Module ocl::async

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Types related to futures and asynchrony.


  • Represents mapped memory and allows frames of data to be ‘flushed’ (written) from host-accessible mapped memory region into its associated device-visible buffer in a repeated fashion.
  • Represents mapped memory and allows frames of data to be ‘flooded’ (read) from a device-visible Buffer into its associated host-accessible mapped memory region in a repeated fashion.
  • A future that resolves to a read or write guard after ensuring that the data being guarded is appropriately locked during the execution of an OpenCL command.
  • A future which resolves to a MemMap as soon as its creating command completes.
  • A view of memory mapped by clEnqueueMap{...}.
  • A lock with conserved global order which interoperates with OpenCL events and Rust futures to provide exclusive access to data.
  • Allows access to the data contained within a lock just like a mutex guard.
  • A locking Vec which interoperates with OpenCL events and Rust futures to provide exclusive access to data.
  • Allows access to the data contained within just like a mutex guard.


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