https://docs.rs/odbc-ffi/