odbc-safe 0.3.2

Write low level, fast ODBC Applications in safe Rust.
use super::*;
use odbc_sys::*;
/// A buffer large enough to hold an SOLState for diagnostics and a terminating zero.
pub type State = [SQLCHAR; SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1];

/// Result of `Diagnostics::diagnostics`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct DiagResult {
    /// A five-character SQLSTATE code (and terminating NULL) for the diagnostic record
    /// `rec_number`. The first two characters indicate the class; the next three indicate the
    /// subclass. For more information, see [SQLSTATE][1]s.
    /// [1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/sqlstates
    pub state: State,
    /// Native error code specific to the data source.
    pub native_error: SQLINTEGER,
    /// The total number of characters (excluding the terminating NULL) available to return in
    /// `message_text`.
    pub text_length: SQLSMALLINT,

// /// Returned by `Diagnostics::diagnostics`
// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
// pub enum DiagReturn {
//     /// The function successfully returned diagnostic information.
//     Success(DiagResult),
//     /// The `message_text` buffer was too small to hold the requested diagnostic message. No
//     /// diagnostic records were generated. To determine that a truncation occurred, the application
//     /// must compare the buffer length to the actual number of bytes available, which is found in
//     /// `DiagResult::text_length`
//     Info(DiagResult),
//     /// `rec_number` was negative or `0`.
//     Error,
//     /// `rec_number` was greater than the number of diagnostic records that existed for the handle
//     /// specified in Handle. The function also returns `NoData` for any positive `rec_number` if
//     /// there are no diagnostic records available.
//     NoData,
// }

/// A type implementing this trait is able to provide diagnostic information regarding the last
/// method call.
pub trait Diagnostics {
    /// Returns the current values of multiple fields of a diagnostic record that contains error,
    /// warning, and status information.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `rec_number` - Indicates the status record from which the application seeks information.
    ///                  Status records are numbered from 1.
    /// * `message_text` - Buffer in which to return the diagnostic message text string. If the
    ///                    number of characters to return is greater than the buffer length, the
    ///                    diagnostic message is truncated to `max(message_text.len() - 1, 0)`. For
    ///                    the format of the string, see [Diagnostic Messages][1]
    /// # Result
    /// * `Success` - The function successfully returned diagnostic information.
    /// * `Info` - The `message_text` buffer was too small to hold the requested diagnostic message.
    ///            No diagnostic records were generated. To determine that a truncation occurred,
    ///            the application must compare the buffer length to the actual number of bytes
    ///            available, which is found in `DiagResult::text_length`
    /// * `Error` - `rec_number` was negative or `0`.
    /// * `NoData` - `rec_number` was greater than the number of diagnostic records that existed
    ///              for the specified Handle. The function also returns `NoData` for any positive
    ///              `rec_number` if there are no diagnostic records available.
    /// [1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/diagnostic-messages
    fn diagnostics(
        rec_number: SQLSMALLINT,
        message_text: &mut [SQLCHAR],
    ) -> ReturnOption<DiagResult>;

impl<H: Handle> Diagnostics for H {
    fn diagnostics(
        rec_number: SQLSMALLINT,
        message_text: &mut [SQLCHAR],
    ) -> ReturnOption<DiagResult> {
        unsafe {
            let mut text_length = 0;
            let mut state = [0; 6];
            let mut native_error = 0;
            let ret = SQLGetDiagRec(
                &mut native_error,
                &mut text_length,
            let result = DiagResult {
                text_length: text_length,
                state: state,
                native_error: native_error,
            match ret {
                SQL_SUCCESS => ReturnOption::Success(result),
                SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO => ReturnOption::Info(result),
                SQL_ERROR => ReturnOption::Error(()),
                SQL_NO_DATA => ReturnOption::NoData(()),
                unexpected => panic!("SQLGetDiagRec returned: {:?}", unexpected),

impl<S, E> Diagnostics for Return<S, E>
    S: Diagnostics,
    E: Diagnostics,
    fn diagnostics(
        rec_number: SQLSMALLINT,
        message_text: &mut [SQLCHAR],
    ) -> ReturnOption<DiagResult> {
        match self {
            &Success(ref s) | &Info(ref s) => s.diagnostics(rec_number, message_text),
            &Error(ref e) => e.diagnostics(rec_number, message_text),