Trait ocl_core::OclNum [] [src]

pub unsafe trait OclNum: Debug + Display + Clone + Copy + Default + PartialOrd + Zero<Output=Self> + One<Output=Self> + Add<Self, Output=Self> + Sub<Self, Output=Self> + Mul<Self, Output=Self> + Div<Self, Output=Self> + Rem<Self, Output=Self> + PartialEq<Self> + AddAssign<Self> + SubAssign<Self> + MulAssign<Self> + DivAssign<Self> + RemAssign<Self> + Sum<Self> + Product<Self> + 'static { }

A set of traits common to numeric built-in OpenCL scalar and vector primitives.

To describe the contents of buffers, etc., prefer using the more general OclPrm trait unless numeric operations are required.
