ocl 0.7.0

OpenCL interfaces for Rust.
Version 0.7.0 (2016-02-27)

Breaking Changes
* `Kernel::enqueue` is now called `Kernel::enqueue_with` and has an additional
  parameter to set an alternative command queue. A new method with the old
  name is now a convenience shortcut for `.enqueue_with(None, None, None)`.
* `ProQue::create_kernel` has been renamed `ProQue::create_kernel_with_dims`.
  A new method with the old name, is now a shortcut for kernel creation using
  pre-assigned dimensions` (this naming is likely temporary).
* The kernel created using `ProQue::create_kernel` is no longer wrapped in a
  result and instead panics if there is a problem. If you require a 
  non-panicing way to create a kernel use `Kernel::new`.
* `Context::new` has been redesigned. It is now recommended to use
  `Context::builder` or its equivalent, `ContextBuilder::new' to create a
* `Queue::new` now takes a `Device` as its second argument. Use the new 
  `Context::get_device_by_index` to achieve the same result.
* All 'standard' types refer to `Device` and `Platform` instead of
  `core::DeviceId` and `core::PlatformId` in method signatures.
* `Buffer::read_async` and `::write_async` have been renamed `::enqueue_read`
  and `::enqueue_write` and have an additional parameter to set blocking.
* `Buffer::fill_vec_async` and `::flush_vec_async` have been renamed 
  `::enqueue_fill_vec` and `::enqueue_flush_vec` and have an additional
  parameter to set blocking.

New Features
* Images! I can see! ... oh shut up.
* [`Image`] and [`ImageBuilder`] have been added. Please see their
  documentation along with [`examples/image.rs`].

[`ImageBuilder`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.ImageBuilder.html
[`examples/image.rs`]: https://github.com/cogciprocate/ocl/blob/master/examples/image.rs

Version 0.6.0 (2016-02-20)

Breaking Changes
* Some methods and functions now return results where before they would unwind.
* The `::release` method has been removed from those types which still had it.
  All types now automatically release their resources properly.
* `Buffer::fill_vec` and `Buffer::flush_vec` no longer return results and 
  instead panic in the event of an error.
* All of the `Buffer` creation methods (such as `::new` and `::with_vec`) now
  take a reference to a `BufferDims` type for the `dims` argument instead 
  moving it.
* The `raw` module has been renamed to `core` for clarity.
* Functions in the `core` module now take references to `*Raw` types instead of
  copying them.
* `*Raw` types no longer implement `Copy`.
* Many of the method names dealing with references to `core` objects have been

New Features
* `core` has a considerable number of newly implemented (and unimplemented 
  placeholder) functions.
* Many 'info' functions and types have been added. See the example, `info.rs`,
  for details on how to use them.
* All types are now completely safe to clone (where appropriate) and share
  between threads (with the exception of `Kernel`, for good reason) and are
  reference counted automatically in coordination with the API to ensure safe
  and leak-free destruction.

[0.6doc]: http://doc.cogciprocate.com/ocl/
[`raw`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/raw/index.html

Version 0.5.0 (2016-02-15)

Lots of changes, breaking and otherwise:

A new type, [`Image`] has been added for processing images. It is still very
much a work in progress.

The new [`raw`] api allows access to OpenCL™ FFI functions with only a
thin layer of abstraction providing safety and convenience. Using functions in
this module is only recommended for use when functionality has not yet been
implemented on the 'standard' ocl interfaces.

Breaking Changes
* [`Buffer`] has had several methods dealing with reading and writing renamed
  and two new ones created. 
   * `::flush_vec` and `::fill_vec` have been renamed to `::flush_vec_async` 
     and `::fill_vec_async`. 
   * `::flush_vec_wait` and `::fill_vec_wait` have been renamed to 
     `::flush_vec` and `::fill_vec`. 
   * `::read` and `::write` have been renamed `::read_async` and 
   * Blocking versions of read and write have been created called, you guessed
     it, `::read` and `::write`.
  The more straightforward, blocking versions of these methods now have the 
  simplest names wheras the more complicated, non-blocking versions have the 
  `_async` suffix.
* [`Buffer`] non-blocking read methods (*_async) are now unsafe pending review.
* [`Buffer`] reading and writing methods now return a `Result<()>`.
* The `Buffer::with_vec_shuffled` and `Buffer::with_vec_scrambled` methods 
  now accept a 2-tuple as the first argument instead of two separate values for 
  the first two arguments.
* `ProQue::build` has been renamed `ProQue::build_program`.
* `BuildOptions` has been renamed to [`ProgramBuilder`] and has been 
   * A new [`ProgramBuilder`] can be created with `ProgramBuilder::new` or 
   * The `::build` method has been added, consuming the builder and returning
     a new [`Program`].
   * Methods dealing with kernel source code have been renamed for clarity.
   * Extraneous methods have been removed.
* The following methods on [`Kernel`] have been renamed reflecting `Envoy`
  having been recently renamed to [`Buffer`] in v0.4.0:
  * `::arg_env` to `::arg_buf`
  * `::arg_env_named` to `::arg_buf_named`
  * `::set_arg_env_named` to `::set_arg_buf_named`
* Several non-essential methods on [`Kernel`] have been depricated.
* `Kernel::new` and its equivalent, `ProQue::create_kernel`, now return a
  `Result<Kernel>` instead of just [`Kernel`].
* `Kernel::set_arg_buf_named` and `Kernel::set_arg_buf_named` now require an
  `Option` wrapper.
* [`SimpleDims`] has had its variants renamed.
* `WorkSize` has been renamed to [`WorkDims`] and has had its variants renamed.
* `Context::new` now takes a [`DeviceType`] instead of a u32.

New Types
* [`ProQueBuilder`] is now the most boilerplate-free way to create an OpenCL
  context, program, and queue. Create one by calling [`ProQue::builder`].
  See [`basics.rs` for an example][0.5ba] and [documentation][0.5doc] for more info.
* [`Image`] is still a newborn.

[0.5doc]: http://doc.cogciprocate.com/ocl/
[0.5ba]: https://github.com/cogciprocate/ocl/blob/master/examples/basics.rs
[`Buffer`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.Buffer.html
[`Image`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.Image.html
[`raw`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/raw/index.html
[`ProQueBuilder`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.ProQueBuilder.html
[`ProQue`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.ProQue.html
['ProQue::builder']: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.ProQue.html#method.builder
[`ProgramBuilder`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.ProgramBuilder.html
[`Program`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.Program.html
[`Kernel`]: http://docs.cogciprocate.com/ocl/struct.Kernel.html
[`SimpleDims`]: http://doc.cogciprocate.com/ocl/enum.SimpleDims.html
[`WorkDims`]: http://doc.cogciprocate.com/ocl/enum.WorkDims.html
[`DeviceType`]: http://doc.cogciprocate.com/ocl/raw/struct.DeviceType.html

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