octane 0.1.2

A web server built from the ground up.
// use octane::constants::StatusCode;
// use octane::request::HttpVersion;
// use octane::responder::{BoxReader, Response};
// use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;

// async fn data_to_string(mut data: (String, BoxReader)) -> String {
//     let mut ret = data.0;
//     data.1.read_to_string(&mut ret).await.unwrap();
//     ret
// }

// #[tokio::test]
// async fn success_standard() {
//     // default response should provide OK 200 Code
//     let req = data_to_string(Response::new_from_slice(b"").get_data()).await;
//     assert_eq!(req, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
// }

// #[tokio::test]
// async fn response_with_status_code_different() {
//     // Reponse with different status codes should work
//     let mut req = Response::new_from_slice(b"");
//     req.status(StatusCode::Created);

//     assert_eq!(
//         data_to_string(req.get_data()).await,
//         "HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED\r\n\r\n"
//     );
// }

// #[tokio::test]
// async fn response_with_different_http_version() {
//     // Reponse with different status codes should work
//     let mut req = Response::new_from_slice(b"");

//     req.http_version(HttpVersion::Http10)
//         .status(StatusCode::Created);
//     assert_eq!(
//         data_to_string(req.get_data()).await,
//         "HTTP/1.0 201 CREATED\r\n\r\n"
//     );
// }