octopower 0.2.0

A client library for the Octopus Energy API.


crates.io page docs.rs page

octopower is a client library for a subset of the Octopus Energy API. This also works for Octopus resellers such as London Power.

This is not an officially supported Google product.


To login and fetch account information:

use octopower::{authenticate, get_account};

let token = authenticate("email@address.example", "password").await?;
let account = get_account(&token, "A-1234ABCD").await?;
println!("Account information: {:?}", account);


For a more complete usage sample, see the included example. To run it you'll need your email address, password and account ID. Your account ID should be something like "A-1234ABCD".

$ cargo run --example readings email@address.domain mypassword A-1234ABCD


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If you want to contribute to the project, see details of how we accept contributions.